
  1. 电磁发射技术的发展及其军事应用

    The Development and Application of Military Electromagnetic Emission Technology

  2. 新型电磁发射技术的研究

    Research on the New Electromagnetic Launch Technology

  3. 电磁发射技术是利用电磁力推进弹体获得高速度的先进发射技术。

    Electromagnetic launch technology utilizes strong electromagnetic force to promote the projectile to achieve high speed .

  4. 在相关应用技术领域,电磁发射技术是今天最有潜力、极具优势的技术,但是相对于传统技术,应用电磁发射技术要复杂得多。

    Potential and advantageous as it is , EML technology is relatively more complex to be applied than traditional launching technologies .

  5. 本文针对电磁发射技术进行了理论分析、仿真计算和实验研究。

    In this paper , the theory of the EML technology is analyzed . Compute simulation and experiment research are also realized .

  6. 文章论述了电磁发射技术的发展历史、现状和电磁发射器的基本原理和广阔的应用前景。

    We present the history and status of EM launching at the same time pointing out its basic principle and wide ranging future applications .

  7. 电磁发射技术自19世纪初被提出后,一直受到各国专家的广泛关注。

    Since the electromagnetic launch technology was proposed in the early 19th century , experts all over the world have aroused wide attention to it .

  8. 随着电磁发射技术不断发展,对于作为能源系统的脉冲功率源系统提出了更高的要求。

    During the development of electromagnetic launch technology , high demand is asked to the pulsed power system , which provides energy to the electromagnetic launch device .

  9. 在电热、电磁发射技术中,高功率脉冲电源占据着非常重要的位置,开关是高功率脉冲电源的重要组成部分。

    In the electrothermal chemical and electromagnetic launch technology , the high power pulsed sources occupy a very important place . The switch is an important part of the high power pulsed sources .

  10. 在国防和民用工业领域,电磁发射技术已经应用在飞行器弹射系统、电磁炮、交流电磁泵和打夯机等行业上。

    The electromagnetic launch ( EML ) technology has been applied in the fields of electromagnetic aircraft launch system , electromagnetic gun , linear electromagnetic induction pumping units , ramming machine and national defense and industry .

  11. 随着电磁发射技术的发展,对其中的脉冲功率源模块提出了更高的要求,小型化、模块化已成为发展趋势。

    With the development of electromagnetic launch technology , high request has been put forward to pulsed power source module , such as miniaturization and modularization , which have become the development trend of this technology .

  12. 七十年代以后,超大功率脉冲技术和电子技术的飞速发展使电磁发射技术有了重大突破,其应用范围也随之日益广泛。

    After the 1970s , along with the development of the ultra high-power pulse technology and the electronic technology , the electromagnetic launch technology has made a great breakthrough . Its application arrangement becomes increasingly wide .

  13. 本文首先论述了电磁发射技术在国内外的发展历程及现状,对轨道炮、线圈炮、重接炮这三种典型的电磁发射装置进行了简单的对比和分析。

    First , the paper reviews the present situation and course of development of technique of electromagnetic launching in aspects of domestic and abroad , simply compares and analyzes three typical types of electromagnetic launchers – coilgun , railgun and reconnection gun .

  14. 电磁声发射技术在无损检测中的应用

    Application of Electromagnetic Acoustic Emission Technology in Non-Destructive Testing

  15. 电磁声发射技术是一个新技术,对其产生机理以及应用的理论分析是非常有必要的。

    As a new technique , much work is needed to theoretically study its principle and application .

  16. 由于电磁声发射技术中的非线性问题以及电磁-应力等多场耦合问题十分复杂,采用传统的解析方法,难以分析研究电磁声发射技术的机理。

    Because there are many nonlinear problems in EM AE , and the electromagnetic-structure coupling field problem is very complicated , traditional analytic method cannot get a comprehensive solution to these problems .

  17. 近年来新兴起的电磁轨道发射技术突破了传统发射的各种固有限制与缺点,在一定程度上满足了人们对高发射速度的要求,从而开辟了发射技术上一条新途径。

    In recent years , the technology of electromagnetic rail launch , which avoids inherent limitations and faults of traditional launch technology , caters to demands for high-speed launch to some extent .

  18. 脉冲功率源技术是电磁发射系统的关键技术之一,具有高电压、大电流、高功率等特点。

    Pulsed power supply technology is electromagnetic launch system key technology ; it has high voltage , high current , and high power characteristics .

  19. 主动式电磁装甲作为基于电磁发射技术的一项新型的武器装甲技术,可以大幅提高现代武器系统的防御能力。

    As a new type of weapon armor technology , Active Electromagnetic Armor , which is based on Electromagnetic Launch technology progress , can significantly improve the defense capabilities of modern weapons systems .

  20. 脉冲功率源是电磁发射系统的重要组成部分,是电磁发射技术的基础和研究重点,其作用是向电磁发射平台提供高电压、大电流、高功率的电能。

    This dissertation is based on pulse power supply ( PPS ) of electromagnetic launch ( EML ) . PPS is an important component of EML system . Its role is to provide high voltage , high current , high power to EML system .

  21. 在剖析了电磁干扰机理后,阐述了CT结构和电磁发射测试技术,最后阐述了CT机传导和辐射发射的降噪设计与实现。

    First it analyzes the principle of electromagnetism interference , then introduces the construction of CT and technology of measuring electromagnetism emission , at last describes the design and realization of reducing the electromagnetism conducted and radiated emission from CT scanner .

  22. 因此本文以分析电磁发射轨道动态响应为研究目的。首先本文介绍了电磁发射技术在国内外的发展历程与现状。

    So the purpose of this paper is to study the dynamic response of rail . First , the paper reviews the present situation and course of development of technique of electromagnetic launching in aspects of domestic and abroad .