
  • 网络transformer;Electronic Transformer;PET
  1. 本文介绍了XSZ-4型显微镜电子变压器电路原理、元器件选择与故障维修。

    The article analyses the choice and malfunction of the XSZ-4 's microscope electronic transformer circuitry element parts of an apparatus .

  2. 电力电子变压器电路拓扑与控制策略研究

    Research on the topology and control scheme of power electronic transformer

  3. 基于双PWM变换的电力电子变压器

    Power Electronics Transformer Based on Dual PWM Converters

  4. 依据电力电子变压器PET(Powerelectronictransformer)的功率特性,提出了一种利用PET改善电力系统动态特性的新方法。

    According to the power characteristics of PET ( Power Electronic Transformer ), an ap-proach to improving power system dynamic characteristics with PET is proposed .

  5. 既实现了220V输入、12V/60W输出的功能,又大大提高了电子变压器的性能,达到了IEC制定的技术标准。

    Then it realizes to transfer 220 V input into 12 V / 60 W output , at the same time the design improves the performance of device and reach the setting criterion of IEC .

  6. 输出电压恒定的电力电子变压器仿真

    Simulation study of a power electronics transformer with constant output voltage

  7. 镇流器和电子变压器综合测试系统

    Development of Synthetic Measuring System Used for Ballast and Electronic Transformer

  8. 电力电子变压器在输电系统中的控制策略研究

    Study on control strategy for power electronic transformer in power system

  9. 配电系统电力电子变压器的研究

    Study of power electronic transformer ( pet ) for distribution power system

  10. 电力电子变压器在改善电力系统动态特性中的应用

    Improving power system dynamic characteristics with power electronic transformer

  11. 新软磁材料和新磁心结构在电子变压器中的应用

    Application of New Soft Magnetic Materials and New Core Constructions in Electronic Transformer

  12. 同步发电机-电力电子变压器组的最优协调控制

    Optimal coordinated control of synchronous generator-power electronic transformer unit

  13. 一种新型电子变压器的研制

    Research and Implement on the New Electronic Transformer

  14. 用入端阻抗等效法计算电子变压器的绕层等值电容

    A method of calculating the capacitance of transformer layer winding by making input impedance equated

  15. 电子变压器的小型化发展

    The Developments on Miniaturization of Electronic Transformer

  16. 电子变压器的改进设计

    Improvement for the Design of Electronic Transformer

  17. 热固性树脂在电子变压器上的应用

    Application of thermosetting resins in electronic transformers

  18. 电力电子变压器及其发展综述

    Summary of Development of Power Electronic Transformer

  19. 介绍了电力电子变压器的优点、目前的研究状况;

    The advantages and research status of power electronics transformer ( PET ) are reviewed .

  20. 仿真与原理试验均证实了这类变换器的正确性与先进性,为实现新一代电子变压器、正弦交流稳压器、交流调压器奠定关键技术基础。

    The correction and advance of these converters are verified by the simulation and test results .

  21. 指出了用电力电子变压器解决电能质量问题是今后的发展趋势;

    It is indicated that using PET to improve power quality is the trend of development in this field .

  22. 介绍了与传统电力变压器的概念有着极大不同的电力电子变压器。

    A novel Power Electronic Transformer is proposed in this paper , which is greatly different from the conventional power transformers .

  23. 其次,我们以电子变压器的设计方法为基础设计了高频大功率变压器;

    Secondly , we design high frequency and high power transformer based on the way the design of the electronic transformer ;

  24. 从立体、平面、片式、薄膜四种类型电子变压器,再次讨论电子变压器的现状和发展问题。

    The actuality and development of electronic transformer are introduced , from four types : stereoscopic , plane , chip , film .

  25. 为实现新型电子变压器、正弦交流稳压器和交流调压器提供了技术基础。

    This kind of converter lays the key technical foundation on new-type electronic transformers , regulated sinusoidal ac power supplies and ac regulators .

  26. 移相控制全桥式高频环节AC/AC变换器,为实现新型的、中大容量的正弦交流稳压器、电子变压器和交流调压器奠定了关键技术基础。

    The converters lay key technical foundation on new-type regulated sinusoidal AC power supplies , electronic transformers and AC regulators with medium or large capacity .

  27. 根据常用电子变压器的电磁兼容性和安全方面的新要求,对其基本线路进行改进设计和分析。

    According to new requests of common electronic tr ansformers ' electromagnetic compatibility and security , the paper improves and analyzes the design of its basic circuit .

  28. 为新一代正弦交流稳压器、电子变压器、交流调压器、同频波形变换器的实现奠定了关键技术基础。

    This kind of converter lay the key technical foundation on new type regulated sinusoidal ac power supply , electronic transformer , ac regulator , and wave converter etc.

  29. 两种高频交流环节AC/AC变换器的比较研究,为实现新型电子变压器、正弦交流稳压器和交流调压器提供了关键的技术依据。

    Research on the comparisons of two kinds of converters supplies the key technical foundation on new type electronic transformers , regulated sinusoidal ac power supplies , and ac regulators .

  30. 着重分析了电力电子变压器的工作原理及其主要拓扑结构、典型控制策略,并对拓扑和控制策略提出了多项改进措施。

    Then the operation principle , the main topology and typical control scheme of power electronic transformer are emphatically analyzed in this paper . Furthermore the various improved measures are proposed .