
  • 网络in japanese
  1. 来自东京的用户期望用日语显示应用程序,他们的地区是jaJP。

    A user from Tokyo expects the application to appear in Japanese , with a locale of ja_JP .

  2. 啊,用日语数到十我听听。

    Lady : Ah , count ten for me in Japanese .

  3. 因为不熟悉书面中文,所以她想用日语访问Web应用程序。

    Not being fluent in written Chinese , she wants to access your Web application in Japanese .

  4. 对于jaJP地区,用日语编码的JSP在ja子目录中。

    For the ja_JP locale , the Japanese encoded JSPs are in the ja subdirectory .

  5. 她身穿湛蓝色前系扣衬衫、白色上衣和细条纹半身裙,脚踩实用的轻便鞋,站在东京湾台场海洋城(AquaCityOdaiba)的一个柜台后面,用日语、中文和英语分发当地景点和商店的指南。

    In her crisp blue button-down shirt , white blazer and pinstripe skirt , she stands in sensible pumps behind a counter in Aqua City Odaiba on Tokyo Bay , dispensing directions to local sites and shops in Japanese , Chinese and English .

  6. 采访用日语进行,以下是经过编辑的访谈内容。

    The interview has been translated from Japanese and edited .

  7. 我读不懂用日语写的书。

    I can 't read the books written in Japanese .

  8. 你的名字用日语怎么念?

    How do you say your name in japanese ?

  9. 这是用日语举行的半日游吗?

    Is this half-day tour held in japanese ?

  10. 日本人倾向的自律精神,或者用日语说是“自肃精神”,开始回归主流。

    The Japanese tendency towards self-restraint , or jishuku , is back in force .

  11. 你为什么用日语思考?

    Why are you thinking in japanese ?

  12. 请用日语说。

    Say it in Japanese , please .

  13. 用日语显示日期和时间

    Shows date and time display with Japanese

  14. 汤姆能用日语写信。

    Tom can write letters in Japanese .

  15. 你会用日语说它吗?

    Can you say it in Japanese ?

  16. 你可以用日语讲话吗?

    Can you speak in Japanese ?

  17. 有几人在玩纸牌,用日语计算她们的分数,讲其他话的时候则用韩语。

    A few played a card game , counting their scores in Japanese but otherwise speaking Korean .

  18. 所以有机会的话尽可能用日语与日本人交流。

    So have the chance to do so as much as possible in Japanese and Japanese exchanges .

  19. 在这款火炮上,厂商用日语恰如其分地标注了“曾被巴西海军选购”的字样。

    The cannon was duly emblazoned with the phrase " Selected by the Brazilian navy " in Japanese .

  20. 客人们叫酒吧老板做妈妈(当然是用日语)。

    The owner is often referred to as Mom ( in Japanese , of course ) by the clientele .

  21. 首先,他用日语和我说了些什么,很显然,我根本听不懂。

    The first thing he said to me was something in Japanese , which I obviously didn 't understand .

  22. A:我在大学时自学过日语,我能用日语进行一些简单的对话。

    A : I did self-study of Japanese in college , and I can carry on some simple conversations in Japanese .

  23. 他娶了一位武士的女儿,用日语交谈,并在日本度过了生命中最后15年的时光。

    He married the daughter of a samurai , spoke Japanese and spent the last 15 years of his life in Japan .

  24. 虽然这是个简短的小故事,但卡特还是被翻译员能在那么短的时间那么迅速地用日语重复了一遍所惊讶。

    Even though the story was quite short , Carter was surprised by how quickly the interpreter was able to re-tell it .

  25. 村上基本上是用日语来回复的,而一位粉丝则给出了自己的“非官方”英文翻译。

    The novelist has replied almost entirely in Japanese , with an " unofficial " English translation carried out by a fan .

  26. 这位歌手最开始用日语演唱这首歌,后来看到一位中国女孩驻足聆听之后,便开始转用国语和粤语演唱。

    The singer begins in Japanese and then shifts to Chinese and Cantonese after he saw a Chinese woman in the crowd .

  27. 在一个疯传的视频中,可以看到其中一名男子拔出一把剑,用日语痛斥行人。

    In a viral video , one of them is seen pulling out a sword and lashing out Japanese curses at pedestrians .

  28. 他用日语写道:我想,天哪,小吃里有奇怪的异物,结果竟是一颗珍珠。

    He wrote in Japanese : I thought , ' Oh man there 's something weird in here , but it turned out to be a pearl .

  29. 对每一笔投资,她都用日语起了一个名字,比如“棺材本”、“虎崽”,名字一个比一个取得更用心。

    Each ftmd in which she entrusted their retirement nest egg or toranoko , ' tiger 's cub , " in Japanese - has a more elaborate name than the last .

  30. 他们问我:“这道菜和美国牛肉一样好吃吗?”能在日本电视节目中用日语描述这道牛肉餐有多好吃,我感到非常兴奋。

    They asked " Was it as good as American beef ? " It was very exciting for me to be on Japanese TV , speaking in Japanese about how delicious the beef was .