
  • 网络environmental biotechnology
  1. 环境生物技术是21世纪科技发展最富魅力的高新技术。

    Environmental biotechnology is newly developing technology in the21st century .

  2. 环境生物技术在环境治理中起着越来越重要的作用。

    Environmental biotechnology has played more and more important role in the environmental pollution control .

  3. 关于环境生物技术在水污染治理中的研究与应用

    Study on Environmental Biological Technology and Its Application to Water Pollution Control

  4. 环境生物技术在污染治理方面的应用

    Application of Environmental Biotechnology to Pollution Control

  5. 环境生物技术与水污染控制

    Environmental Biotechnology and Water Pollution Control

  6. 环境生物技术进展

    Progress of environmental biotechnology

  7. 环境生物技术是解决现存环境问题中的具体应用,本质上仍是一种末端治理技术。

    Environmental bio-technology is used for solving existing environmental problems , but is just a pipe-end treating technique .

  8. 环境生物技术信息学通过计算机将生物信息学的技术与成果用于环境生物技术,控制污染。

    Environmental biotechnology informatics ( EBTI ) is the use of computer and the techniques of bioinformatics to control pollution .

  9. 利用真菌处理含酚废水是一种新兴环境生物技术,逐渐成为了国内外环境工作者关注的焦点。

    As a new method in environmental fields , fungi technique becomes the focus of environmental staffs in the world .

  10. 分析了环境生物技术在开发基因工程菌、生物修复中的应用及潜力。

    The development of microbials by genetic engineering and environmental remediation by environ-biological techniques are discussed in detail in this paper .

  11. 当前海洋生物技术主要分为海洋动植物养殖生物技术、海洋天然产物生物技术和海洋环境生物技术。

    At present , marine biotechnology mainly includes marine animal and plant breeding biotechnology , marine natural metabolites biotechnology and marine environment biotechnology .

  12. 极端微生物具有自身独特的特点和代谢产物,在食品工业、化工、药用工业和环境生物技术领域都有潜在的应用。

    Extremophiles have potential applications in food , chemical , pharmaceutical industries and environmental biotechnology fields owing to their unique properties and biocatalysts .

  13. 环境生物技术的研究重点是开发从废水或废弃物中回收化学品以及电能的有效生物反应途径。

    Environmental biotechnology focused on the development of efficient ways of biological response of recovery as chemical products and electric energy from wastewater or solid waste .

  14. 现代环境生物技术作为由环境工程与现代的生物学技术相结合而发展起来的新兴学科,现已广泛应用于理论研究和生产实践中。

    Environmental biological technology has been widely applied in theoretical study and productive practice as a developed new subject combined by environmental engineering and modern biological technology .

  15. 本文从微生物生态学的理论出发,应用环境生物技术和生物降解技术的手段,进行了生物降解微生态系统优化的技术基础研究。

    Based on the theory of microorganism ecology , the application researches on optimization of the biodegradation micro-ecosystem were conducted by use of environmental biotechnology and biodegradation technology in this paper .

  16. 文章从专业和课程的特点和需要出发,通过对生物工程(环境生物技术方向)微生物学相关教材现状及选用、建设原则的分析讨论,提出了适合本专业微生物学教材的选择和建设思路。

    In this paper , the authors analyze the present conditions of Microbiology teaching material , its selection and construction principles , and put forward some ideas for Microbiology teaching material selection and construction .

  17. 主要介绍了环境生物技术的研究内容、发展趋势,废水生物处理技术的发展概况,生物流化床技术的国内外研究、应用现状及发展方向;

    In this paper , the study and developing trend of environment genetic engineering , the development of sewage disposal in genetic engineering , and the status and development of biological fluidized bed are presented .

  18. 环境生物技术,尤其是生化处理方法因其高效、低耗、处理量大、适用面广及安全的特点而成为世界各国有机废水处理的主要方法。

    Environmental biotechnologies , particularly biochemical treatment , have been applied in the world as the main methods for organic wastewaters treatment accounted for by their characters of high efficiency , low cost , big treatment capacity , wide-range suitability and safety .

  19. 环境生物新技术在土壤微生态研究中的应用

    Environmental Biotechnology : Mechanisms and Applications in Soil Micro-ecosystem Investigation

  20. 农业面源污染及环境生物防治技术研究

    Study on Agriculture Non-point Source Pollution and Environment Biocontrol Technology

  21. 污染环境生物修复技术的应用前景

    The future application of bioremediation technology of contaminated environment

  22. 海水养殖环境生物修复技术研究展望

    Outlook for bioremediation researches on marine aquacultural environment

  23. 环境生物测试技术对沉积物的毒性评价研究

    Toxicity evaluation of sediments by environmental bioassay techniques

  24. 环境生物实验技术和方法

    Environmental Biology Laboratory Technique and Method

  25. 环境生物修复技术的研究进展

    Recent Research Progresses in Environmental Bioremediation

  26. 方法:于2005-11对湖南环境生物职业技术学院医学、药学、护理三个系8个教学班级学生进行生存质量调查,采用世界卫生组织生存质量测定量表和自编网络心理表进行团体测评和比较分析。

    METHODS : The students of 8 classes , majored in Medicine , Pharmacy and Nursing , Hunan Environment-Biological Polytechnic were selected for investigation their qualities of life , which were evaluated and compared with the Quality of Life of the World Health Organization and self-designed Internet psychological scale .

  27. 浅谈海洋环境污染生物监测技术研究

    On the Biological Monitoring Technigue of Marine Environmental Pollution

  28. 渔业生态环境保护与生物技术

    Fishery Environmental Protection and Biotechnology

  29. 从生物技术的应用和生物安全管理两个方面论述了环境保护中生物技术的现状和趋势。

    Description on application of biotechnology and safty management to environmental protection , their situation and trend were presented .

  30. 目前有关生物安全立法的研究成果主要涉及生物技术管理立法、生物技术环境影响、生物技术发展的经济学研究和环境伦理学研究等方面。

    The existing relevant research results involve legislation on biotechnology management , environmental impact of biotechnology , economic and the environmental-ethic analysis on biotechnological development .