
  • 网络vibraphone;Vibes
  1. 乐团都在议论那个弹奏电颤琴揽着好多活的女人。

    The band got talking about a woman that played vibes and was getting a lot of work .

  2. 太阳能热水器装在屋顶上,远远望去有些像巨大的电颤琴。

    Mounted on a roof , one of the systems looks vaguely like a giant vibraphone .

  3. 正是在海特的乐团里,汉普顿用扩音木琴――电颤琴制作了他的首张唱片。

    It was in Hite 's ensemble that Hampton made his first recording on the vibraharp , an amplified xylophone .

  4. 席林,乔治·艾伯特:英国爵士乐钢琴家与作曲家,其特色乐声以包含低音乐器、吉他、鼓和电颤琴的独特五重奏改编乐曲为特点。

    British jazz pianist and composer whose signature sound is marked by a unique quintet arrangement that includes bass , guitar , drums , and vibraphone .