  • use;employ;apply;need
  • expenses;outlay;usefulness;use
  • hence;therefore
  • 使人或物发挥其功能:使~。~心。~兵。~武。

  • 可供使用的:~品。~具。

  • 进饭食的婉辞:~饭。

  • 花费的钱财:费~。~项。~资。

  • 物质使用的效果:功~。有~之才。

  • 需要(多为否定):不~多说。

  • 因此:~此。


(使用) use; employ; apply:

  • 用火烤

    bake over the fire;

  • 用石头铺路

    pave a road with stone;

  • 用手掰

    break with one's hands;

  • 用水煮

    boil in water;

  • 用针刺麻醉做外科手术

    employ acupuncture anaesthesia in surgery;

  • 用我们自己的双手来重建家园

    rehabilitate our homeland with our own hands;

  • 用40分钟跑完全程

    run the course in 40 minutes;

  • 那笔钱被用来还债了。

    The money was applied to the payment of debts.

  • 你会用筷子吗?

    Do you know how to use chopsticks?

  • 麝香被用作香料和兴奋剂。

    Musk is used for perfumes and stimulant.

  • 这个词用得不对。

    This word is wrongly used.

  • 这些会议全用世界语进行。

    These meetings are carried on entirely in Esperanto.

  • 这种鸟用嘴作武器。

    This bird employs its beak as a weapon.


(多用于否定: 需要) need:

  • 不用开灯。

    There's no need to turn on the light.

  • 我看你一点也不用着急。

    I don't think you need to worry in the least.


(敬辞: 吃; 喝) eat; drink:

  • 请用茶。

    Won't you have some tea, please?

  • 请用饭!

    Please help yourself (to rice, etc.).


(费用) expenses; outlay:

  • 家用

    family [domestic] expenses;

  • 零用钱

    pocket [spending] money;

  • 日用

    daily expenses;

  • 省吃俭用

    save money on food and expenses


(用处) usefulness; use:

  • 没用

    useless; worthless;

  • 所学非所用

    A person's education does not fit him for a certain job.;

  • 物尽其用

    make the best use of everything;

  • 有点用

    be of some use;

  • 它是极有用的。

    It is of the greatest usefulness.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 用虬

    Yong Qiu


[书] (因此; 因为) hence; therefore:

  • 用特函达。

    Hence this letter.

  1. 他们用木偶来启发小观众的想象力。

    They use puppets to capture the imagination of younger audiences .

  2. 用长柄大剪刀修剪高树篱。

    Use shears with a long reach for cutting high hedges .

  3. 用铁锹背面把土拍平。

    Press the soil flat with the back of a spade .

  4. 要不要用块面包把这酱料蘸蘸吃了?

    Do you want some bread to mop up that sauce ?

  5. 这个工作用计算机同样可以做得很好。

    This job could be done equally well by a computer .

  6. 我用小薄荷枝装点水果色拉。

    I decorated the fruit salad with a sprig of mint .

  7. 我跟你说过我们原本应该用我的方法来做这事。

    I told you we should have done it my way !

  8. 所有相关记录都在手边,用起来很方便。

    All the relevant records are easily available ready to hand .

  9. 汽车车身是用板金压制成的。

    The car bodies are pressed out of sheets of metal .

  10. 产品上的条形码是用激光读取的。

    The bar codes on the products are read by lasers .

  11. 他低声用隐密的语气说话。

    He spoke in a confidential tone , his voice low .

  12. 他居然用几样剩下的东西做出了可口的一餐。

    He conjured a delicious meal out of a few leftovers .

  13. 她游过英吉利海峡得用多长时间?

    How long will it take her to swim the Channel ?

  14. 他用刀子在皮腰带上又扎了一个洞。

    He pierced another hole in his belt with his knife .

  15. 他用双手捧着她的脸吻她。

    He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her .

  16. 他用手指沿杯口抹了一下。

    He ran his finger around the lip of the cup .

  17. 他用拳头啪地猛击一下手掌。

    He smacked a fist into the palm of his hand .

  18. 他用枝条在沙地上画了一个圆。

    He drew a circle in the sand with a stick .

  19. 我们开车去那里来回用了一油箱汽油。

    We drove there and back on one tank of petrol .

  20. 你能用很简单的言语把这再说一遍吗?

    Could you say that again in words of one syllable ?

  21. 你要是赢了一百万英镑,你想怎么用?

    What would you do if you won a million pounds ?

  22. 他正忙着用板条钉牢所有的百叶窗和门。

    He was busy battening down all the shutters and doors .

  23. 他用一块面包把碟子擦干净。

    He wiped his plate clean with a piece of bread .

  24. 他用手指顺着她的下巴外缘抚摸。

    He traced the line of her jaw with his finger .

  25. 他用柔道摔法把我摔倒在地。

    He threw me to the ground with a judo throw .

  26. 岛上的居民实行的是以物易物,而不是用货币。

    The islanders use a system of barter instead of money .

  27. 引擎用钢丝吊索吊了起来。

    The engine was lifted in a sling of steel rope .

  28. 她用十分异样的目光看着我。

    She was looking at me in a very strange way .

  29. 她用错误的手段和他们打交道。

    She took the wrong approach in her dealings with them .

  30. 他们用新的版式出版这杂志。

    They 've brought out the magazine in a new format .