
  • 网络Electromagnetic bearing;Amb
  1. 试验表明电磁轴承能有效地抑制转子的振动。

    The experimental results show that AMB can effectively restrain rotor vibration .

  2. 介绍了电磁轴承工作原理,探讨了一些热点问题,并分析了电磁轴承的发展现状及前景。

    The paper present the working principle of AMB and some hot topics , and analyses the level and developing tendency of the active magnetic bearing .

  3. 基于Internet的主动电磁轴承结构设计系统

    Design and Development of Active Magnetic Bearing Structure Design System Based on Internet

  4. 电磁轴承系统的H∞控制器设计

    Design of Robust Controller Based on H ∞ Theory for Active Magnetic Bearing

  5. 基于DSP的电磁轴承控制器硬件设计

    Hardware Design Based on DSP for Electromagnetic Bearing Controller

  6. 与传统的PID控制进行仿真对比后,得到了一组可使电磁轴承大范围稳定的参数范围。

    A group of parameters that satisfy global stability is obtained by contrast with PID control simulation .

  7. 分析了主动电磁轴承的设计过程,设计了基于Internet的主动电磁轴承结构设计系统的系统结构框架。

    Design process of active magnetic bearing was analyzed . System architecture of active magnetic bearing structure design system based on Internet was advanced .

  8. 采用数字PID算法进行调试验证,实现了电磁轴承的稳定悬浮。

    The digital PID algorithm to carry on the debugging confirmation is utilized to realize the electromagnetic bearing stably aerosol .

  9. 分析讨论了圆度误差对采用PID控制策略的电磁轴承系统的控制精度的影响。

    The effect of circularity error of an active magnetic bearing ( AMB ) rotor on its control system is studied .

  10. 根据三电平理论设计了一种电磁轴承PWM开关功放。

    This paper introduces a three level PWM power amplifier designed for Active Magnetic Bearings ( AMB ) .

  11. 论文建立了电磁轴承轴向的数学模型,介绍了几种传统的不完全微分PID控制算法。

    Secondly , the math model of AMB in this paper is built and several kinds of incomplete derivative PID algorithms are introduced .

  12. 基于ANSYS的电磁轴承支承刚度优化主动磁力轴承非线性动刚度特性研究

    Optimization Design of Active Magnetic Bearing Stiffness Based on ANSYS Study on the nonlinear dynamic rigidity characteristics of the initiative magnetic bearings

  13. 通过对电磁轴承及带轴涡轮转子系统模型的建立和研究,获得系统状态方程和传递函数,并介绍了一种利用根轨迹法,求取PID控制器参数的设计方法。

    The mathematical model is formed and used to get the transfer function , and the Root-Locus method is used to design the PID controller .

  14. 仿真结果表明,交叉PID集中控制器具有较好的控制性能,可以实现电磁轴承转子的稳定悬浮。

    The simulation results show that the control system has good performance and can achieve the stable levitation of the rotor in active magnetic bearing systems .

  15. 基于LQR理论的电磁轴承控制系统鲁棒稳定性分析

    Robust Stability Analysis of the Active Magnetic Bearings Control System Based on the LQR Theory

  16. 认为电磁轴承系统由PD控制器产生的变刚度是一个能控制系统从混沌运动到周期运动的控制力。

    Numerical approach through a computer software Dynamics is utilized to explore the existence of the periodic and chaotic motions in the rotor-AMB system with the time-varying stiffness .

  17. 本文根据李亚普诺夫稳定性条件得出了电磁轴承在主共振区的稳定条件,为选择适当的PID控制器参数提供了理论依据。

    According to the Lyapunov stability theories , the stable areas in the main resonance can be obtained . These conditions will provide the basis for the choice of the PID controllers .

  18. 该原型机采用了径向永磁轴承和单端轴向电磁轴承相结合的磁悬浮轴承系统,基于霍尔传感器的转子轴向位移径向检测系统,以及模拟PID控制器和线性功率放大器。

    The prototype utilizes MB system combined with radial PMB and single axial AMB , rotor axial displacement detection system based on Hall sensors , analog PID controller and linear power amplifier .

