- alumen ustum

And then the magnetic separation test of removing the alumen ustum from the wastewater was also conducted .
Varying coagulation condition could change particle size and zeta potential of flocs , thus influencing cake resistance .
The test of magnetic particle coagulation was conducted to study the effects of pH value , magnetic particle and polyacrylamide on the formation of alumen ustum by Ni ( OH ) 2 deposit and magnetic particles ;
When Zeta potential of flocs was the same as that of membrane surface , the cake resistance was decreased , when they were different , cake resistance was increased .
The Research of a Collection and Processing System of Alum Image
Research on the Quality of Processed Alum Process and application of alum image
Automatic Recognition of Alum Image based on Texture Feature
The Research of Alum Control System in Precipitator Based on Digital Image Processing
Segmentation of alum image based on Part-dynamic threshold
Contributing Factor and Countermeasures of Alum Particle up Float during Coagulation and Precipitation Process
A adaptive robust median filtering is designed according to the shortage of image filter .
Applying Coherence Measurement to Alum Blossom Segmentation
Process and application of alum image
Collection tank design should adopt the lower catchment load , thus reducing the set of the phenomenon of floating tank alum ;
After processing , the settling is close , the vitriol flower is big , settling rate quick , is propitious to sludge dewatering processing ;
It transforms gray levels according to alum blossom image ′ s feature of low contrast , and then binarizes the image based on its histogram .
In the zoophyte branch , class Alcyonaria , one finds the order Gorgonaria , which contains three groups : sea fans , isidian polyps , and coral polyps .
A useful image segmentation method is presented combing region growing to deal with binary image . It helps to calculate the number of aluminous precipitate and the distributing density .
For the purpose of alum image segmentation in waterworks , a self-adaptive threshold segmentation algorithm based on histogram is presented after analysis of the shortage of current threshold segmentation algorithm .
Sedimentation : after the addition of coagulant and the mixture reaction , colloid impurities in water coagulate into larger alum grains , which are further removed from the sedimentation tank .
In the hydraulic design of the reciprocating baffled flocculation tank , attention should be paid to increase the quantity of small vortexes and control the reasonable effective collision of the coagulum .
The coagulation beaker test demonstrated that Chironomid larvae in the raw water could be deposited with floccules followed by coagulation and sedimentation process , and had no influences on sedimentation water .
Based on digital image processing , a scheme of Alum Control System in precipitator of waterworks , which include designing thinking , frame , measure and researching algorithms , is researched and exploited in the paper .
This paper describes the collection and processing system of alum based on the digital camera for the adding control of deposition pools in a water plant , and gives a set of designing thinking , designing scheme and designing measure .
It is the best way to combine iron electrodes and aeration for influent of raw water with reusing floccules , which could reduce 60 % of handling cost in comparsion with aluminium electrodes , and remove 60 % of the hardness .