
  • 网络Valentine;Valentin
  1. 尽管我们的创始人唐•瓦伦丁(DonValentine)早在1999年中期就预测“将有许多互联网公司破产”,但我们仍做出这些投资。

    And we were making these investments in spite of the fact that our founder , Don Valentine , was predicting " lots of Internet company wreckage " as early as mid-1999 .

  2. 加州杭廷顿滩的瓦尔•瓦伦丁(ValValentine)今年65岁,他仍留着80年代初前妻和男影星特利•萨瓦拉斯(TellySavalas)的合影。

    Val Valentine , 65 , of Huntington Beach , Calif. , hung on to a photo of his ex-wife taken with the actor Telly Savalas in the early1980s .

  3. 瓦伦丁特工,我不想害死人

    I don 't want people dead , Agent Valentine .

  4. 跟瓦伦丁来往就象跟国王来往。

    Dealing with Valentine was like dealing with a king .

  5. 但是瓦伦丁继续秘密地为年轻的爱人们举行结婚仪式。

    But Valentine continued to perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers in secret .

  6. 信奉基督教的夫妇就去找“瓦伦丁”主持结婚。

    Christian couples came to Valentine to be married .

  7. [野孩子]传奇-瓦伦丁和奥森的故事

    The legends of the wild children & the story of Valentine and Orson

  8. 瓦伦丁节(情人节)是为纪念圣.瓦伦丁而命名的。

    Valentine 's Day is named for Saint Valentine ,

  9. 当他的行为被发现后,皇帝判处瓦伦丁死刑。

    When his actions were discovered , the emperor had him put to death .

  10. 所以公元前496年罗马教皇格莱西亚斯特意将2月14日作为一个特别的日子以纪念圣·瓦伦丁。

    In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine .

  11. 瓦伦丁并不是唯一。

    Valentine wasn 't the only one trying to

  12. 当瓦伦丁特工到达时

    By the time Agent Valentine got there ,

  13. 情人节是以瓦伦丁命名的。

    The holiday is named for Saint Valentine .

  14. 我会再来瓦伦丁知道他不必守着我.我也没地方可逃

    Valentine knew he didn 't have to guard me.There was nowhere to go .

  15. 但是瓦伦丁无法证明。

    but Valentine couldn 't prove it .

  16. 瓦伦丁的帮助是间接的。

    The assistance was less direct .

  17. 另一位瓦伦丁是一位意大利主教,生活在同一时代,大约公元200年。

    Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time , AD200 .

  18. 怪不得瓦伦丁会困惑了

    No wonder Valentine was confused .

  19. 在4月12号,英国在瓦伦丁行动中占领了丹麦的法罗群岛。

    On12 April , in Operation Valentine , the British took over the Danish Faroe Islands .

  20. 瓦伦丁暗恋西尔维亚小姐。

    Valentine secretly loves Lady Sylvia .

  21. 有几名天主教殉道士的名字叫瓦伦丁,但是要把传说与事实分开是件很困难的事。

    Several Catholic martyrs were named Valentine , but it 's difficult to separate legend from fact .

  22. 瓦伦丁警告,如果一家公司遇到麻烦,情况可能就会大为不同。

    Mr Valentine warns that it can be a different story if a company runs into trouble .

  23. 瓦伦丁回忆说,“他留着一撮胡子,非常消痩,看上去就像胡志明。”

    He had a wispy beard , was very thin , and looked like Ho Chi Minh . "

  24. 当然,如果仅仅以貌取人,瓦伦丁也不可能成为硅谷的顶尖投资者。

    Valentine , however , did not become a preeminent Silicon Valley investor by relying on surface appearances .

  25. 在古罗马,当婚姻一时被禁止之际,瓦伦丁秘密地为年轻夫妇举办婚礼,他因此被害而亡。

    Valentine was a man who secretly married young couples in Rome , at a time when marriage was forbidden .

  26. 据说在狱中,瓦伦丁与狱卒的女儿坠入爱河。

    While in prison , it is said that Valentine fell in love with the daughter of his prison guard .

  27. 但是这并不能阻止人们相爱。瓦伦丁,一个牧师,秘密的主持了许多年青人的婚礼。

    This did not stop people from falling in love . valentine , a priest , secretly married many young couples .

  28. 此后2月14日就成为了一个具有特殊意义的日子。这天人们向自己心仪的人表示爱意。而圣·瓦伦丁也就成为了爱的守护神。

    Gradually , February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers .

  29. 瓦伦丁开着奔驰来到了乔布斯家的车库,穿着蓝色西装和系领扣的衬衫,打着棱纹领带。

    Valentine arrived at the Jobses ' garage in a Mercedes wearing a blue suit , button-down shirt , and rep tie .

  30. 今天,罗马天主教认为至少有三个叫做瓦伦丁或者瓦伦丁诺斯的圣徒为教义献身了。

    Today , the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus , all of whom were martyred .