
  • 网络BEP;capacity utilization;capacity utilization rate
  1. 所以,从理论上看,采用统计数据直接计算生产能力利用率更具吸引力。

    So , in theory , the methods that direct calculate the capacity utilization are more attractive .

  2. 生产能力利用率也被称作设备利用率,它衡量了生产能力或者设备被利用的程度。

    Capacity utilization is also known as device utilization , which measures the production capacity , or whether the device has been fully utilized .

  3. 生产能力利用率低,出现闲置资源的浪费;

    Productivity utilization rate is low , resulting in the waste of idle resources .

  4. 生产能力利用率的周期性变动,会导致实际资本投入的波动高于观察到的资本投入波动,从而导致利用观察数据测量到的全要素生产率的波动高于实际的技术波动。

    The procyclical change of capacity utilization will lead to higher fluctuations of the actual capital investment than the observed capital investment fluctuations , leading a higher TFP fluctuation than the actual technology fluctuation .

  5. 由于它可以反映经济的运行是否处于资源充分利用的状态,所以生产能力利用率又是衡量经济景气程度以及分析经济运行效率的一个非常重要的指标。

    Because it can reflect the operation of the economy whether in the state of full utilization of resources or not , capacity utilization is also a very important indicator to measure the degree of economic development and the analysis of economic efficiency .

  6. 我们国家80%以上的工业产品都存在着生产能力、利用率不足,甚至是严重不足的问题。

    The industrial product of80 % above puts our state in move productivity , utilization rate is insufficient , it is the problem that is not worth badly even .

  7. 大批量制造系统生产能力和设备利用率分析

    Analysis of throughput and equipment utilization in large manufacturing systems