
diàn nǎo zhōnɡ duān jī
  • computer terminal
  1. 每名学生都坐在一台电脑终端机前,和不同的匿名参与者玩一场游戏。

    Each student sat before a computer terminal and played a game with various anonymous participants .

  2. 他雇了8名不同年龄、种族、性别和行业的人,对他们进行了简单的培训,给了每人一台电脑终端机和100万美元中的一份,就告诉他们可以开始交易了。

    He hired eight people of assorted ages , races , sexes and trades , gave each some training , a computer terminal , a share of the $ 1m and told them to get cracking .