
  • 网络white fat;white adipose
  1. 厚厚的白色脂肪储存能量,医生和减肥的人都为之烦恼。

    White fat is the energy-caching padding that vexes doctors and dieters .

  2. 美国研究者说,社会刺激在于把白色脂肪转变为棕色脂肪,以此达到减肥的目的。

    US researchers say that social stimulation aids weight loss by converting white fat into brown .

  3. 高脂饲料可增加DIOR大鼠白色脂肪激素敏感脂肪酶mRNA水平。

    High fat diets increased the level of the HSL mRNA in DIO-R rats .

  4. 取其白色脂肪(肠系膜)、棕色脂肪和骨骼肌组织,以RT-PCR法检测胰岛素敏感组织基因表达变化。

    RT-PCR was used to detect the genes related to energy consumption , glucose-lipid metabolism in white adipose , brown adipose and muscle tissue .

  5. 参芪复方对GK大鼠白色脂肪组织脂联素基因表达的影响

    Effects of Shenqi Compound Recipe on the expression of adiponectin in white adipose tissue in GK rats

  6. 肥胖大鼠白色脂肪组织中PPARγ、UCP2基因与血清1α,25-(OH)2-D3的相关性研究

    Study on the relationships between PPAR_ γ, UCP 2 genes in white adipose tissue and serum 1_ α, 25 - ( OH ) _2-D_3 in high-fat-induced obesity rats

  7. 目的探讨膳食钙对饮食诱导肥胖大鼠白色脂肪组织中抵抗素(resistin)基因表达的影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of dietary calcium on the expression of resistin gene in white adipose tissue of obese rat induced by diet .

  8. 在白色脂肪组织,p38对脂肪细胞分化和葡萄糖摄取的重要作用是一致公认的,尽管p38对脂肪细胞葡萄糖摄取究竟是促进还是抑制至今尚未定论;

    In white adipose tissue , p38 plays an important role in adipose differentiation and glucose uptake although it is still inconclusive whether this role of p38 is stimulatory or inhibitory .

  9. 目的探讨高脂饮食诱导肥胖抵抗大鼠褐色脂肪组织(BAT)、白色脂肪组织(WAT)和骨骼肌解偶联蛋白2(UCP2)基因的表达。

    Objective To explore the expression of uncoupling protein-2 mRNA in brown adipose tissue , white adipose tissue and skeletal muscle of diet-induced obesity-resistant ( DIO-R ) rats .

  10. 结论高脂饮食使DIO-R大鼠白色脂肪中激素敏感脂肪酶表达增加。

    Conclusion High fat diets increased the expression of HSL in white adipose tissue in resisting diet-induced obesity of rats .

  11. β3肾上腺素受体(β3adrenoceptor,β3-AR)主要存在于具有产热功能的棕色脂肪细胞和白色脂肪细胞上。

    Aim β 3 adrenoceptor (β 3-AR ) is predominantly expressed in white and brown adipose tissue .

  12. 脂联素是由白色脂肪组织(WAT)特异性分泌的胶原样蛋白,在维持能量代谢平衡、调节胰岛素敏感性上起了重要作用。

    Adiponectin , a protein secreted especially by white adipose tissue , has been reported to have an important role in regulating energy balance and the sensitivity of insulin .

  13. 脂联素(APN)是白色脂肪等组织分泌的一种循环激素,在调节糖、脂代谢和抗炎中起重要作用。

    Adiponectin ( APN ) is a circulation hormone mainly secreted by white adipose tissue , and plays an important role in anti-inflammation and regulation of the metabolism of glucose and lipoids .

  14. 目的探讨白色脂肪组织UCPs和PPARγ2基因在高脂饮食诱导大鼠肥胖抵抗中的作用。

    Objective To explore the expression of uncoupling proteins ( UCP ) and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ 2 ( PPAR γ 2 ) mRNA in white adipose of high-fat diet induced obesity resistant rats .

  15. 说明能量能诱导大鼠褐色脂肪组织UCP1和白色脂肪组织UCP2基因表达,但降低骨骼肌UCP3基因的表达。

    Energy can induce the expression of gene of UCP1 in rat BAT and UCP2 in WAT , but decrease the expression of gene of UCP3 in skeletal muscle .

  16. 瘦素(1eptin)是一种分子量为16kDa的小分子蛋白,主要由白色脂肪组织分泌,能调整食欲并促进脂肪代谢,引起体重下降。

    Leptin ( 16kDa ) is a small molecule protein secreted mainly by adipose tissues . It can cause weight loss by adjusting appetite and promoting fat metabolism .

  17. 在此我们通过体内原基分布图发现棕色脂肪细胞而非白色脂肪细胞来源于表达Myf5的前体细胞,此前Myf5曾被认为仅在肌源性细胞系中表达。

    Here we show by in vivo fate mapping that brown , but not white , fat cells arise from precursors that express Myf5 , a gene previously thought to be expressed only in the myogenic lineage .

  18. 这些感受器在人体的白色脂肪和棕色脂肪中都存在。

    These receptors are found in white and brown fat cells .

  19. 所以,白色脂肪又被称为坏脂肪。

    It is known as bad fat for this reason .

  20. 抵抗素在肥胖大鼠白色脂肪组织中的表达

    Expression of Resistin in White Adipose Tissue of Obese Rats

  21. 所以,白色脂肪又被称为“坏”脂肪。

    It is known as ' bad " fat for this reason 。

  22. 肥胖症患者有过多的白色脂肪组织。

    Obese people have too much of the white tissue .

  23. 相比之下,白色脂肪组织存储能量。

    In contrast , white adipose tissue stores energy .

  24. 脂联素是近年来发现由白色脂肪组织特异性分泌的细胞因子。

    Adiponectin is a recently discovered adipocytokine which is specifically expressed in white adipose tissue .

  25. “白色脂肪”储存卡路里,使人们长胖,而“棕色脂肪”能够燃烧能量,产生热量。

    White stores calories and makes us fatter , while brown burns energy to generate heat .

  26. 白色脂肪被疏松结缔组织隔膜分隔成脂肪细胞群。

    White fat is partitioned by septa of loose connective tissue into clusters of adipose cells .

  27. 大鼠白色脂肪组织来源血管内皮生长因子受体阳性细胞向内皮细胞的诱导分化

    Inducing the differentiation of white adipose tissue-derived vascular endothelial growth factor receptor positive cells into endothelial cells in rats

  28. 与已被更多了解的储存过剩能量的白色脂肪不同,棕色脂肪通过消耗能量而散发热量。

    Unlike more recognizable white fat , which stores surplus energy , brown fat burns energy to generate heat .

  29. 脂肪酸合成酶在高脂饮食诱导的肥胖易感和肥胖抗性大鼠白色脂肪组织中的表达差异

    Different expression of fatty acid synthase ( FAS ) in adipose tissue from high-fat diet induced obesity-prone and obesity-resistant rats

  30. 棕色脂肪组织有时候会被误认为是腺体的一种,它与腺体的相似程度比白色脂肪组织高。

    Brown adipose tissue is sometimes mistaken for a type of gland , which it resembles more than white adipose tissue .