
  • 网络control;control management;SCM;sup-control
  1. 广州地铁2号线首期工程计划和进度控制管理

    Project Plan and Schedule Control in Guangzhou Metro Line 2

  2. 露天矿污染气象监测与控制管理系统

    Development of a pollution meteorology observation control system for open pit mines

  3. 我们正在想法控制管理成本。

    We 're trying to ratchet down the administrative costs

  4. Linux网关流量控制管理应用

    Management and Application of Traffic Control on Linux Gateway

  5. 在以上定义的基础上,我们实现了一个分布式的迁移控制管理系统,提供了支持两种不同类型迁移条件的Web服务自动迁移机制。

    Based on the above two definition , we implements a distributed migration management system with two kinds of migration condition supported .

  6. NET框架的三层应用解决方案和本文提出的基于反馈的线程池自适应控制管理,以及Ajax技术,WEBService技术;

    NET Three-Layered Services Application solution , the self-adjusted controlled thread-pool , Ajax and Web Service , which are applied in the system .

  7. 实现了对工程中的进度,质量,成本三大指标的控制管理,并将GIS与GPS相结合,实现了对远程施工机械可视化的调度管理。

    The system manages plan , quality , cost in construction . Combining GIS with GPS , which displays long-range machines in figure for manager .

  8. ERP包括了四大核心模块:财务管理模块、生产控制管理模块、物流管理模块和人力资源管理模块。

    ERP includes four core modules : financial management module , production control management module , logistics management module and human resource management module .

  9. 而后,本文详细设计了结合802.1x、EAP及RADIUS等协议的认证与控制管理流程及其数据封装。

    Second , we design the authentication and control management procedure by combining 802.1 x , EAP , RADIUS protocols , and encapsulated the data .

  10. 对DWDM设备的主要功能模块WDM模块网络控制管理系统的设计与实现进行了深入研究,并分析了其性能。

    WDM module is the main functional module in DWDM equipment . Studied the implementation of network control and management system of , and its performance is also analyzed .

  11. 作为通用传输协议,控制管理数据发送和数据证实也是SCTP实现中一个重要的部分。本文分析了数据传送规则和选择证实应考虑的相关问题。

    As a general transport protocol , controlling and managing data transfer and data acknowledgment is a critically important part of the implementation of SCTP .

  12. 整个应用包括JNI调用模块、HDFS源代码插件模块、Infiniband网络通信模块,Block控制管理模块以及磁盘存储管理模块。

    The entire application includes JNI call module , HDFS source code plug-in modules , the Infiniband network communications module , Block control management modules and disk storage management module .

  13. 西汉公路某特长隧道施工与监理质量控制管理

    Xi-Han highway one long tunnel construction and supervision quality control management

  14. 采用堆栈技术、菜单嵌套控制管理系统的程序设计方法

    Programming Method of Controlling Management System with Stack and Menu Nest

  15. 用质量控制管理图对沥青混合料质量进行动态管理

    Dynamic Management of Asphalt Mixture Quality with Quality Control Chart

  16. 分步重复投影光刻机整机控制管理软件

    Computer Software used in Control and Management of Wafer Stepper

  17. 环境监测在煤尘控制管理中的应用

    Application of Environment Monitoring in Management of Coal Dust Controlling

  18. 企业货币资金控制管理之我见

    My Opinion on Control and Management of Enterprise Money Fund

  19. 关于对银行卡风险控制管理的思考

    Thinking about management of controlling the risks of credit cards

  20. 工程项目成本动态控制管理系统

    Management System Of Dynamic Control of Cost For Construction Projects

  21. 老厂扩建项目的进度控制管理

    Schedule Control Management of Expansion Project for Old Power Plant

  22. 加强质量控制管理提升科室竞争能力

    Strengthen the Control of Quality and Improve the Competing Capacity of One Department

  23. 建筑检测实验室文件控制管理方法

    The Files Control Method of Construction Quality Testing Laboratory

  24. 焦炉车辆连锁控制管理系统应用

    Application of coke oven vehicles interconnection control management system

  25. 服装大规模定制动态控制管理软件的开发与应用

    Development and Application of CMC ( Clothing Mass Customization ) Manufacturing Management Software

  26. 加油站网络化控制管理系统的实现

    Realization of a Control and Management System Based on Network for Gas Station

  27. 埋地管道外腐蚀的控制管理与评价系统研制

    Development of Control Management and Evaluation System for External Corrosion of Buried Pipelines

  28. 便于实现全船操作控制管理中心的建立。

    It facilitates the establishment of the management center for controlling the whole ship .

  29. 智能仪表在民航油库自动化控制管理系统中的应用

    Application of Intelligent Instrument in Automatic Control and Manage System of Airport Oil Depot

  30. 分布式汽车检测控制管理系统

    Distributed Automobile Inspection Control and Administration System