
  • 网络Environmental history;environment history
  1. 从环境史的角度重新审视美国西部开发

    Re-evaluating America 's Western Exploitation from the Perspective of Environmental History

  2. 论西方环境史的政治特点

    On the Political Characteristics of the Environmental History in the West

  3. 西夏环境史研究三题

    Discussions on the Natural Environment History of Tangut from Three Aspects

  4. 关于中国环境史研究几个问题之管见

    Views on Several Problems of the Environmental History Research in China

  5. 生态人类学与地理学、环境史亲和性论辩

    The Affinity Argument among Anthropology of Ecology , Geography and Environmental History

  6. 中国环境史研究:伊懋可教授访谈

    Survey of Chinese Environmental Historiography : An Interview with Prof. Mark Elvin

  7. 环境史及其对自然的重新书写

    Environmental History and Its Focus on the Role of Nature

  8. 生态环境史的学术界域与学科定位

    On the Academic Domain of Environmental History and Its Position in Disciplines

  9. 中国环境史研究的过去、现在和未来

    The Past , Present , and Future of Environmental History in China

  10. 南非环境史研究概述

    A Review of South Africa 's Environment History Research

  11. 唐纳德·沃斯特和美国的环境史研究

    Donald Worster and his Studies of U.S. Environmental History

  12. 环境史和环境史研究的生态学意识

    Environmental History and Ecological Consciousness in Environmental History Studies

  13. 环境史中的欧洲特殊道路问题

    Problem of the European " Sonderweg " in the Context of Environmental History

  14. 卫生史与环境史&以中国近世历史为中心的思考

    On the Relations of Hygiene History and Environmental History Focusing on Modern China History

  15. 环境史视野与经济史研究&以农史为中心的思考

    Perspective of Environmental History and Economic History Studies & A Contemplation around Agricultural History

  16. 在环境史视野下研究发现,中国传统农田水利建设与发展是有特定的地理环境决定的。

    Chinese traditional water conservancy construction and development is decided has specific geographical conditions .

  17. 为什么我们需要环境史

    Why We Need Environmental His to ry

  18. 从境地研究到环境史

    From Circumstances Research to Enviromental History

  19. 公共史与环境史

    Public History and Environmental History

  20. 生态学研究的发展对环境史研究产生了影响。

    Finally , there have been developments in ecology studies and they have affected environmental history studies .

  21. 马丁的演讲对中国环境史研究的发展具有很大的启示意义,对中国环境主义运动的发展也有借鉴价值。

    Those points are valuable and inspiring for the development of environmental history and environmentalism in China .

  22. 存在的主要问题是理论基础薄弱、种族偏见和缺乏宏观整体研究。随着南非社会的进步和史学的发展,南非环境史研究将得到更大发展。

    Weakness in theoretical bases , racial discrimination and the lack of macro-research prove to be its main problems .

  23. 目前国内史学界对人与自然关系的研究,大多从环境史、生态史入手,相比之下,我们非常有必要加强对自然与人类精神生活关系的探讨。

    At present , history field studies the relation between human and nature from the views of the environmental and ecological histories .

  24. 西辽河流域的环境史研究取得了一些成就,但总体而言比较薄弱。

    In the West Liao River Basin , some achievements of the study of environmental history has been obtained with some shorts .

  25. 环境史可以对资源保护以及环境保护主义现代社会中两种强大的政治力量的兴起提供更深刻的理解。

    It can provide a deeper understanding of the rise of conservation and environmentalism , which are powerful political forces in modern societies .

  26. 在英国的环境史研究发展进程中表现出了三个突出的特点:农业生态史与城市环境史研究并重;

    Comparing with American environmental history studies , British environmental history studies is with three characteristics : Agroecological history paralleling with urban environmental history ;

  27. 该书是先秦典籍中惟一可知确切成书年代的著作,它对于研究中国灾害史和环境史有重要的作用,书中的灾害防御思想至今仍有一定的借鉴意义。

    It plays an important part in disaster and environmental history in China , and the thought of disaster prevention draws lessons from the meaning in fact .

  28. 因此,文章的第一章将系统介绍英国环境史的产生背景、研究领域和代表人物,以便勾勒出英国环境史研究历程的大致轮廓。

    To do so , in chapter 1 , there will be a systemic introduction to British environmental history studies : their background , subfields and famous scholars .

  29. 本文是目前国内外方兴未艾的环境史与区域社会史结合起来研究的一个课题,关注生态,关注社会。

    This thesis is a topic its study combines environment history and society history in a district in the ascendant , which pays close attention to ecology and society .

  30. 认清这一问题,有助于我们更好地把握环境史研究的对象和侧重点,以推动环境史学在我国学界的发展。

    To know this clearly will help us to better understand the object and special emphasis of environmental history so as to promote its development in Chinese academic circle .