
  1. 凯恩斯货币理论将货币供给定义为外生变量,却不能解释货币供给与市场之间的正相关关系。

    Keynes considered the supply of the currency as outer fact , but it can 't explain the connection currency and the currency market .

  2. 中国外汇储备资本化的多元化投资,体现了马克思和凯恩斯货币资本化理论在中国外汇储备运营中的发展应用。

    The diversified investment of Chinese foreign reserves reflects the developed application of the theories of money capitalization proposed by Marx and Keynes in the operation of Chinese foreign reserves .

  3. 在传统西方经济学理论中,凯恩斯的货币经济理论、弗里德曼的新货币数量说和哈罗德-多马模型等理论分别从不同角度论述了金融在经济增长中的作用;

    The traditional economy theories , such as the monetary theory of Keynes , Friedman and Harrod-Domar Growth Model , discussed the role of finance in economy growth from different aspects .

  4. 凯恩斯的货币与就业理论及解决中国失业问题的思路

    Keynesian theory of money and employment and the solution to China 's unemployment problem