
  • 网络electronic pressure gauge;electronic gauge
  1. 介绍了具有高精度、高分辨率的地面直读式电子压力计在煤层气微破裂试验、注入/压降测试中的应用,拓宽了地面直读测试系统、DST测试技术的应用领域。

    This paper introduces the application of with direct reading electronic gauge high precision , high distinguish ratio in the test of micro fracturing and injection / falloff test in the coal seam bed . It extends the application field of ground direct reading test system and DST test technology .

  2. 电子压力计因其精度高,可以更清楚地反映井下的微小压力变化,最大限度地获取地层信息量。

    For high accuracy of electronic gauge , it can reflect minor change of pressure at down hole clearly and obtain information furthest .

  3. 通过分析电子压力计的工作原理,提出了一套由98单片机为核心的高精度电子压力计校验系统的组成方案,其中为满足高精度频率测试的要求,开发了98单片机HSI口定时计数功能;

    This paper puts forward a calibration system of electronic pressure meter with 98 microcomputer . In order to complete the accurate measurement of frequency , the HSI timer function of 98 microcomputer is developed .

  4. 零位光栅的一些性能研究电子压力计温漂校正算法分析

    Algorithm analysis of temperature drift correction for the electronic pressure gauge

  5. 使用存储卡的井下存储式电子压力计

    An Electronic Pressure Gauge with Memory Card for Oil Well Applications

  6. 98单片机在电子压力计校验系统中的应用

    Application of 98 Microcomputer in Calibration System of Electronic Pressure Meter

  7. 电子压力计及减震器选用的问题。

    The option of electronic pressure gauge and shock absorber .

  8. 将这三种算法应用在不同型号电子压力计中,收到了良好效果。

    The three algorithms applied to different electronic gauges show good results .

  9. 地面直读式电子压力计在稠油热采中的应用

    Application of Surface Direct-Reading Electronic Pressure Gauge to Heavy Oil Thermal Recovery

  10. 井下储存式电子压力计的软件设计

    Software Design for The Downhole Storage Electronic Pressure Meter

  11. 投捞电子压力计探边测试设计及资料解释评价

    Extension Well Test Design and Test Data Interpretation for Pulling and Running Electronic Gauge

  12. 电子压力计井温测试工艺

    Downhole Temperature Test Technology with Electronic Pressure Gauges

  13. 存储式电子压力计应用的几点经验

    Some Experiences in Application of Memory Electronic Gauges

  14. 用电子压力计对架1310井和架139井成功地进行了干扰试井。

    The interference test to well Jia 13-10 and well Jia 13-9 was successful conducted using electronic gauges .

  15. 周静等.井下储存式电子压力计的软件设计.测井技术,1994,18(4):281~287论述小功耗井下储存式电子压力计测试系统的组成及系统软件工作原理。

    The hardware configuration and software operating principle of the downhole storage electronic pressure meter are given in this paper .

  16. 通过实际使用表明,由98单片机组成的信号接口,结构简单,功能强;适用面广,是高精度电子压力计校验接口的理想测量器件。

    Actual use shows it is practicable that 98 microcomputer is used in a calibration system of electronic pressure transmitter .

  17. 应用电子压力计可以准确、快速地确定油气藏的边界及其类型。

    Oil / gas reservoir boundary and its types may be quickly and correctly determined by applying electronic pressure gauge .

  18. 为弄清该井所在区块油层特性、地层压力、断块形状等油藏参数,进行了电子压力计探边测试。

    In order todiscern formation characteristic and fault block shape , a limit test was performed by using electronic gauges .

  19. 接着,重点分析了SJDY-Ⅰ型存储式深井电子压力计的上位机程序以及各个模块的具体功能,并设计了相应的软件予以实现;最后采用滤波技术和非线性校正方法,来提高整个系统精度。

    Thirdly , the paper analyzes the PC program , introduces software which adopts the filter and nonlinear regression methods for improve the system precision .

  20. 综合测试新工艺利用智能计深仪和电子压力计同时录取井下压力、温度、深度、张力数据。

    Date of bottom pressure , temperature , depth and tension are obtained by using an intelligent depth recorder and a storage electronic pressure gauge .

  21. 研制开发了双通道剪销封隔器、电子压力计保护托筒等一批新型井下工具。

    Some new patterns of downhole tools have been designed and developed , such as two-way shear pin packer , and electronic pressure gauge protecting carrier etc.

  22. 试井三参数同步测试工艺是由地面智能计深装置和井下高精度存储式电子压力计共同实现的,给出了它们的工作原理。

    A three parameter synchronous test process is implemented by surface intelligent depth meter and a high precision storage electronic pressure meter , for which working principles are given .

  23. 在用直读式电子压力计监测地层压力时,信号电缆线在井口的密封不良,一直是个难以解决的技术问题。

    When monitoring formation pressure by read-out electronic gauge , it is a technical problem to settle that the sealing condition of signal line at well head is not good .

  24. 通过对以往用电子压力计测得的试油测试资料进行统计和分析,发现地层温度资料在试油测试中有很重要的应用。

    By statistic and analysis for well testing data measured by electric pressure gauge formerly , it is found that formation temperature data is very important for oil testing procedure .

  25. 随着电子压力计精度的提高,要求的测试先决条件(如激动量、时间等)相应有所降低,促进了多井试井技术的应用范围。

    With the improvement of accuracy of electronic pressure gauge , the required prerequisite has been decreased greatly , the application scope of multi-well testing is becoming wider and wider .

  26. 测试仪器从最初的选用地面直读式电子压力计测试发展到目前井下储存式高精度电子压力计测试,这一改变大大减轻了测试人员负荷。

    The well testing instrument has been developed from original surface direct-reading electronic pressure gauge to current storage high accuracy electronic pressure gauge . This change has reduced the testing personnel ′ s workload .

  27. 采用电加热螺杆泵排液、MFE+存储电子压力计试井工艺,可达到对稠油、高凝油加热排液,进行探边测试的目的。

    Using electrically heated screw pump to flow back , MFE plus electronic memory gauge testing technology may attain the objective of heating and flowing back viscous oil , high set point oil and conducting limit test .

  28. 该文论述了使用存储卡的井下存储式电子压力计的使用方法、电路原理图、工作原理及主要器件参数的计算,提出了降低功耗,提高工作效率的方法。

    This paper describes the method of operation , electronic schemes , working principle , and the method for the calculation of parameters of the main devices , methods for the reduction of power consumption and increase of continuous work time .

  29. 煤层气注入/压降试井设备包括注入泵系统、关井系统、井下工具串、封隔器加压系统、油管、高精度电子压力计、计算机及分析处理软件等。

    The devices for coal-bed methane well test are as follows : an injection pump system , a shut-off system , an underground tool string , a packer and pressure giving system , an oil tubing , a high accuracy electronics pressure gauge , a computor and an interpretation software .

  30. 试验结果表明,该测量方法能够满足井下远距离传输的要求,可与电子压力计配合实现地面直读测量,压力测量精度为0.1%FS,温度测量精度为±0.5℃。

    The results show that the developed methods can satisfy the requirements of downhole remote telemetry and surface readout using a wireline-conveyed gauge . The system has been successfully applied to the onshore well testing with a pressure accuracy of 0.1 % FS and temperature accuracy of ± 0.5 ℃ .