
hào jié
  • havoc;catastrophe;holocaust;great calamity
浩劫 [hào jié]
  • [great calamity;catastrophe] 巨大灾难

  • 战争的浩劫

浩劫[hào jié]
  1. 根据最近大量的研究,一场浩劫(catastrophe)-温度上升多到几乎难以想象-已不再只是理论上的可能。

    And according to a number of recent studies , catastrophe a rise in temperature so large as to be almost unthinkable can no longer be considered a mere possibility .

  2. 她老是在预言要发生种种灾难浩劫。

    She was for ever predicting disaster and catastrophe .

  3. 在科幻电影《太阳浩劫》(Sunshine)里,飞船上的宇航员因为盯着太阳看了太久而精神失常。

    In the sci-fi film Sunshine , a spaceship 's crew goes insane after staring at the sun for too long .

  4. 确实,年逾古稀的人可能经历过二战的浩劫,而其他人应该见证过从三哩岛(ThreeMileIsland)核灾难到前苏联解体等一系列黑天鹅事件。

    To be sure , somebody over the age of 70 might have seen the devastation of the second world war , while others would have witnessed black swans ranging from the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster to the collapse of the USSR .

  5. 外汇策略师史蒂文英格兰德(stevenenglander)谈到了“黑天鹅疲劳”(blackswanfatigue)的迹象人们对于极端不可能的事件可能发生、并给市场造成浩劫的观点感到厌倦。

    Steven Englander , a currency strategist , noted signs of " black swan fatigue " weariness with the idea that an extremely unlikely event could take place and cause havoc in the markets .

  6. 随着美国多项税收优惠政策将于2012年底到期,“财税浩劫”(taxmageddon)正在迅速迫近,身为美国财政部长的蒂莫西•盖特纳却镇定自若。

    In the face of the United States rapidly approaching so-called " taxmageddon , " Timothy Geithner is calm .

  7. 从一方面来说,迈克尔•摩尔(MichaelMoore)的新片《资本主义:一个爱情故事》用一种愤激的眼光来看待这场经济危机给美国公民(无论是有工作的还是失业的)带来的大浩劫。

    On the one hand , there 's Michael Moore 's new movie , Capitalism : A Love Story , which takes an outraged look at the havoc that the financial crisis has caused on your basic , working ( or now non-working ) American citizen .

  8. 只有伟人才想到浩劫。

    None thinks the great unhappy , but the great .

  9. 这个城镇设法逃过了战争的浩劫。

    The town managed to escape the rigours of war .

  10. 欧洲的反犹太主义最终发展成一场史无前例的浩劫。

    And anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented holocaust .

  11. 他预言将有一场世界性的浩劫。

    He predicted that there would be a world holocaust .

  12. 你有能力防止一场浩劫。

    You have it in your power to prevent a great evil .

  13. 在困境中寻找平安面对东亚海啸浩劫。

    Finding peace in trouble times crisis takes many forms .

  14. 风暴之眼-移动到元素浩劫以前的位置。

    Eye of the Storm-Moved over to Elemental Devastation 's former location .

  15. 战争浩劫之后,英国需要重建。

    After the havoc of the war , England had to be rebuilt .

  16. 新的政策、织和程序将在这场浩劫中应运而生。

    New policies , organizations and procedures will spring up amid the devastation .

  17. 由于地处偏远,马丘·比丘逃过了浩劫。

    Aided by the remoteness of its location , Machu Picchu escaped destruction .

  18. 难怪《浩劫重生》这部影片又一次使他获得了最佳男主角提名奖。

    It is no wonder that Cast Away earned him nominations once again .

  19. 但是,这样的浩劫是如何发生的?

    But how could such a deluge have occurred ?

  20. 我们一致认为战争实质上是对文明的一场浩劫。

    We agreed that the war was in reality a calamity for civilization .

  21. 在瓦雷利亚末日浩劫后虎党的统治长达一世纪。

    The tigers held sway for almost a century after the Doom of Valyria .

  22. 目击史上为掩饰秘密造成的最大浩劫。

    Witness the greatest cover-up in human history .

  23. 中国数省数百万人遭到洪水浩劫。

    Millions hit by flood havoc in China .

  24. 我意愿宽恕那些以任何方式参与折磨浩劫的祖先们。

    I intend to forgive those ancestors who participated in torture in any manner .

  25. 因此,国债价格剧烈下跌将为日本银行业的资产带来一场浩劫。

    A sharp fall in bond prices could wreak havoc with banks ' capital .

  26. 关于防止核浩劫的宣言

    Declaration on the Prevention of Nuclear Catastrophe

  27. 如果再不下雨对这些人而言将会是一场浩劫。

    It would be a calamity for these people if the rains failed yet again .

  28. 27岁的巴拉克·艾尔克浩劫余生

    Now 27 , Black Elk survived .

  29. 遮天蔽日,这是农业的末日浩劫

    They block out the sun.Agricultural Armageddon .

  30. 在2007-08年,失控的成本上升以及劳动力和设备短缺使大宗商品行业遭遇了一场浩劫。

    Runaway cost inflation and labour and equipment shortages ravaged the commodities industry in 2007-08 .