
  • Taxi Driver;Cab Driver
  1. 你可以去干的士司机或其他工作。

    You can work as a taxi driver or something .

  2. 你看我们请一个的士司机拉我们去远足怎么样?

    Do you think we can hire a taxi driver for the day to take us up to the trail ?

  3. 作为一个70高龄的实习生和海瑟薇在一张床上的他,不是TravisBickle(《的士司机》),也不是《拜见岳父大人》里那堵油盐不进的人肉墙壁。

    On that bed with Hathaway , as her 70-year-old intern , he 's not Travis Bickle or the human wall of intolerance from those Focker movies .

  4. 的士司机:60美元,我们就成交。

    Taxi driver : $ 60 and we have a deal * .

  5. 计程车司机;出租马车的车夫他们付给的士司机大约5000美元。

    cabbie They paid the cabby about 5 grand for the trip .

  6. 的士司机拒绝对事故承担任何的责任。

    The taxi driver refused to accept any responsibility for the accident .

  7. 的士司机:先生,你想去哪里?

    Taxi driver : Where would you like to go , sir ?

  8. 本文对的士司机撞击抢劫犯司法适用的相关问题加以论述。

    This article argues about application of judicature to taxi-drivers'bumping into bandits .

  9. 的士司机:不远。大概十分钟车程。

    Taxi driver : It'snot far . It 's about a ten-minunt driver .

  10. 的士司机们学习日常英语去改善他们对外宾的服务.

    Taxi drivers parrot daily English to improve their service for foreign guests .

  11. 简:的士司机把山姆送到四季旅馆了吗?

    Jane : Did the Taxi guy drive Sam to the Four Seasons ?

  12. 他父亲当的士司机。

    His father works as a taxi driver .

  13. 也许不久之后,的士司机和餐厅会开始接受人民币。

    It may not be long before taxi drivers and restaurants start accepting it .

  14. 他要求每名的士司机他的名字。

    He asked every taxi-driver his name .

  15. 有个的士司机说我的队员来了这里开派队。

    The cab driver told me he dropped the team off here for a party .

  16. 的士司机:我们到了。

    Taxi driver : Here we are .

  17. 的士司机马骝强及肥明终日以谈论城中是非为乐。

    Taxi Drivers Monkey Keung and Fatty Ming delight in discussing gossips of the city .

  18. 在餐馆给服务员小费、给的士司机小费被认为是习俗。

    It is the custom to give tips to waiters in restaurants and taxi drivers .

  19. 政府应容许的士司机当八号风球一悬挂,就可以收取双倍车费。

    The Government should allow drivers to double meter fares once the No8 signal has been hoisted .

  20. 的士司机奖励金计划

    Incentive Schemes for Taxi Drivers

  21. 参加该项计划的的士司机,均须符合基本要求,包括良好的态度、驾驶技术及语文能力。

    Drivers of the scheme should meet social skills requirement e.g.Good manner , driving skill and language proficiency .

  22. 的士司机得凶狠粗暴才能在纽约干这一行。

    Taxicab drivers have to be rough and tumble fellows to be able to take it in New York .

  23. 的士司机曹某担心选择搭乘的士的市民将减少,尤其是短途。

    Taxi driver Cao Yongzhen said he was afraid fewer passengers would choose taxis , especially for short trips .

  24. 路上几乎看不见一辆车。的士司机说,这是因为现在汽油短缺。

    There were almost no cars on the road , a consequence of petrol shortages , the taxi driver said .

  25. 在推动的士司机培训方面,优质的士服务督导委员会亦为运输署提供了不少意见。

    To promote training for taxi drivers , the steering committee has made a number of recommendations to transport department .

  26. 与此同时,某个的士司机在路途中作了几分钟的短暂停留,要了一杯咖啡。

    Now a taxi driver had dropped off a fare earlier , and had stopped to get a cup of coffee .

  27. 也许是因为墨西哥的货运承运人及的士司机和其他职业人员都需要通过驾照考试。

    That might be because Mexican hauliers , along with taxi-drivers and other professionals , have to sit a driving test .

  28. 当心的士司机的计时器假设你现在在布拉格,如果的士司机把计时器表盘调到标准水平1以外去的话,那你就要小心了。

    Czech your change If youre in Prague and your taxi driver ups the meter setting beyond the standard rate of level 1 , watch out .

  29. 当心的士司机的计时器假设你现在在布拉格,如果的士司机把计时器表盘调到标准“水平1”以外去的话,那你就要小心了。

    If you 're in Prague and your taxi driver ups the meter setting beyond the standard rate of ' level 1 , " watch out .

  30. 就读日本东北大学社会学系的工藤优花采访了百位的士司机,七人承认曾载到过鬼魂。

    As many as seven of the 100 drivers interviewed by Yuka Kudo , a student of sociology at Tohoku , admitted to having encountered phantom fares .