
  • 网络contradictoriness;conflict;paradox;ambivalence;inconsistency
  1. 有考试焦虑者家庭环境量表的亲密度、情感表达因子分显著低于无考试焦虑者,而其矛盾性、成功性因子分显著高于无考试焦虑者(P0.05)。

    The cohesion or expressiveness factor score of FES among students with test anxiety was lower than that of students without test anxiety , while the conflict or achievement orientation factor score in the two groups was on the contrary ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 矛盾性因子与心理健康中的情绪、性格缺陷、退缩行为因子呈显著正相关。

    The factor of conflict has significant positive relation with the factors of morale , disposition flaw and shrinking back behavior .

  3. Web上的信息是海量的,并充满了矛盾性;

    A huge mount of information on the web is with contradictions ;

  4. 三个古国早已发现:自涉加否定(P)偶发的矛盾性;

    Early in the three ancient countries , it had been discovered that self-reference plus negation may generate contradiction ( P ) .

  5. 由于IP核的多样性及其可优化参数的矛盾性,使得SOC的设计空间极其复杂。

    Due to the varieties of IP and the conflict of IP parameter , the SOC design space is very complex .

  6. 结论自我意识程度低以及家庭环境中高的矛盾性,可能是儿童发生ODD的危险因素。

    Conclusions The lower self-concept and high conflict of family environment were probable the risk factors in children with ODD .

  7. 多因素条件Logistic回归分析表明,中小学生攻击行为的主要危险因素为父母对孩子的教育态度不一致、高矛盾性、低亲密度。

    Stepwise logistic regression showed that the inconsistency of education attitude of parent to child , high conflict and low cohesion are the risk factors in elementary and middle school students with aggressive behavior .

  8. 将纳米ATO应用于涂料中制备出纳米复合涂料,可以解决透明与隔热这一矛盾性问题,具有极高的应用价值。

    So if nano-ATO can be use in coatings to prepare " transparent heat insulated nanocomposite coating ", the contradictory problem of transparence and heat insulation would be solved .

  9. 播散性血管内凝血(DIC)是一种严重的获得性出凝血障碍,主要是因为病理性激活凝血级联反应导致凝血因子大量消耗而出现矛盾性的出血倾向。

    Disseminated intravascular coagulation ( DIC ) is a complex process in which a pathologic activation of the coagulation cascade results in excessive consumption of coagulation factors and paradoxical hemorrhagic diathesis .

  10. 结论:模拟Valsalva动作时卵圆孔未闭动物模型可出现短暂性心房水平的右向左分流导致矛盾性栓塞。

    Conclusion : The likelihood of paradoxical embolism in animal model with artificial PFO in combination with the Valsalva maneuver is higher than without the Valsalva maneuver , which is related to the transient abnormal interatrial right-left-shunt .

  11. SCL-90总分及各项因子分与FES的亲密度、情感表达、知识性、娱乐性、道德宗教观、组织性显著负相关,与FES的矛盾性呈显著正相关。

    The total score and the scores of every factors of SCL-90 are significantly and negatively related to the score of intimacy , emotion expression , knowledge , amusement , moral-religion and organization of FES ; and are significantly and positively related to the score of contradiction of FES .

  12. 试析冷战后美国对外战略的矛盾性

    An Analysis of Contradiction in American Foreign Strategy After Cold War

  13. 但体系不够严密,故显出矛盾性。

    But the theory is not strict and there is contradiction .

  14. 中国法学本科教育的矛盾性展开与破解

    The Extension and Explanation of Contradictions of Law Education in China

  15. 监狱也是一个物质体系,是一个场性的构造,从时代性、空间性、动态性、矛盾性的结构上,具有场性性状。

    Prison is also a substantial system and forms a field structure .

  16. 陪审制度与司法现代化既存在矛盾性,也存在相容性。

    Jury system and judicial modernization are contradictory and consistent .

  17. 这种独创性和矛盾性,构成了张载哲学思想的主要特征。

    Original creation and contradiction are the main characteristics of his philosophy .

  18. 确诊矛盾性栓塞是发现嵌顿于动静脉交通处的栓子,其余皆为临床诊断。

    Otherwise , paradoxical embolism was considered a clinical diagnosis .

  19. 试论路遥小说世界的内在矛盾性

    On the Characteristic of the Inner Contradictions of the Novels of Luyao

  20. 赵孟頫画学思想中的矛盾性内涵

    Ambivalence in Zhao Meng Fu 's Philosophy of Painting Art

  21. 该论文将从四个方面分析小说隐藏的矛盾性。

    This thesis will analyze paradox hidden in the novella from four aspects .

  22. 学术与革命使他们的文学功用观充满矛盾性,逡巡于审美与功利之间。

    Academic action and revolution made their literature function be full of contradictions .

  23. 商业景观环境设计中的特殊性与矛盾性研究

    Study of Peculiarity and Contradiction in Commercial Landscape Design

  24. 论语法范畴的相对性、模糊性、矛盾性及其原因

    On the Relativity , Obscurity , Contradiction of Grammar Category and Their Causes

  25. 个人全面发展与人类全面发展及其辩证矛盾性

    Individual and Mankind 's Developments in an All-round Way and Their Dialectical Contradiction

  26. 再论差异、对立和系统中的矛盾性

    A Review on Difference , Contradiction and Systems Dialectics

  27. 中国历史上法制矛盾性初探

    A Probe into the Legal Contradictions in Chinese History

  28. 论唯美主义的矛盾性&王尔德童话作品研究

    The Contradictions of Aestheticism : A Study on Oscar Wilde 's Fairy Tales

  29. 针对可能造成这些矛盾性结果的原因进行分析,并提出个人观点。

    In the end , is my own opinion about these contradictory results .

  30. 本文主要针对日本企业文化的矛盾性特征进行研究。

    This article mainly aims at the Japanese enterprise culture dissected for research .