
  1. 《唐律疏议》的编纂,对后世产生了极大的影响。

    The Tang Law Explanation was compiled also influenced the generation tremendously .

  2. 《唐律疏议》有关女性犯罪规定的梳理

    On the Legal Provisions about Female Crime Mentioned in Comment on Law of Tang Dynasty

  3. 《唐律疏议》&中国古代法律与历史融合的典范

    Comments on Tang Law : A model for Harmonization of Chinese Ancient Law and History

  4. 行政契约制度疏议

    On the System of Administrative Contract

  5. 从《唐律疏议》的局限性看中华法系发展的特点

    From the Limitation of Tang Dynasty Law to Look After the Characteristic of China Law System

  6. 试论《唐律疏议》中对疾残人的政策上海港本地集装箱集疏运问题及对策

    Policy towards the Disabled in On Tang s Laws ; Shanghai Local Container Transportation Problems and Countermeasures

  7. 《唐律疏议》中的《名例律》与我国现行刑法总则的比较

    A Comparative Study on General Principles of Criminal Law Between China and Russia A Comparison of Ming Li of the Tang Law and the Current General Rules of the Criminal Law of China

  8. 证据犯罪的危害性在于这种犯罪能够借助国家公权力来实现自己的不法目的。从《唐律疏议》开始,我国便有惩治证据犯罪的传统。

    The hazard of evidential crime is that such crime can achieve the illegal goal by using state power . From ' Tang dynasty law ', it is traditional to punish crimes of evidence in China .

  9. 而《唐律疏议》立法技术空前完善,法律空前完备,可谓之疏而不漏,其作为中国封建法律的集大成之作,对中国法律起着承上启下的作用。

    The " Tang Dynasty " unprecedented sound legislative technique , legal unprecedented complete , can be said of the long arms , as the culmination of China for feudal law , on the role of a connecting link between Chinese law .