  19. 电磁轴承自动控制模块控制系统的研究,主要进行传统PID控制的仿真研究,然后对其使用智能控制方法进行改进。

    Magnetic bearing control system for automatic control of the module , mainly for simulation of the traditional PID control , and intelligent control method for its use to improve . 3 .

  20. 使用Delphi软件设计电磁轴承可视化仿真软件,对传统PID控制器以及CMAC控制器、非线性控制器进行仿真。

    The use of Delphi software design of electromagnetic bearing visual simulation software , the traditional PID controller and CMAC controller , a nonlinear controller simulation .

  21. 采用伪微分反馈控制(PDF)策略对永磁电磁轴承进行控制,建立了PDF控制模型;

    A control strategy named PDF control is used in permanent magnet electromagnetism bearing controlling and the model of PDF control system is founded .

  22. 结果表明:电磁轴承控制系统对模型矩阵摄动的鲁棒性在参数α确定时仅与加权矩阵Q、R的相对大小有关;

    The results show that the model perturbation robustness of the magnetic bearings control system is only relative to the comparative value of the weight matrix Q and R with the parameter α confirmed .

  23. 在3次超谐共振区域和1/3次亚谐共振区中,PID控制器参数变化时,电磁轴承系统也会在这些区域产生类似主共振区的振动特性。

    The similar nonlinear phenomena occur in the 3 times super-resonance and 1 / 3 time sub-resonance . When the PID controllers ' parameters are changed , the relation between the amplitudes and frequency is also various .

  24. 之后,针对电磁轴承的不同模型,本文采用了PID控制、模糊控制及多变量模糊解耦控制等不同的控制方法。

    Thirdly , the different control methods are used due to the different models . PID controller , fuzzy controller and a controller based on fuzzy decoupling method of the multivariable system are designed in this paper .

  25. 并联机构机电耦合动力学计算结合定参数PID控制器方程和具有陀螺效应的不对称转子运动方程形成了电磁轴承支承的转子系统的机电耦合动力学方程。

    The Electromechanical coupling dynamic equations of the rotor system supported by electromagnetic bearings are obtained by combining the equations of the PID controllers with invariable parameters and the motion equations of the un-symmetric rotor with gyro effect .

  26. 在建立电磁轴承数学模型的基础上,设计了基于H∞控制理论的鲁棒控制器,研究起动时系统的响应、受扰情况及控制电流和转子位移之间的关系,讨论起动性能的影响因素。

    Based on math model of active magnetic bearing and the theory of H_ ∞ control , the robust controller was designed . Initial response and disturbance suppression effect were studied . The relationship between control current and displacement of the rotor was analyzed .

  27. 基于线性矩阵不等式的电磁轴承H-inf鲁棒控制

    Study on H-inf Robust Controller for Magnetic Bearing Based On Linear Matrix Inequation Theory

  28. 研制应用在高速离心干燥机上的电磁轴承,开发以数字控制器为核心的电控系统,采用PID控制算法,通过仿真获得的参数指导实际调试,实现控制参数的最优化。

    The electromagnetic bearing used on high speed centrifugation driers is established , and an electric control system is used with a core of numeric controller , using PID control arithmetic . The control parameters used in guiding system debugging are optimized from system simulation .

  29. 本文还探讨了大功率开关功率放大器的各种实现技术并对其在电磁轴承系统中运用的可行性进行了分析,并给出了两电平PWM调制开关功率放大器和三电平开关功率放大器的改进方案。

    On basis of various realizable technologies of high-power amplifier , their feasibility used in the AMB system is analyzed and designing guidance is given . Improved projects of two-level PWM modulate switching power amplifier and three-level switching power amplifier are also given .

  30. HTR-10MW电磁轴承转子系统辨识

    Application of Active Magnetic Bearing for Rotor System Identification in the HTR-10MW