
zhuó yì
  • Intentional;take pains;act with care and effort;with diligent care
着意 [zhuó yì]
  • [act with care and effort;with diligent care] 着力,刻意,精心,仔细

  • 着意刻画人物肖像

着意[zhuó yì]
  1. 对此他并不着意。

    He paid no attention to this .

  2. 基于Web的学习支持系统也一种教学系统,强调以学习者的学习为中心,着意于为学习者营造一个激发主动学习的学习环境。

    Web based learning supporting system is also an instruction system , which focus on the learner and aim at creating more active learning environment .

  3. 教师没有着意培养学生发现问题和提出问题的能力。

    Teachers do not cultivate students'ability of finding and raising problems .

  4. 同时也是本文着意要解决的重要问题。

    At the same time is devoted to solve the important issues .

  5. 我非常着意不要让大家期望过高。

    I am anxious not to build up false hopes .

  6. 除了蕾丝,印花、纹理和丰富的配饰也是设计师着意开拓的元素。

    Prints , texture and rich embellishment were other avenues of exploration .

  7. 无撼,着意感悟人生。

    Never repented , is willing to feel the lives .

  8. 麻烦缠身的星巴克幡然醒悟,着意提高咖啡品质

    The troubled company wakes up and smells the coffee

  9. 本文着意于研究中国高校英语专业诗歌阅读教学。

    This dissertation studies English poetry reading for English majors in Chinese universities .

  10. 羊意象是鲁迅着意营造的一个动物意象。

    Sheep image is an animal image that Lu Xun concentrated on the depiction .

  11. 此外,他着意淡化印度IT员工薪资上涨所带来的影响。

    He also downplayed the impact of soaring salaries for India 's IT employees .

  12. 语言运用上主张文备众体,并着意于语言的省净、简洁与平淡。

    The language is brief and plain .

  13. 他在两者之间逡巡,颇有流离之感,于是付诸笔端,词句嶙峋,着意素淡。

    his feeling of displacement between the two places described in lean , simple phrases .

  14. 而应该着意掂量,仔细斟酌。

    But to weigh and consider .

  15. 歌曲还着意勾勒新加坡的“生机蓬勃”和“阳光明媚”。

    It also celebrates Singapore 's ' lively ways ' and ' warm sunny days . '

  16. 它赞成自由市场,但并非不加批判。它着意减轻社会不平等现象。

    It favours free markets , but not uncritically , and is concerned to mitigate inequality .

  17. 他说:在我们搜罗、吸引和留住人才的能力中,这是我们需要着意去做的一部分。

    It 's a deliberate part of our search , attraction and retention capabilities , he says .

  18. 中国和俄罗斯都着意缓和西方所寻求的一些强制性制裁。

    Both China and Russia pushed to dilute some of the mandatory sanctions sought by the West .

  19. 真实性评价实质为:人的评价,着意于伸发人的独特性与创造力,着意于人的本真性的发扬。

    The essence of authentic assessment is human 's assessment that focuses on individuality , creativity and authenticity .

  20. 本文着意于针对人力资产研究的企业理论的梳理和再探索。

    This paper clears up and re-explores the firm theory about human capital research based on right distribution .

  21. 我坐在一家咖啡店里等待,一边抿着意式浓缩咖啡,一边用一台笔记本电脑打字。

    I sat in a caf é , sipping espresso and typing on a laptop as I waited .

  22. 作者着意写出这种个人与社会的矛盾,表现出宿命论的色彩。

    YAN Zhen aimed to point out this contradiction between person and society , in which express his fatalism .

  23. 由于耦合效应使多结构组合体系的控制分析和计算变得很复杂,故本文着意讨论了水平两结构组合体系的一般解耦条件;

    Because of the coupling effect , the control analysis and computation of multi structure composite systems is quite difficult .

  24. 最后,她还着意对丈夫的身体素质贬低了一番,说我很奇怪杰姬居然跟我在一起这么长时间。

    Finally , she disparaged his physical attributes , adding that'I am surprised Jackie stayed with me for so long .

  25. 只是到了近代,历史学家才着意记述了城市所带来的新的生活方式。

    Only recently have historians devoted themselves to discribing the new modes of life to which the city gave rise .

  26. 他的作品,着意从平凡的生活中发掘朴实的美,从普通人的身上洞见时代精神。

    His works aims at excavating simple beauty in daily life and seeing the spirit of the times from ordinary people .

  27. 这与古典小说家善用曲笔,着意编排曲折离奇的情节不无关系。

    It has a good relation with the novelist who were good at those writing skills and the extraordinary plot arrangement .

  28. 同类乃至同质的产品经过广告的着意渲染而使之形成主观认知的差异,从而使产品在信息传播上产生了差异化的效果。

    Advertisements cause consumers ' cognition differences even for similar or homogeneous products which lead to differentiation effect in information convey .

  29. 她对饮食过分着意,所以我想她不会接受邀请去参加你的晚宴的。

    She 's fussy about her food , so I don 't think she 'll accept the invitation to your dinner .

  30. 本文在这一结论基础上,着意探讨佛家话语对传统诗学话语的影响。

    This article bases on it and the main purpose is to discuss how Buddhism utterance influences Chinese traditional poetics utterance .