
  1. 智能化变电所一次回路CAD系统软件开发

    Development of intelligent CAD system software for primary circuit in transformer substations

  2. 结合目前我国电力系统的发展情况,对国内500kV变电所二次系统的设计现状进行了分析,并对国内常用的2种监控方式进行了经济技术比较;

    It is analyzed the status of design on secondary electric power system of 500 kV substation in home and compared two monitoring methods in cost-effectiveness .

  3. 开关操作暂态电压对变电所二次电缆的电磁干扰

    Electromagnetic Interference in Secondary Cable of Substation Generated by Switching Transient

  4. 加合变电所三次谐波放大问题的讨论

    Discussion of the Three Times Harmonic Wave Amplification Problem in Jiahe Substation

  5. 变电所一次主接线电气连通性分析的数学模型

    Mathematical model for analysing electrical connectedness of main electrical scheme in Substation

  6. 快速查找变电所二次回路直流接地的方法

    A Method to Quickly Locate DC System Grounding of Secondary Circuit in Substations

  7. 变电所二次回路设计中的注意事项

    Attentions on design of secondary circuits in substations

  8. 电力牵引变电所二次电缆共模干扰的数值算法

    A numerical algorithm about the second cable common mode disturbance of electric traction substation

  9. 对牵引变电所二次侧接线方式的改进

    Improvement of Secondary Wiring Mode for Traction Substation

  10. 电流互感器二次侧开路的危害及对策对牵引变电所二次侧接线方式的改进

    Hazards of Open Secondary Circuit of Current Transformer and Corresponding Countermeasures Improvement of Secondary Wiring Mode for Traction Substation

  11. 正是基于这一需求,在网络图论的基础上,运用布尔矩阵理论提出了变电所一次主接线电气连通性分析的数学模型。

    Based on the network graph theory , applying Boolean matrix theory , this paper introduces the mathematical model of electrical connectedness analyzing the main electrical scheme in substation .

  12. 集中式保护简化了牵引变电所二次接线、实现了全所数据的实时共享、避免了硬件重复配置、减少了安装保护装置及设备所需的空间。

    Centralized protection has simplified Traction substation Secondary wiring , realized real time data sharing , avoided repeated configuration of hardware and reduced the space needed for the installation of protection devices and equipments .

  13. 牵引变电所二次设备主要采用分层分布式结构,面向间隔,功能独立,每套装置完成独立的数据测量、保护、控制功能,可靠性较高。

    The secondary equipment of traction substation mainly applies the hierarchical distributed architecture , which is interval oriented and has independent function . Each unit is able to accomplish the data-measurement , protection and control function reliably and independently .

  14. 风电场110kV变电所电气一次标准图设计

    Design of primary circuit typical diagram for 110 kV substation of wind farm

  15. 仿真研究证实了所提出的次通道辨识方法和自适应反馈控制方法的有效性。

    Simulation results verify the effectivity of modeling and control method .

  16. 牵引变电所内一次系统与二次系统的电磁兼容

    Electromagnetic interference on primary and secondary system of traction substation

  17. 我们已经去过这所学校很多次。

    We have been to the school twenty times .

  18. 并构建了提炼主导因素信息所需要的次一级指标集。

    Based on it , the subordinate index collection of leading factors were listed .

  19. 我之前来美国的时候也曾经来到这所监狱几次。

    I had been there several times before , on earlier visits to the USA.

  20. 我天天去那所大学两次。

    I go to the university twice daily .

  21. 中国为了确保自己有能力对所受一次打击进行还击,已在投入资金。

    China has been spending money to ensure that it could answer a first strike .

  22. 所用20次培频器几乎无附加相噪。

    The 20 times multiplier in the reference source has almost no additional phase noise .

  23. 永磁体浸没于磁流体中可自悬浮,而其所受二次磁浮力解析建模非常复杂。

    Its difficult to use analytic method in solving secondary magnetic buoyancy force that exerted on immersed magnet .

  24. 在人出生后的一生中所发生无数次感染,每一次病原体径入机体。

    After the human is born in the life to have the innumerable infections , each pathogen diameter enters organism .

  25. 本文主要对90年代联邦枪支管制法律及其效用进行分析,同时也对90年代枪支管制法律面临的困境及这些困境背后所蕴含深层次的原因加以论述。

    This article focuses on 1990s gun control laws and its effectiveness , and also discusses the trouble behind these laws .

  26. 国家健康学会,密歇根大学经济发展有限公司,密歇根大学技术研究所为本次研究提供了研究资金。

    Funding was provided by the National Institutes of Health , the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and Michigan 's Technology Tri-Corridor .

  27. 同时共同作用所引起的次应力效应、荷载分担转移等效应在工程设计中应予以合理地反映。

    Furthermore , the effect of second stress and the transferring of loading sharing of superstructure cannot be overlooked in engineering design .

  28. 令发电机稳态运行所对应齐次方程的行列式为零,并使发电机的端电压为恒值,计算不同运行状况下机端电容值。

    By equating the determinant of the steady-state homogeneous equation to zero , the terminal capacitances for maintaining constant voltage are computed .

  29. 接收线间距与震源线间距之比的余数决定了接收线方向和震源方向所期望的次反射面元。

    The remainder after the ratio of receiving-line spacing to source-line spacing determines the expected sub-bins in directions of receiving line or source line .

  30. 依照次协调逻辑真矛盾的观点所构建的次协调逻辑系统,夷非所思地试图要容纳我们所认知的悖论、辩证矛盾、甚至逻辑矛盾。

    According to the view of true contradiction , system of paraconsistent logic tries to portray dialectic , tolerate paradox and even logic contradiction .