
  • 网络Direct payment
  1. 而直接支付政策的绝大部分成本由纳税人承担,消费者剩余明显增加。

    While the policy of direct payment whose costs are mostly shouldered by taxpayer , increases the consumer surplus .

  2. 分析结果表明,欧盟实行的直接支付政策,会更加促进高技术、高利润地区的农业生产因子质量的提高。

    The conclusions show that the direct payment policy carried out by EU will improve the quality of agriculture in high technology , high profit areas .

  3. 苹果的宣布中没有提到ApplePay,ApplePay是苹果公司的新服务,能让客户通过iPhone与商家进行直接支付。

    Apple 's announcement did not make mention of Apple Pay , the company 's new initiative to use the iPhone as a way to transfer funds directly between customers and merchants .

  4. 为了避免利益冲突,可以把这些资金直接支付给一个机构性机构(institutionalpool),在为了伦理委员会的核心成本分配恰当资源时,可以并行地设立这个机构。

    In order to avoid conflicts of interests , these funds could be made directly available to an institutional pool that is set aside for the appropriate resource allocation of core ERC costs .

  5. 运用OECD的政策矩阵评估模型计算了市场价格支持和直接支付两种支持政策对我国农业的政策效应。

    By using policy matrix evaluation models developed by the OECD , this paper evaluates the effects of different China agricultural support policies .

  6. 分析师表示,中国移动的客户将能够通过其账户直接支付“移动商城”下载的费用,而iphone的用户必须用信用卡支付。

    They will be able to pay for mobile market downloads directly from their accounts , whereas iPhone users will have to pay with credit cards , analysts say .

  7. 除非当事各方以书面形式另有约定,DFTT公司须直接支付客户的任何款项。

    Unless the Parties otherwise agree , in writing , any amount payable by DFTT to Client , shall be paid directly to Client .

  8. 它们不得涉及对生产者或加工者的直接支付。

    They shall not involve direct payments to producers or processors .

  9. 也可通过银行或邮局直接支付。

    You also can pay direct to my bank account .

  10. 但这只包括了许可使用费直接支付的明星。

    But it only includes stars paid directly by the licence fee .

  11. 其它直接支付比例较低的国家包括北欧各国和卢森堡。

    Other countries with low direct payments include the Scandinavian countries and Luxembourg .

  12. 问:扶轮基金会能直接支付奖助金给一位受益人?

    Q : Can TRF make a grant payment directly to a beneficiary ?

  13. 赎回费与佣金不同,这费用是直接支付给基金公司。

    Redemption fees differ from loads in that they are paid directly to the fund .

  14. 业主直接支付安装费和每月租线费用。

    The installation cost and monthly leased line rental will be borne by company directly .

  15. 公款应当限于具有直接支付功能的公共财产。

    " Public funds " refers to the public property which can be payed directly .

  16. 至于人们直接支付的卫生保健资金数额,世界各地存在巨大差异。

    There are huge variations around the world as to how much people pay directly for healthcare .

  17. 它现在还没有考虑发布其他广告,也不会直接支付给它的用户。

    It has no plans to post other advertising , though , nor to charge its users directly .

  18. 对生产者的直接支付

    Direct payments to producers

  19. 工资总额的计算应以直接支付给职工的全部劳动报酬为根据。

    The computation of gross wages should be based on the total labor rewards paid directly to employees .

  20. 12.以除价格外的生产要素为基础的不可免除的直接支付应使用预算支出进行衡量。

    12 . Non-exempt direct payments which are based on factors other than price shall be measured using budgetary outlays .

  21. 指各单位在一定时期内直接支付给本单位全部职工的劳动报酬总额。

    Refers to the total remuneration payment to staff and workers in various units during a certain period of time .

  22. 国库集中支付分为财政直接支付和财政授权支付两种方式。

    Financial treasury centralized payment has two ways , that are direct payments and financial authority to pay in two ways .

  23. 除兴办养老机构外,广州想方设法探索“社区养老”和“居家养老”,老人在家可以得到护理,由政府向护工直接支付工资。

    In Guangzhou , the local government encourages community and family care as alternatives to nursing homes and foots the bill .

  24. 某一经济主体在获取或使用某项资源时,无需向任何一方直接支付获取成本就可以无偿使用的一种资源即为免费资源。

    If an economic subject can get some resources without paying the cost , the resources can be called free resources .

  25. 支票、局汇款单和汇票(括国际汇票)可以直接支付到你的账户上。

    Cheques , postal orders and money orders ( including International Money Orders ) can be paid direct to your account also .

  26. 财政要积极承担改革成本,可用发长债的收入直接支付改革过程中的转轨代价。

    Meanwhile , the finance should positively bear the costs of reform and pay the costs of the changes during the transition economy by issuing long-term bonds .

  27. 未支付的已累计房租押金可直接支付给房客,或予以抵销房租。

    A tenant is to be given the unpaid accrued interest on security deposit in the form of either a direct payment or a credit against rent .

  28. 这意味着,由制片公司或英国广播公司的商业部门直接支付薪水的这批名人,可能会被排除在外。

    This means a string of major celebrities , who are paid directly by production companies or the BBC 's commercial arm , can be left out .

  29. 犯罪成本包括:实施犯罪行为直接支付的金钱、实物、精神成本等;机会成本;惩罚性成本等。

    The costs of crime include money , substance and mental costs paid directly to the implementation of crime , opportunity cost , penalty cost and so on .

  30. 沈阳市人力资源和社会保障局表示,人力资源市场工资指导价位,是以国家统计局颁布的工资总额口径为标准,指企业直接支付给各岗位职工的劳动报酬总额。

    The bureau said the guideline shows total payment that companies pay workers at all positions according to the payment standard issued by the National Bureau of Statistics .