
  • 网络Glass Bead;HGB
  1. 采用回归反射织物的方法,通过大量实验确定了粘合剂与玻璃微珠用量的最佳配比和涂层最佳厚度;

    The optimal ratio of binder to micro glass beads for retro-reflective fabric as well as the optimal thickness of coating are determined through lots of experiments .

  2. TiO2-BaO-SiO2系统高折射率玻璃微珠的研制

    Study on High Refractive Index Glass Beads for TiO_2-BaO-SiO_2 System

  3. 高折射率玻璃微珠的N、D分布及其比较

    The N-D Distribution and Comparison of High Refractive Glass Microbeads

  4. 空心玻璃微珠填充PP复合材料的结构与性能研究

    Structure and Properties of Hollow Microbeads Filled PP

  5. 空心玻璃微珠改性ABS复合材料的性能研究

    Study on properties of ABS composite filled with hollow bead

  6. LCD隔垫材料玻璃微珠的研制

    Prepartion of Glass Microspheres for LCD Spacers

  7. 对于GB/PP复合材料,加工方法对复合材料转矩流变性能的玻璃微珠改性聚烯烃的制备、结构与性能影响较为显著。

    For GB / PP system , processing methods have obviously influenced on torque rheological performance .

  8. 玻璃微珠填充LDPE的动态力学性能

    Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Glass Bead Filled LDPE

  9. 玻璃微珠表面处理对LDPE复合材料拉伸性能的影响

    Effects of glass bead surface treatment on the tensile properties of filled LDPE Composites

  10. 考察了室温下PP/EPDM/玻璃微珠三元复合材料的冲击过程。

    The Izod impact process of PP / EPDM / glass bead ternary composite at room temperature was studied .

  11. 用一步法和二步法两种混合工艺,研究了经过表面预处理的玻璃微珠填充PP的力学性能。

    The mechanical properties of polypropylene composite filled with surface pre-treatment glass bead were investigated by using the one-step and two-step mixing technology .

  12. 研究了填充低密度聚乙烯中玻璃微珠含量及其大小对复合体系拉伸弹性模量E的影响。

    The effects of glass bead content and its size on the elastic tensile modulus ( E ) of the filled low density polyethylene ( LDPE ) composites are studied .

  13. 采用XRD、SEM、DTA等手段对TiO2-BaO-ZnO-ZrO2系统的高折射率玻璃微珠析晶机理进行了探讨和研究。

    The mechanism of crystallization of TiO 2-BaO-ZnO-ZrO 2 glass system for high refractive index glass beads were studied by DTA , XRD and SEM etc.

  14. 超细的空心玻璃微珠(GB)对橡胶的粘度无明显影响,但提高了橡胶的损耗因子;

    Ultrafine hollow glass bead ( GB ) can markedly increase the loss factor of rubber but little effect on the rubber viscosity .

  15. 通过分析测试,深入研究了玻璃微珠对PTFE密封板材性能的影响。

    On the basis of the test , the influence of glass microballoon on property of PTFE sealing materials has been studied .

  16. 采用不同粒径的中空玻璃微珠(HGB)填充聚丙烯(PP)。

    Polypropylene ( PP ) was filled by hollow glass beads ( HGB ) with different size to make composites .

  17. 另外,适量的玻璃微珠能够起到异相成核作用,一定程度上增加了UHMWPE的结晶度。

    In addition , appropriate amounts of glass beads can increase the crystallinity of UHMWPE via a process of heterogenous nucleation .

  18. 应用Instron材料试验机,考察了拉伸过程中玻璃微珠填充LDPE复合体系的力学性能。

    The tensile Properties of glass bead filled LDPE composites were studied by means of an INSTRON Materials Tester .

  19. 玻璃微珠含量在一定范围内,采用马来酸酐接枝EPDM及表面改性(用硅烷偶联剂)玻璃微珠的复合材料挤出胀大比较大。

    And in a certain range of glass bead contents , the values B of maleic anhydride-grafted EPDM / silane-modified glass bead composites were higher .

  20. TiO2-BaO-ZnO-ZrO2系玻璃微珠折射率与玻璃结构关系的探讨

    Study of tio_2-bao-zno-zro_2 system glass structure and refractive index of glass beads

  21. 填充了不同粒径的两种玻璃微珠后,GB/PP体系的各项力学性能均得到提高,缺口冲击强度和断裂伸长率比未填充玻璃微珠的PP提高50%。

    Filling two different glass beads to PP resin , the mechanical properties are enhanced , notch impact strength and extension at break increase at 50 % than pure PP resin .

  22. 采用玻璃微珠(GB)改性聚丙烯(PP)和线性低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE),对玻璃微珠的用量、粒径和复合材料加工方法对材料的力学性能的影响进行了比较研究。

    The effects of glass bead ( GB ) content , diameter and processing route on the mechanical properties of glass bead filled PP and LLDPE were comparatively studied .

  23. TiO2-BaO-ZnO-ZrO2高折射率玻璃微珠析晶机理的研究

    The Mechanism of Crystallization of TiO_2-BaO-ZnO-ZrO_2 Glass System for High Refractive Index Glass Beads

  24. 为了分析微孔发泡PP材料冲击强度提高的原因,又分别研究了弹性体改性PP和空心玻璃微珠改性PP,分析了微孔发泡PP材料冲击强度提高的原因。

    In order to analyze the cause that strength of notched impact was improved , we studied PP modified of elastic and the hollow glass microsphere respectively , then compared them with microcellular foam materials .

  25. 利用纳米TiO2固载的方法,选用琼脂作为粘结剂,在玻璃微珠上制备了TiO2琼脂溶胶薄膜,优化了TiO2与琼脂的质量百分比。

    In this paper , the TiO2 thin film was successfully prepared by fixation method . Agar was chosen as binder , and the TiO2 agar sol film was obtained on glass microsphere .

  26. 初步的实验结果表明:在MDF加载面涂敷一层空心玻璃微珠可以防止沿铅粒子对靶面的冲击损伤。

    Primary experimental results indicate that by laying some tiny glass beads on the loaded surface , the damage due to lead particles can be weakened .

  27. DPFC隔热垫块是以PPS树脂为基体,以中空玻璃微珠、玻璃纤维作增强材料制得的。

    DPFC heat insulated pad is based on PPS resin with middle-empty glass micro-bead and glass fiber as reinforcement .

  28. 研究不同粒径、含量及不同偶联剂处理的空心玻璃微珠对(丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯)共聚物(ABS)力学性能、加工性能及阻燃性能的影响。

    The research focused on the effect of the size , content of the hollow bead and different handling method of the coupling agent on the mechanical properties , fluidity in processing and flame resistance of ABS composite .

  29. 结果表明,偶联剂KH-550处理空心玻璃微珠的效果好于KH-560。

    The results showed that hollow bead handled by KH-550 coupling agent was better than that handled by KH-560 coupling agent .

  30. 应用导热系数测量仪,测量了中空玻璃微珠(HGB)填充聚丙烯复合材料的等效导热系数(Keff)。

    It measured the effective thermal conductivity ( K_ ( eff )) of hollow glass bead ( HGB ) filled-polypropylene ( PP ) composites by means of a thermal conductivity instrument .