
  • 【水】environment components
  1. 抗震救灾MES逻辑模型构建:抗震救灾MES的系统边界由抗震救灾MES结构、抗震救灾MES主体和与系统相关的外部环境组成,系统的核心是伤病员在MES内的流动。

    The logical Model of MES : The system boundary of MES included the structure of earthquake relief MES , the agents and the external environment of the related systems . The core of the system was the flow of patients in MES .

  2. 场所是一个由自然和人造环境组成的有意义的整体,蕴涵着精神意义的地方,在某种意义上,是一个人记忆的一种物体化和空间化。

    A place is composed of natural and manmade environment .

  3. 分析可持续发展城市主要特点及与老龄人口的关系,论述城市老年人口的生存环境组成。

    This paper states the main properties of sustainable city and its relation with aging population .

  4. 它主要由资源库、模块库和模型开发环境组成,并支持模型开发过程各个阶段的活动。

    The MMDS is mainly composed by resource library , module library and model development environment .

  5. 应用软件、工程数据库和网络支撑环境组成制造模式信息系统。

    The integrated information system for small batch manufacture consists of applications , engineering database and network sustaining environment .

  6. 以复合系统理论为基础,将水资源、社会经济和环境组成的复合系统定义为水资源可持续利用系统(RSWRS系统)。

    Based on the complex system theory , we define water resources , society-economy and environment as a complex system .

  7. 紫胶生态经济系统是一个由多因素组成的整体,紫胶的生产必须由紫胶虫、寄主植物及环境组成。

    Lac eco-economic system is a component of the overall multi-factor , including lac insects , host plants and the environment .

  8. 本文将互相关联的人与座舱环境组成一个大系统,建立了人-舱动态热力学数学模型。

    The dynamic mathematical model of thermodynamics on " human-cabin " has been presented by considering an intergral system of cabin and human .

  9. 分布开发团队可能由在不同地理位置的多个办公环境组成,每一处都有能力存放存储库及多数据库服务器。

    Distributed development teams may consist of multiple office environments in different geographic locations , each capable of hosting a repository and multiple database servers .

  10. 作为幼儿园环境组成要素的建筑热环境无时无刻不与身处其中的幼儿发生着联系,从生理和心理两方面对幼儿产生着影响。

    As the main factor of nursery school , the indoor thermal environment have great relation with the infant all the time in physiology and mental aspects .

  11. 由人类社会与环境组成的世界系统可以概括为三种生产:物质生产、人的生产和环境生产。

    The world system made up of human society and the environment could be summed up as three production : material production 、 hominine production and environment production .

  12. 对由人、机与环境组成的通风系统可靠性,除了研究机的可靠性之外,还应该对人和环境的可靠性进行全面而深入的探讨。

    Concerning to the reliability of the MVS that includes human , machine and environment , the reliability should be researched deeply , except that of " Machine " .

  13. 为了预防和减少海上交通事故的发生,实现安全、高效的海上运输,人们对由人船环境组成的海上交通系统进行了多方面的研究。

    In order to implement safe and effective transportation by preventing and reducing marine accidents , researchers have studied the marine traffic system , extensively including human factors , ships and environment .

  14. 在景区中,建筑既有使用功能,又能与环境组成景色,所以对景观的创造起着重要作用。

    In beauty spot middle , building now that have using a function , can be composed of scenery with the environment , therefore be created by to landscape is playing important role .

  15. 课堂是由教师、学生及环境组成的复杂的社会体系,师生在课堂中通过交互影响来完成教学,以达到教育目标。

    Classroom is a complex social system which is composed of teachers , students and environment . Teachers and ~ students accomplish the task of teaching and achieve the educational aims through interactions .

  16. 山西组由潮坪、海滩脊和三角洲平原等沉积环境组成,Ⅱ1煤层是本组的主要煤层,厚度大、分布广、煤质低硫中灰。

    Sedimentary environments . The ⅱ 1 coal-seam is the main coal seam in this Formation . It is characterized by its wide distribution , great thickness , low sulphur and medium ash content .

  17. 城市的公共空间是一个城市重要的外部环境组成,现代城市设计者们已经越来越重视城市公共空间对形成积极、有意义、富于个性的城市环境所起的关键作用。

    Urban open space is an important part of urban outside environment . The modern urban designers think it plays the key role for forming a positive , meaningful and individual character of urban environment .

  18. 根据油气井射孔作业的一些典型事故,通过对下井工具、施工人员和作业环境组成的射孔系统进行分析,编制了射孔作业安全事故树。

    Having analyzed perforation system composed of downhole tools , operators and operating environment based on some typical faults of perforation job in oil-gas well , a fault tree on safety in perforation job was compiled .

  19. 随着机械和电子部件可靠性的不断提高,由人-机-环境组成的系统的安全越来越取决于人的行为,人因失误对系统安全的重要性也越来越受到重视。

    With the improvement of the mechanical and electronic components , safety of Man-Machine-Environment system becomes more and more dependent on human action . Human Errors play an increasing role in system safety and have been cognized widely .

  20. 将矿山采场看成一个由人、机和环境组成的逻辑串联系统,从人、机和环境3个因素出发,运用模糊数学方法对矿山采场的可靠性进行研究。

    Proceeding from three factors that are man , machine and environment , the reliability of stope was researched with the method of fuzzy mathematics , while considering stope as a logical series system composed of man , machine and environment .

  21. 利用ASPNet技术成功开发了电厂MIS综合查询系统,阐述了系统的结构、开发运行环境、组成及关键技术。

    In this paper , the comprehensive query system for power plant MIS is developed based on ASP . NET . The system structure , development and running environment , component and key technology are described .

  22. 归纳出作为测试环境重要组成部分的测试开发环境的基本功能,并使用专门针对框架开发的UMLF建模语言设计了一个框架;

    The basic function of testing development environment was defined , which was an important part of the testing environment . A concrete framework was designed by using the unified modeling language profile for framework UML-F , a specific language for framework design .

  23. 一个由九个环境组织组成的联合组织已计划要就沃格特勒获得执照一事与其对簿公堂,联合组织声称nrc完全没有考虑新核反应堆给环境带来的影响,违反了《全国环境保护法》。

    Already a consortium of nine environmental groups plans to contest the vogtle licence in court , alleging that the NRC violated the national environmental policy act by failing fully to consider the environmental impact of the new reactors .

  24. 论述了X-10家庭网络协议的简洁而高效的编码方式及X-10家庭网络开发演示样板,给出了X-10开发环境的组成和使用方法。

    Then the compact and high performance of X-10 pro code format , and the X-10 homenet development demo panel are described . Finally , the compose and operational approach of X-10 development environment are presented .

  25. 首先,分析了海洋环境的组成,研究了有关视景仿真的海洋环境信息的收集与管理。

    The collection and management of ocean environment information are studied .

  26. 大气层是全球环境各组成部分中最活跃的一个部分。

    Atmospheric layer is a part most active in global environment .

  27. 休闲会所景观是区域生态环境重要组成部分之一。

    The landscape of recreational guild hall is an important part of composing the ecology environment .

  28. 矿山资源是矿山环境的组成部分,是有经济价值的环境;

    It is inevitable for mine environment to be changed in the process of mineral exploitation .

  29. 鄂尔多斯白垩系地下水盆地天然水体环境同位素组成及其水循环意义

    Environmental Isotopic Composition of Natural Water in Ordos Cretaceous Groundwater Basin and Its Significance for Hydrological Cycle

  30. 中小学生态课堂由一个个鲜活的个体、群体和环境所组成。

    Elementary and secondary Eco-classrooms are composed of vivid individual , colony and circumstance one by one .