
huáng quán
  • imperial power;imperial power or authority
皇权 [huáng quán]
  • [imperial power] 皇帝的权力

皇权[huáng quán]
  1. 古代中国的皇权是一种把历史传统、军事权力以及思想、宗教、文化与精神上的权威叠加在一起的、复合式的普遍皇权(UniversalKingship)。

    Imperial powers in ancient China are compounded universal kingship that the historical tradition , military powers , thoughts , religions and cultural and spiritual authorities superposed together .

  2. 这个宝座是封建皇权的象征。

    This throne symbolized the supreme power of the feudal society .

  3. 礼治模式下中国传统法律的秩序观&以唐律中侵害皇权罪为中心

    The Order Concept of Chinese Traditional Law under Rule of Rites

  4. 《唐律》中的侵害皇权罪及相关问题

    " Tang Law " Violation Imperial Authority Crime and Related Question

  5. 宦官是中国皇权体系的独有产物。

    The eunuch is a unique product of the Chinese imperial system .

  6. 中国皇权社会赋税制度的法理逻辑及其制度结果&从王税官课成为赋税制度基本形态谈起

    The Legal Theoretical Logic and Results of Taxation in Chinese Monarchical Society

  7. 《大日本帝国宪法》赋予了裕仁皇权的绝对性。

    The Constitution of Great Japanese Empire has bestowed Hirohito absolute power .

  8. 而且,龙还是皇权的象征。

    In addition , the dragon is a symbol of imperial power .

  9. 鹰爪持象征皇权的金色权杖和金球。

    The state eagle holds a golden scepter and a golden orb .

  10. 晚明三案与明廷皇权之争

    Three Cases in the Late Ming Dynasty and the Fight for Imperial Authority

  11. 这是皇权社会下的悲剧。

    This was a tragedy in the monarchical society .

  12. 在拜占廷皇权加强的同时,拜占廷人也建立了一套较为行之有效的官僚系统。

    As the imperial power enhanced , a new bureaucracy system was established .

  13. 其中,第二章为皇权体制下的内阁制。

    Among them , chapter two analyses the cabinet system under the imperial system .

  14. 一旦皇权出现异化,他们便成为最大的受益者。

    When the alienation of imperial power occurs , they become the biggest beneficiary .

  15. 论专制皇权制度下的明代阁辅严嵩

    On Yan Song , minister of the Ming Dynasty under the autocratic monarch system

  16. 只是在一个半世纪的混乱之后,皇权又得以恢复。

    Only after a century and a half of confusion is the royal authority restored .

  17. 汉魏皇权嬗代与士人心态汉末士人择主心态试析

    An Analysis of the Psychology of scholars in Choosing Masters in the Late Han Dynasty

  18. 他们期望限制皇权,突显士大夫的政治地位以行道。

    They hoped to limit imperial power and heighten political position of literati and officialdom .

  19. 都城或是历史兴衰的见证,或是帝国与皇权的象征。

    Cities were the witness to historical change or the symbol of empire and kingship .

  20. 但是,武力的威胁并没有真正有效地保护皇权。

    But this threat of violence has never really given effective protection to monarchical power .

  21. 白旗(投降的标志).王杖,皇权的标志;

    White flag ( symbol of surrender )

  22. 首先对明代皇权的特点进行了概念性的界定。

    First , we will the define the characteristics of the Ming Dynasty ' imperial power .

  23. 陛下您那上天赋予的皇权。

    Your highness was divinely assigned .

  24. 所以他与皇权的关系,是一种半依附的状态,这是另一类儒生的代表。

    Therefore , he was ina semi-state of dependence . He represented another type of confucian scholars .

  25. 孙皓时期皇权的强化及其与儒学朝臣冲突的加剧&孙吴后期政治史研究之二

    The strength of imperial power and it 's conflicts with Confucianism courtier in Sun Hao 's period

  26. 其统御之术,归纳起来大体有神化术、封赏术、慢侮术、杀戮术四个方面。这些统御术为他夺取皇权和巩固皇权起了很重要的作用。

    The deification , conferment and reward , slow-insult and slaughter were four aspects of his ruling techniques .

  27. 皇权在这个国家只是象征着其历史价值,并没有任何法律意义。

    Royal power in this country was only a symbol of historical value and had no legislative significance .

  28. 其三,以皇权&官僚政治中,官员的理性行政原则为视角。

    Third , Taking the imperial authority & bureaucrat political rational administrative principle as the angles of view .

  29. 教皇权兴衰与欧洲世俗权力的发展相关联。

    The rise and decline of the Papacy was interrelated with the development of secular rights in Europe .

  30. 中国传统美学在圆明园中体现出了与皇权的统一和程式化的发展;

    Chinese tradition esthetics manifested and the imperial authority unification and the formula development in Old Summer Palace ;