
bō li zhǐ
  • cellophane;glassine;glass paper
玻璃纸 [bō li zhǐ]
  • [glassine;cellophane] 一种透明的薄膜,用于装饰或包装物品

玻璃纸[bō li zhǐ]
  1. 确定了共培养最佳方式是灰葡萄孢分生孢子和活化的根癌农杆菌共同涂于玻璃纸上培养,共培养的最佳时间为48h。

    Conidia of B. cinerea and active Agrobacterium co-smeared on glass paper was the best way of culture . 48 h was the fittest co-cultivation time .

  2. 高密度聚乙烯玻璃纸

    High density polyethylene glass paper

  3. 她把包装盒子的玻璃纸撕了下来。

    She tore the cellophane wrapping off the box .

  4. 主要用于塑料膜、玻璃纸、纸张、铝箔等分切Equippedwithphotoeledtrictracking。

    The machine can be complied in spliting cutting of plastic film .

  5. 玻璃纸生产废气中的CS2和H2S的治理

    Treatment of Waste Gas Containing CS_2 and H_2S from Cellophane Factory

  6. 我们可以在玻璃纸(袋)上印字吗?或者是否要改用PE塑料袋才能在上面印字?

    Can we get printing on cellophane or if needed to we switch to PE poly bag ?

  7. 玻璃纸封套和BOPP聚丙烯有什么不同?

    What is the difference between Glassine envelopes & BOPP polypropylene ?

  8. 一种有毒无色易燃的液体(CS),用于制造人造丝、玻璃纸、四氯化碳及作为橡胶溶剂。

    A toxic colorless flammable liquid ( CS2 ); used in the manufacture of rayon and cellophane and carbon tetrachloride and as a solvent for rubber .

  9. 唱片的封套、唱片集、唱片库.玻璃纸封套和BOPP聚丙烯有什么不同?

    A record sleeve , album , library What is the difference between Glassine envelopes & BOPP polypropylene ?

  10. 用玻璃纸对峙法观察到4种木霉(S-327,BT-12,BT-95,T-594)和寡雄腐霉(P。

    The hyphal interaction between Trichoderma spp. ( S-327 , BT-12 , BT-95 , T-594 ), Pythium oligandrum ( P.

  11. 香港——在香港的渣华道,一家店里摆着一双崭新的棕色皮革古驰(Gucci)乐福鞋,外面周到地裹了一层玻璃纸——它的售价不到3美元,简直是一辈子最划算的买卖。

    HONG KONG - On Java Road in Hong Kong , a new pair of brown leather Gucci loafers , lovingly wrapped in cellophane , hangs from a storefront - the deal of a lifetime at less than $ 3 .

  12. 一种纯净易燃的液体,CS2,用于制造黏胶纤维和玻璃纸,作为脂肪、橡胶、树脂、石蜡和硫的一种溶剂,用于火柴、熏剂和杀虫剂。

    A clear , flammable liquid , CS2 , used to manufacture viscose rayon and cellophane , as a solvent for fats , rubber , resins , waxes , and sulfur , and in matches , fumigants , and pesticides .

  13. 另外,玻璃纸可以作为防护雨。

    Also , the cellophane can serve as a protection against rain .

  14. 我要透明的玻璃纸和蓝色缎带

    I want the clear cellophane and the navy ribbon .

  15. 桌上放着花,还裹着玻璃纸。

    Flowers , still in their cellophane wrapping , lay on the table .

  16. 玻璃纸系由长形纤维分子组成。

    Cellophane is made of long , fibrous molecules .

  17. 纤维素酶在半透明玻璃纸生产上的应用

    Application of cellulase on the making of glassine paper

  18. 现在你可以出绒毛其余玻璃纸以上蜷曲丝带。

    Now you can fluff out the remaining cellophane above the curling ribbon .

  19. 这个小包被玻璃纸包裹着。

    The packet was enclosed in a cellophane wrapping .

  20. 我们将新买的玫瑰花包上了玻璃纸。

    We wrapped the newly bought roses in cellophane .

  21. 氨基酸的超微量玻璃纸电泳法

    Ultramicro electrophoresis of amino acids on cellophane paper

  22. 每套产品用透明的玻璃纸(袋)包装。

    Each pack in a clear cellophane pack .

  23. 一个男人正在卖包在玻璃纸里的玫瑰花。

    A man was selling roses in cellophane .

  24. 包在东西上的外包装(通常为纸或玻璃纸)。

    The covering ( usually paper or cellophane ) in which something is wrapped .

  25. 但是侧面的玻璃纸可以保护司机或者乘客。

    But side windows generally block only one kind from reaching the driver or passengers .

  26. 我觉得你应该把自己包在玻璃纸里,然后去蒸桑拿!

    I suppose you 've got to wrap yourself in cellophane and sit in a sauna !

  27. 绝大多数时间他们会用彩色玻璃纸,”奥比里奥说道。

    Most of the time they would cover it with colored cellophane , " said Obillo .

  28. 插入红色或蓝色的玻璃纸,观察条纹宽度的变化。

    Interpose red or blue cellophane and observe the change in the width of the fringes .

  29. 玻璃纸生产废水的综合治理实例

    Comprehensive Control of Cellophane Production Wastewater

  30. 你知不知道,用一片硬玻璃纸,你便能够把任何人的锁打开?

    Do you know you can open anyone 's lock with a piece of stiff cellophane ?