- 网络supervisory board chairman

The broadening of the criminal inquiry in Germany into the Volkswagen diesel emissions scandal to include Hans Dieter P ö tsch , chairman of its supervisory board , shows how badly VW lost its way .
Mr P ö tsch 's earlier behaviour is not really the difficulty .
Other duties which shall be fulfilled by the chairman of the board of supervisors .
He has apparently insisted on keeping a role at Veolia after he steps down as chief executive , such as chairman of the supervisory board .
The board of supervisors shall have one chairman , who shall be elected by half or more of all the supervisors .
At VW , Ferdinand Pi ë ch was ejected as chairman of the supervisory board by other members , including union representatives and politicians , after he tried to destabilise Martin Winterkorn , the chief executive .
By over half majority , the board of supervisors can recall the chairman and reelect a new one .