
mù lín zhènɡ cè
  • good-neighbor policy
睦邻政策 [mù lín zhèng cè]
  • [good-neighborliness policy] 与另一国友好、合作,不干涉其内政的政策

  1. 不仅如此,它已经显示了积极的睦邻政策。

    More than this , it has shown active good-neighbourliness .

  2. 美国睦邻政策中的观念性权力

    Ideational Power in Good Neighbor Policy of America

  3. 美国的地位从执行睦邻政策时期以来,也已经一落千丈了。

    The position of the United States had declined a good deal since good neighbor days .

  4. 简言之,这就是睦邻政策在经济领域的运用。

    This , in brief , was the Good Neighbor policy at work in the economic field .

  5. 更重要的是,他使大多数拉美人相信,睦邻政策并无附带条件。

    More important , they convinced most Latin Americans that there were no strings attached to the Good Neighbor policy .

  6. 这是中国周边睦邻政策的新发展,也展现了中国开放和包容的胸襟。

    It is a new advancement of China 's policy toward its neighbors and shows that China is more open and accommodative .

  7. 睦邻政策提出后,美国与拉美国家从敌人变成朋友,从联合意识向致力于西半球安全与发展的美洲观念的转变,这两个转变离不开观念的三种权力。

    Since this Policy was raised , America and the Latin Countries became friends rather than enemy , and at same time the union consciousness turned into continental consciousness of hemispherical security and development .

  8. 英国的帝国特惠制、美国的高关税以及睦邻政策使得这一阶段英美在加拿大的经济竞争呈现拉锯态势,但美强英弱的形势依然存在。

    The imperial preferential system , the high tariffs and the policy of good relations of neighbourhood make the economic competition of Canada between UK and US present see-saw situation , but that US is better than UK still existed .

  9. 相应地,软权力策略构成了美国对拉美外交政策的必要部分,如金元外交、睦邻政策和争取进步同盟等美国对拉美的政策和措施都体现了软权力策略的因素。

    Correspondingly , soft power strategy constituted an indispensable part of the US foreign policy toward Latin America . Such policies and initiatives as Dollar Diplomacy , Good Neighbor Policy , and Alliance for Progress are examples of the application of soft power strategy in the history .

  10. 中国的周边安全环境与睦邻外交政策

    China 's Security of Surrounding Environment and Good-neighborly Foreign Policy

  11. 浅析21世纪以来我国的睦邻外交政策与实践

    Analysis of China 's Good-neighborly Foreign Policy and Practice of the 21st Century

  12. 新世纪初中国的睦邻外交政策述评

    A Review of China 's Good Neighborhood Policy at the Beginning of the New Century

  13. 睦邻友好政策是我国外交工作中一项基本国策。

    Good-neighborliness and Friendliness Policy is a basic policy of the country in our foreign affairs .

  14. 多年来,蒙中两国始终奉行睦邻友好政策。

    Over the years , Mongolia and China will always pursue the good neighborly and friendly policy .

  15. 睦邻友好政策:和谐社会外部环境的逻辑构建

    The Good-Neighbor and Friendship Policy : a Logical Construction of the Outside Surroundings for a Harmonious Society

  16. 中国的睦邻外交政策

    Friendly Neighboring Diplomacy of China

  17. 但是,与仍致力于暴力活动的区域势力发展友好关系,有可能使土耳其超出明智的睦邻友好政策的范畴。

    But cuddling up to regional actors still committed to violence risks taking Turkey beyond a sensible good-neighbours policy .

  18. 中国周边外交虽一贯坚持睦邻友好政策,但在不同时期,其具体指导理念依然存在差异。

    China has been adhered to good-neighborhood policy in its neighboring diplomacy , however , its specific directing concept has been different during different periods .

  19. 随着中国改革开放、睦邻友好政策的进一步实施,这种跨国婚姻必定越来越多。

    With the further implement of the reformed-open policy and the policy of Good Relations of Neighborhoods in China , the cross-border marriages would became popular .

  20. 中国奉行睦邻友好政策,也希望有关直接当事国遵守承诺,通过双边协商谈判妥善解领土问题。

    China is committed to developing friendly relations with its neighbors and hopes that the countries directly concerned will honor their commitments and properly resolve territorial issues through bilateral consultations and negotiations .

  21. 郑和奉旨率领船队七下西洋,正是推行明王朝和平睦邻外交政策的具体体现。

    Under the emperor 's order , Zheng He sailed his fleets to the Western Seas seven times , as a physical demonstration of this new visionary international policy of the Ming kingdom .

  22. 完善睦邻友好政策的逻辑机理是与周边国家建立新型的合作安全机制、有效的矛盾疏导机制、完善的协商对话机制、合理的利益协调机制。

    The logical texture of perfecting the good-neighbor and friendship policy is to set up a new mechanism for cooperative security , an effective mechanism for assuaging contradictions , an ideal mechanism for consultation and dialogues and a rational mechanism for coordinating interests .

  23. 中国坚持实行睦邻友好政策,永做亚洲国家的好邻居、好伙伴,与大家一起努力,共同促进亚洲和世界的繁荣发展与和谐进步。

    China is committed to the policy of building good-neighborliness and friendship and will be a good friend and good partner of Asian countries forever . We will join your tireless efforts to promote the prosperity , development , harmony and progress in Asia and the world .

  24. 搞好与东盟的关系,是实现中国睦邻友好外交政策的重要一环。

    To keep a good relationship with the ASEAN is a key link in the good-neighborliness policy of China .

  25. 在国际政策方面,我将使美国采取睦邻友好的政策。

    In the field of world policy I would dedicate this nation to the policy of the good neighbor .

  26. 中国将继续加强同发展中国家,特别是周边国家的积极关系,坚持睦邻友好的政策

    China will continue to foster positive relationships with the developing countries and especially surrounding countries persisting in a good-neighbourly and friendly policy

  27. 在国际政策方面,我将使美国采取睦邻友好的政策.做一个决心自重,

    In the field of world policy I would dedicate this Nation to the policy of the good neighbor - the neighbor who resolutely respects himself

  28. 主要探讨中国周边区域的复杂形式、中国的睦邻友好外交政策以及处理周边矛盾和问题的新思路。

    This paper mainly presents the complicated situations around Chinese bordering regions , Chinese friendly neighboring diplomacy , and methods in dealing with the bordering disputes .

  29. 中国将继续加强同发展中国家,特别是周边国家的经济关系,坚持睦邻友好的政策。

    China will continue to inforce its positive ecnomic relationship with the developing countries , and especially surrounding countries , persisting a goodneighborly and friendly policy .

  30. 在国际政策方面,我将使美国采取睦邻友好的政策。做一个决心自重,因此而尊重邻国的国家。

    In the field of world policy , I would dedicate this Nation to the policy of the good neighbor : the neighbor who resolutely respects himself and , because he does so , respects the rights of others ;