
  1. 高频开关电源是严重的电磁干扰源,很多情况下需对其安装EMI电源滤波器。

    Switch power of high frequency is serious electromagnetic interference ( EMI ) source , so EMI source filter usually should be added in switch power .

  2. 在对离线式PWM变换器电磁干扰源和电磁干扰传播通道分析的基础上,通过实测和理论分析相结合的方式,建立了电磁干扰传播通道的高频模型,并进行了验证。

    Based on the analysis of the EMI sources and coupling paths of an off-line PWM converter , a high frequency model of EMI coupling paths is built and verified by measuring and theoretical calculation .

  3. 使用脉冲信号流统计理论,建立了由群体电磁干扰源产生的电磁干扰脉冲流的一维概率密度函数(pdf)统计模型,具有普遍性特点。

    Based on Statistical Theory of Pulse Signal Flow , a statistical model for one - dimension probability density function ( PDF ) of electromagnetic interference pulse flow caused by group electromagnetic interference sources is discussed in this paper . This model has universality .

  4. 电磁干扰源的相关性定位测试方法研究

    A new method of EMI source localization test Test & Measurement

  5. 汽车电系电磁干扰源

    Electronic and Magnetic Disturbing Source of Automobile Electronic System

  6. 目前电磁干扰源的量化分析和耦合途径的建模分析研究还不够成熟,本文提出一种应用数据挖掘技术预测与分析变电站中瞬态电磁环境的算法。

    The algorithm based on data mining technology is first proposed to predict and analyze the electromagnetic environment of a substation .

  7. 介绍了汽车电气控制系统的主要电磁干扰源及防治措施,讨论了由于屏蔽不良导致的故障的判断与排除方法。

    This article introduces electromagnetic disturbance sources and restrains , discusses the trouble - hunting by bad - shield and removing methods .

  8. 在空气绝缘变电站中,作为常规开关操作之一的隔离开关操作是变电站内重要的电磁干扰源。

    In the air isolated substations , as one of the routine switch operations , isolator operation is the main source of the EMI in substations .

  9. 汽车点火系统是汽车中最强的电磁干扰源,对其电磁兼容性进行研究具有极为重要的理论意义和工程价值。

    Automotive ignition system is the most powerful electromagnetic interference sources of automobile . The research of electromagnetic compatibility has important theoretical meaning and engineering value .

  10. 本文通过分析水色扫描仪的各种电磁干扰源,提出斯特林制冷系统的电磁兼容设计方法,并给出电磁干扰试验结果。

    According to the analysis of types of EMI sources in Ocean Water Colorand Temperature Scanner , EMC design of the stirling cooling system will be proposed and the results of EMC test are given as well .

  11. 分析了神光Ⅲ能源模块的电磁干扰源和干扰途径,建立干扰仿真模型并验证了仿真结果的可靠性。

    The paper analyze the interference source and the interference approaches of the violent electromagnetic interference ( EMI ) of the energy module of SG - ⅲ, the EMI simulation model has been established , the simulation result is confirmed .

  12. 文中从电磁干扰源、耦合途径、敏感设备三要素入手,介绍了三种目前常用的电磁兼容设计方法:测试修改法、规范法和系统设计法。

    This article from the electromagnetism interfere source , the coupling way , the sensitive device three essential factors obtains , introduced three at present commonly used electromagnetic compatibility design method : test revision method , standard method and system design method .

  13. 开关电源的电磁干扰噪声源阻抗在电磁兼容性设计中是个非常重要的参数。

    The EMI noise source impedance of an SMPS is essential in EMC design .

  14. 根据电磁兼容的干扰源、传播途径和敏感设备三要素,分析了静态电器中电磁兼容的基本技术和具体实现方法。

    From three hands , noise source , conduct path and interfered device , the method and technology are discussed to improve the electromagnetic compatibility of electronic device .

  15. 主要介绍了通信电源模块的电磁干扰(EMI)源、抑制电路设计方法及一些应用的实例。

    This paper introduces the electromagnetic interference source of the communication power supply module , the designing method of inhibit circuit and some application examples .

  16. 由于间隙传感器工作区域的电磁环境复杂,干扰源比较多,可能会造成通讯失败。

    The gap sensor works in a complex electromagnetism place and there is much disturbance , so it is likely to result in communication failed .

  17. 这种在时域里对主要原理进行拆分的方法有助于找出产生电磁干扰频段的干扰源。

    This method of separating the waveform in time domain into its main elements helps to find out what part of the spectrum in frequency domain caused by what related physical phenomena .

  18. 结合电磁兼容性试验的实践经验,从电磁干扰源、耦合途径、敏感设备这3个发生电磁兼容性问题的主要因素入手,对电磁兼容性试验中易于超标的项目,提出了若干解决问题的思路和方法。

    Combining with the practices and experiences on EMC test and starting with the three factors of EMC test problems , some methods to solve the problems on EMC test are brought forward in this paper .

  19. 从电磁干扰的三要素出发,讨论了开关电源中电磁干扰源和干扰耦合通路,分析了存在的各种耦合机理。对开关电源传导和辐射干扰进行分析,讨论了减小差模和共模辐射的方法。

    From the three elements of electromagnetic interference , discuss the sources and paths of electromagnetic interference in switching power supply ; analyze the mechanism of conductive , high-frequency and radiation coupling . Secondly , Analysis the conducted and radiated interference in the switching power supplies .

  20. 提出了一种适于测量离线式变换器传导电磁干扰特性的新方法,可以便捷地测出离线式变换器传导电磁干扰的等效干扰源和等效内阻抗特性,有效地指导电源EMI滤波器的设计。

    A novel method for measuring the conducted EMI feature of an off line converter is proposed . By this measurement , the equivalent conducted EMI sources and internal impedance can be easily educed so as to guide the design of EMI filter effectively .

  21. 本文简要介绍电磁兼容性技术在电子设备组装结构设计技术中的应用,对电子设备的电磁干扰和干扰源进行了分析,并提出了一些可用于电子设备组装结构设计技术中的电磁兼容性设计方法。

    This paper introduces the Electromagnetic Compatibility technology and its application in packaging , analyses the Electromagnetic Interference and Interference Sources in electronic equipment , and gives some EML design methods .

  22. 简要介绍了随着电子科学技术的发展电子设备在复杂电磁环境中的电磁兼容问题,给出了电子设备发生电磁干扰的三个因素:电磁干扰源、耦合途径、敏感设备。

    This paper simply introduces the problem of electromagnetic compatibility in modern complicated electromagnetic environment with the development of electron technology , comes up with three factors of electromagnetic interference : source of electromagnetic interference ; coupling approach and sensitivity equipment .

  23. 在此基础之上,对汽车发电机电磁兼容研究的重要性和本课题的主要研究内容进行了重点论述。②对汽车交流发电机的工作原理和电磁干扰源进行了研究。

    On this basis , there is a focused discussion on the significance and the main contents of electromagnetic compatibility research in automotive generators . Second , the working principle of the automotive generator and sources of electromagnetic interference have been studied .

  24. 从电磁干扰的类别及耦合通道出发,结合PLC控制系统的内外结构,分析了PLC控制系统应用中存在的主要电磁干扰源,以及电磁干扰源对PLC控制系统和整个自动控制系统的影响;

    Based on a brief introduction of the categories of electromagnetic interference , this paper analyzed the potential electromagnetic interference sources in the light of the exterior and interior structures of PLC system , and expounded their negative influence on PLC system as well as the whole controlling system .