
  • 网络Glass Mirror;mirror glass
  1. 玻璃镜,未经光学加工的,成形的任何尺寸,未镶框的

    Glass mirror , not optically worked , shaped , of any size , unframed

  2. 古代铜镜不同于我们今天的玻璃镜,其正面可以照容,背面常铸有纹饰和铭文。

    Unlike the glass mirror we have today , the Ancient bronze mirror in Chinese could reflect the image in front of it , and were decorated with colorful pictures and inscriptions .

  3. 通过一面单向透明玻璃镜对他们进行暗中监视。

    They were spied on via a two-way mirror .

  4. 介绍了利用He-Ne激光器和镀金属玻璃镜演示光的薄膜干涉的一种实验方法,并从光的电磁理论和光度学角度对形成的等倾干涉条纹进行了深入分析。

    This paper develops a method of light interference of thin films with He-Ne laser and a glass plate having a metalized surface . The optical principles analyzed are based on the electromagnetic theory of light and photometry .

  5. DSSC对光的捕获效率低,部分光将透光DSSC而未被利用,用普通镀铝玻璃镜作为DSSC背底,研究了背反射对DSSC光电性能的影响。

    The efficiency of DSSC light captures is low & some light will not be utilized when it directly pass through the DSSC . Ordinary aluminum mirror was used under the background of DSSC , the influence of back-reflection on the photoelectric properties of DSSC have been studied .

  6. 镜框,贱金属制,未配玻璃镜

    Mirror frame of base metal , not fitted with glass mirrors

  7. 猫睛是许多块小玻璃镜。

    Cat 's eyes @ are bits of glass .

  8. 太阳能用真空蒸铝玻璃镜界面研究

    The study on interfaces of ai / glass mirror for concentrating of solar radiation

  9. 玻璃镜破坏痕迹的试验研究

    Experimental research of glass depredation

  10. 充分利用了超白玻璃镜的极高的反射率,提升了太阳光的聚光效果,极大的提高了光热效率。

    Taking full advantages of extreme reflectivity , improving the concentration effect of sunlight and raise photo-thermal efficiency .

  11. 清代以后,逐渐被玻璃镜所代替。

    Since the Qing Dynasty , however , the bronze mirror has gradually given way to the glass mirror .

  12. 到了汉朝,陶瓷逐渐代替了青铜器具,但青铜镜直到清朝才被玻璃镜取代。

    Ceramics gradually replaced bronze utensils by the Han times , but bronze mirrors were not displaced by glass mirrors until the Qing Dynasty .

  13. 之后玻璃镜逐渐兴起,因其诸多优点而终究导致金属铜镜失去其实用价值而退出历史舞台,成为博物馆中的陈列品。

    After that , glass mirrors sprung up gradually with their advantages and lead that bronze mirrors quitted the stage of history because of their lacking of practical value and became exhibits in museum .

  14. 为了进一步提高经济效益,新墨西哥州的天空燃料公司正在利用低价的反光薄膜来代替造价昂贵的曲面玻璃镜。

    To improve the economics still further , SkyFuel , a firm based in New Mexico , is replacing curved glass mirrors , which are expensive to make , with a thin , reflective low-cost film .

  15. 号外!就在苹果AppleWatch细节即将揭晓的前一周,来自中国的华为抢先推出了自己的智能手表,该产品配备蓝宝石玻璃表镜和不锈钢表带,设计灵感来自一款瑞士钟表。

    Surprise ! A week before Apple Inc.unveils details for its watch , Chinese smartphone maker Huawei came out with a digital watch of its own , with sapphire crystal , stainless steel band and the design aspirations of a Swiss timepiece .

  16. 玻璃放大镜或缩小镜,未经光学加工

    Magnifying or reducting mirror of glass , not optically worked

  17. 对于降低玻璃表面镜反射来说,改变玻璃表面结构要比在表面镀增透膜更为有效。

    Changing surface structure is more effective than coating surfaces with high transmittance films for decreasing scatter levels from the glass surfaces .

  18. 用途:使用于清洗任何话玻璃、镜、玻璃制品、汽车玻璃部件的尘迹污垢。

    Uses : Use to clean anything glass , mirror , glass , automotive glass parts of the dust and dirt tracks .

  19. 本公司生产玻璃挂镜、威尼斯镜子、出口镜、威尼斯家具、玻璃相框、玻璃珠宝盒、等玻璃镜子系列。

    The company produces glass , hanging mirrors , Venetian mirrors , export mirrors , Venetian furniture , glass frame , glass jewelry boxes , mirrors and other glass series .

  20. 从拉力克艺术玻璃剃须镜,到风格各异的“九国特色套房”从印度、英国、中国到德国、法国和意大利,和平饭店令上海在上世纪30年代名噪一时。

    From its Lalique glass shaving mirrors to its opulent " nine nations suites " from Indian , Georgian and Chinese to German , French and Italian the hotel helped make Shanghai famous in the 1930s .

  21. 分离器设有窥视镜,通过它能够视察液间的分界线。窥视孔玻璃,观察镜

    The separator is equipped with a sight glass through which a boundary line of the liquid phases can be observed . inspection glass

  22. 双层玻璃窗配件,贱金属制玻璃镜,经光学加工的,装配的

    Fitting , of base metal , for double windows glass mirror optically worked , mounted

  23. 易众玻璃以其丰富多彩的个性设计、优秀的研发团队和庞大的生产规模引领着现代玻璃拼镜的行业潮流。

    The glass is with its abundant colorful individuality design , excellent research and development team and large scale production led the modern glass spell mirror the industry trend .