
  • 网络raceway;cable duct;Cable conduit
  1. 将真空管路卡入电缆管道。

    Clip the vacuum lines into the cable duct .

  2. 拧紧电缆管道左右两侧的紧固螺钉。

    Tighten fastening screw at the cable duct at the left and right .

  3. 结合RD4000管线探测仪在实际工作中常遇到的近间距并行管线、多电缆管道、非金属管线等探测难题,进行探讨和总结。

    It probes and summarizes the use of this device with multiple real world pipeline detecting examples like the close distance parallel pipelines , multi-cable pipelines , and nonmetal pipelines .

  4. GB17502-1998海底电缆管道路由勘察规范横贯大西洋的通讯海底电缆

    Specifications for submarine cable and pipeline route investigation cable across North Atlantic

  5. 电缆管道密封材料的研究与应用

    Research and Application of the Airproof Material of Cable Pipe

  6. 电缆管道探测仪的开发应用

    The Development and Application of Detecting Instrument for Cable Channel

  7. 通信电缆管道和其他地下管线的交越

    Crisscross of Communication Cable Ducts and Other Underground Lines

  8. 石棉水泥或纤维素水泥制电缆管道

    Cable conduct of asbestos cement or cellulose fibre cement

  9. 海底电缆管道保护规定

    The Regulation on Protection of Undersea Cable Channel

  10. 这种解决方案比请工人铺设电缆管道来给建筑安装线路要便宜得多。

    This solution may be far cheaper than having workmen put in cable ducts to wire the building .

  11. 京杭运河下非开挖电缆管道工程的实践与认识

    Practice and cognition about use the technology of " non excavating " to cut across bottom side of The Grand Canal in China

  12. 在电缆管道建成后,许可证持有人须用天然底土修复受影响的蚝涌溪流河床,使其回复原貌。

    After cable duct construction , the Permit Holder shall reinstate the affected stream bed of Ho Chung River to its original conditions using natural substratum .

  13. 采用HDPE硅管是通信电缆穿管道发展的大趋势。

    Application of HDPE silicon tube is the development trend for fiber communications lying together with pipelines .

  14. 通信电缆配线管道图集远程无线电话电报通讯

    Distributing conduit collective drawings for telecommunication long-range telephone and telegraph radio communications

  15. 通信电缆配线管道图集非线性集中参数系统

    Distributing conduit collective drawings for telecommunication nonlinear lumped parameter system

  16. 通信电缆配线管道图集一种动力分配线或动力分配电缆。

    Distributing conduit collective drawings for telecommunication A power distribution line or cable .

  17. 海底电缆,管道的用途、使用材料及其特性;

    The purposes of laying the submarine cables and pipelines , the materials to be used and their properties ;

  18. 铺设、撤除、检修电缆和管道;设置、撤除系船浮筒及其他建筑物;

    Laying out , removing , or checking and repairing cables and pipelines ; setting up , or removing vessel buoys or other buildings ;

  19. 本许可证正本由海底电缆或管道所有者持有,副本由海底电缆或管道铺设工程的施工单位持有。

    The owner of submarine cables or pipes hold the original of the per-mit , the operators of submarine cables or pipes hold its duplicate .

  20. 针对压缩管道、通风管道、电缆等管道系统的布局特征,开发智能管道系统的布局特征,并实现管道展开与材料清单统计。

    Aiming at the character of compressed pipe , vent-pipe , cable and so on , the user defined features about automatic distribution are constructed the Statistic of material bill is realized .

  21. 经电缆、管道或者其他特殊方式输送进出境的货物,经营单位应当定期向指定的海关申报

    " Where goods enter or leave the territory by electric cables , pipelines or other special means of conveyance , the management units concerned shall report at regular intervals to the designated Customs establishment "

  22. 由于在实时情况下可获得高精度位置,因此测量人员可以毫不费力地找到掩埋和隐藏的资产,挖开电缆和管道,而不用枉费力气,也不用承担在资产附近遭受伤害的风险。

    Because high accuracy positions are available in real-time , you can track down buried and hidden assets with ease , and excavate cables and pipes without wasted effort or risk of damage to nearby assets .

  23. 海底电缆、管道的铺设或者拆除工程的遗留物,应当妥善处理,不得妨害海上正常秩序。

    The bits and pieces left over from the engineering project of laying submarine cables and pipelines and from the dismantling project shall be disposed of carefully and must not hamper the normal order of marine navigation and transportation .

  24. 铺地毯、架电缆、敷管道

    Lay a carpet , cable , pipe

  25. 地下通信电缆外套金属管道与附近铺设屏蔽线屏蔽效果的比较

    Pipeline to its internal communication cables and metallic mitigation line to its nearby underground communication cables

  26. 适用于室内.隧道、电缆沟及管道中,也可埋在松散的土壤中,不能承受外部机械作用力,但可承受一定的敷设牵引。

    Installed indoors , in tunnel , ditch and conduit as well as in lose soil , unable to bear external mechanical forces , but can bear the traction force during cable installation .

  27. 管道微机器人能够在微小的工业管道内从事检测和维护作业,可以进入人类无法进入的狭窄空间或危险区域,如航天飞机、导弹、核动力工厂等微细管道内从事电缆布线,管道的检查维护。

    Micro-pipe robot can be used to deal with inspection and maintenance in the industry micro-pipe in which , such as space aircraft , missile , nuclear power factory due to its narrow or dangerous region for the people no way .

  28. 严禁登踏已施工完的电缆桥架、保温管道。

    Treading on cable trays and insulation pipes that are completed is forbidden .

  29. 建立了一种考虑感性耦合与阻性耦合影响时,铠装电缆套加装金属管道后电磁屏蔽计算的通用模型。

    A universal model of telecommunication cable surrounded by the buried metal pipeline for calculating their current distribution and shielding effects is presented , which takes the inductive coupling and resistive coupling with each other in the presence of a uniform half space conductive medium ( earth ) into account .

  30. 近年来,一些基础设施比如通信电缆(包括海底电缆)、输油管道、输气管道、高压电网,甚至边界安防的安全监测问题成为了研究的热点。

    In recent years , some infrastructure , such as communication cables ( including submarine cables ), oil pipelines , gas pipelines , high voltage power grid , and even security monitoring issues of border security has become a research hotspot .