
  • 网络electroplating additives;plating additive;HA-HJ
  1. 根据Cl-离子在怕电极上的电化学氧化特性,用DZ-1B型电镀添加剂测定仪可快速测定镍镀液中Cl-离子的浓度。

    Concentration of C1-ion in nickel plating solution may be rapidly determined on Electroplating Additives Analyser Model DZ-1B based on the elect-ro-oxidation characteristics of C1 - ion at platinum disc electrode .

  2. 我国对于电镀添加剂的数量与质量需求一直呈上升趋势。

    Quantity and quality of demand for electroplating additives have been increasing in China .

  3. 本文论述新研制成的电镀添加剂Ns。

    This paper presents an new additive for alkaline zinc electroplating .

  4. 电镀添加剂的NMR定量分析

    Quantitative NMR analysis of electroplating additive

  5. 以改性后的OP为载体光亮剂,复配适量的主光亮剂和辅助光亮剂,得到了浊点高、光亮电流密度区域宽的锌镍合金电镀添加剂。

    By making sulfonated OP as carrying agent brighter and co-operating with appropriate amount of main brighter and assistant brighter , a zinc alloy electroplating additive , which has a high turbidity point and wide brighter current density region , is obtained .

  6. 介绍了国内外磺酸型Sn-Pb合金电镀添加剂近十年的研究历程现况并根据各组分的化学结构及其在电镀中所体现出的性质将添加剂分为Sn2+离子稳定剂、光亮剂及分散剂三类。

    Research status of additives in sulfonic acid tin lead electroplating in recent ten years at home and abroad is introduced . The additives are classified as Sn 2 + stabilizer , brightener and carrier three kinds according to their chemical structure and to the performance they exhibited in electroplating .

  7. 5-氯苯并三唑是铜及其合金的特效电镀添加剂。

    5-chloro-benzotriazole is a excellent copper and copper alloy electroplating additive .

  8. 含磷锌基合金电镀添加剂的研制及模糊评定

    Development and fuzzy evaluation of phosphorus-containing zinc based electroplating additive

  9. 甲基磺酸亚光纯锡电镀添加剂的研究

    Methylsulfonate Additive for Matt Pure Tin Electropla tin g

  10. 电镀添加剂作用机理的发展概况

    Review of Some Mechanisms of Additives in Electroplating

  11. 这一研究结果为电镀添加剂的作用机理研究提供了理论依据。

    The result provides theoretical basis for study on action mechanism of galvanization additives .

  12. 碱性锌酸盐体系锌及锌铁合金电镀添加剂

    Additives for zinc and zinc-iron alloy electroplating

  13. 锌锰合金电镀添加剂的研究

    Research on additive of Zn-Mn alloy electroplating

  14. 运用电化学和化学方法开发了一种亚光纯锡电镀添加剂。

    An additive for matt pure tin electroplating was developed by electrochemical and chemical methods .

  15. 通用电镀添加剂及其应用

    Universal electroplating additive and its application

  16. 碱性体系中锌镍合金电镀添加剂复合配方优选

    Selection of Formulation of Combined Additives for Electroplating of Zinc-Nickel Alloy Coating from an Alkaline Bath

  17. 通过电化学方法的测试,结果表明该光亮剂的作用机理符合电镀添加剂的经典理论。

    The testing results show that the properties and brightening mechanism of the brightener agree with the classical theories of electroplating additives .

  18. 通过并存吸附状态的引入,更全面地揭示了电镀添加剂的作用机理。

    The effective mechanism of the organic additives for electroplating could be further revealed by the introduction of the coexisting adsorption states concept .

  19. 建立的方法用于电镀添加剂中邻氯苯甲醛、苄叉丙酮含量的测定,结果准确,操作简便、快速。

    Through the determination of2-chlorobenzaldehyde and benzalacetone in additive for electroplating , the method was proved to be accurate , simple and rapid .

  20. 电镀添加剂行业普遍更重视产品技术与工艺的创新,而从市场营销的角度研究行业并针对行业产品特性与需求特征对电镀添加剂的营销渠道策略进行分析和经验总结的研究则更少涉猎。

    From the perspective of marketing , Studies of industry research , industry-specific product features , and demand characteristics marketing channel strategy are less covered .

  21. 综述了碱性锌酸盐体系锌及锌铁合金电镀添加剂的研究和发展,添加剂产生光亮作用的机理。

    Research and development of additives of zinc and zinc-iron alloy electroplating and brightening mechanism of its functioning additives in alkaline zincate solution were reviewed with 16 references .

  22. 结果表明,洗涤剂作为Ni&P电镀添加剂可以改善其镀层质量,有利于非晶镀层的形成。

    The results show that the detergent , as one of the additives in Ni-P electroplating bath , can improve the quality of the coatings , favouring the formation of amorphous structure .

  23. 根据氯离子在铂电极上的电化学氧化特性,用一种电镀添加剂测定仪可以测定铜和铜合金浸蚀液、氧化液、钝化液中的氯离子浓度。

    Chloride ion concentration in solutions for etching , oxidizing and passivating of copper and its alloys can be rapidly determined on Electroplating Additive Analyser based on the electro-oxidation behavior of Cl ~ - ions at platinum electrode .

  24. 利用XPS及电化学方法研究电镀Cr添加剂的作用机理

    Study on Mechanism of additives for Chromium Electrodeposition by XPS and electrochemical methods

  25. 提出了电镀通用添加剂的组分和配制方法。

    Components and formula of universal electroplating additive were presented .

  26. 印制电路板中通孔电镀铜添加剂的研究

    Research on acidic copper additives used in through-hole plating of PCB manufacture

  27. 电镀铜添加剂的合成及其电化学性能

    Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of a Copper Plating Additive

  28. 电镀铬添加剂的发展与展望

    Development and Prospect for Chromium Electroplating Additives

  29. 电镀铬添加剂的对比研究

    Comparative Study on Chromium Plating Additives

  30. 养猪生产中添加铬制剂的负面效应研究印制电路板中通孔电镀铜添加剂的研究

    Negative Effect of Chromium Added to Diet on Pig Breeding ; Research on acidic copper additives used in through-hole plating of PCB manufacture