
  • 网络system of supervision
  1. 督导制是高校整个教学管理上一个不可或缺的环节。

    The system of supervision is one of the indispensable links in teaching management of higher education .

  2. 督导制在手术室质量控制中的应用

    Application of supervising system in quality control of operating room

  3. 实施教学督导制,是高校保证和提高教学质量的一项重要举措。

    Putting the teaching supervise into effect is one of the important measures of the universities to assure and improve the teaching quality .

  4. 督导制:研究生培养质量监控的有效举措起草技术规范,为实施计量监督提供技术保证,并承办有关计量监督工作。

    Steering System : Effective Quality Control Measures of Post-graduate Cultivation drafting regulations concerning technical specifications to provide technical guarantee for exercising measurement supervision and handling other matters concerning measurement supervision .

  5. 结果实施护理督导制,护理部加大了对护理人力调控、护理质量监控的管理力度,增强了对各临床病区的直接调控职能。

    Results Carrying out the nursing supervisor system , the nursing department has enlarged the power of adjusting nursing manpower and inspecting nursing quanlity , strengthened the direct management function to the clinical disease area .

  6. 结论实施护理督导制,护理部对临床一线直接行使权、责、效的控制,对护理质量的提高起着重要作用。

    Conclusion The nursing administrative mode makes that the nursing department control with combine action of power , duty and effect . The clinical nursing work directly . It play important role in rising of the nursing quanlity .

  7. 剑桥大学在获诺贝尔奖方面取得的巨大成功在于它保持了优良的传统,如重视数学,教学与科研中注重解决问题,重视培养学生的创造力及保留督导制。

    The great success that Cambridge University has achieved lies in the fact that it maintains fine tradition , paying attention to solving problems in the teaching and scientific research and cultivating students ' creativity and preserving supervising system .

  8. 实施教学督导制既是高等院校深化教学改革,促进教学管理,提高教学质量的创新举措,也是保障高等教育健康有序发展的充分条件。

    In colleges and universities the conduction of educational supervision is not only an innovative approach to deepening the teaching reform , promoting the teaching management and improving the teaching quality but also a necessary condition of ensuring the healthy development of high education .