
  • 网络Bottle label;standard bottles
  1. 瓶标贴与瓶的协调性研究

    Study on the Coordination of Bottle Marks and Bottles Nanchang University

  2. 下次我将跟你们分享更多看葡萄酒瓶标的方法。

    Next time I will write more about reading a wine label .

  3. 葡萄酒的瓶标分为两种类型。

    There are two types of wine labels .

  4. 成为一个信心十足的买家,关键在于学会如何辨别葡萄酒的瓶标。

    The key to becoming a confident wine shopper is to learn to read the label .

  5. 法国以及其他“旧世界”的葡萄酒瓶标会标明葡萄的种植地以及葡萄酒酿造地。

    French and other " Old World " wines tell you where the grapes were grown and the wine was made .

  6. 实现了吹瓶灌装套标机器人装箱、码垛全时自动化,避免任何一个环节的污染。

    Realize the bottle-filling-set of standard-robots , packing , palletizing full-time automation to avoid any link pollution .

  7. 该产品均能完成自动分瓶、送标带、分离标签、贴标和自动打印批号等功能。

    It can automatically finish bottle-grouping , sending mark tape , seperating labels synchronously , labeling and automatically printing batch number etc.

  8. 啤酒瓶贴标机取标过程的分析研究

    The Analysis and Research on the Picking-up Process of Labeling Machine for Beer Bottle

  9. 一瓶法国红葡萄酒的瓶标上也许会在生产区的后面印着“Bordeaux(波尔多)”。

    French red wine might be labeled " Bordeaux " after the region where it was made .