
táo cí shǐ
  • ceramic history
  1. 青花瓷是中国陶瓷史上有名的釉下彩。

    Underglaze blue is a kind of famous underglaze in Chinese ceramic history .

  2. 前言:中国有“瓷国”之称,而宋代是中国陶瓷史上的“黄金时代”。

    China is reputed as a country of porcelain , and Song Dynasty was the " golden age " in Chinese ceramic history .

  3. 中国民间陶器是中国陶瓷史中的重要篇章。

    Folk pottery is an important part of ceramics in China .

  4. 中国瓷器是中国陶瓷史上最重要的篇章。

    China 's chinaware is the most important chapter in the history of chinaware .

  5. 黑釉瓷在中国古陶瓷史上占有很重要的地位。

    Black-glazed porcelain takes an important position in the history of Chinese ancient ceramics .

  6. 然而,唐山的陶瓷史却往往被人忽略。

    However , the history of the pottery and porcelain of Tangshan is often neglected .

  7. 青花瓷的出现,在陶瓷史上具有划时代的意义。

    The emergence of blue and white porcelain is of epoch-making significance in porcelain history .

  8. 被忽略千年的潮州青瓷&兼谈潮州窑在中国陶瓷史的地位论

    Chaozhou celadon that has been neglected for one thousand Years-On the position of " chaozhou kiln " in Chinese porcelain history

  9. 李博士将提出考古证据及理论,查考中国对美国陶瓷史的影响。

    He will present supporting archaeological evidence including tantalizing theories about the Chinese influence on the development of Native American ceramics .

  10. 釉下彩的普及,釉下彩的创烧,为长沙铜官窑在中国陶瓷史上留下浓墨重彩的一页。

    The first burning and popularity of the underglaze colour made the Changsha Kiln very important in China 's history of porcelain .

  11. 它的成功烧冶和跃然面世,填补了国际陶瓷史上的空白。

    It is the successful firing and going on the market of this ceramic that filled the gap of international ceramics history .

  12. 龙泉青瓷有1600多年的历史,是中国陶瓷史上烧制年代最长、窑址分布最广、生产规模和外销范围最大的青瓷历史名窑,具有很高的研究和继承价值。

    Longquan Celadon , with 1600 years history , is the longest and largest kiln family in the Chinese kiln history , which is worth researching and Inheriting .

  13. 明初官窑是中国制瓷史上的巅峰,关于明初官窑的研究是中国陶瓷史的难点之一。

    Guan Kiln of Early Ming dynasty reaches the summit in the history of Chinese ceramics , and the research of it remains one of the most difficult problems .

  14. 这是一个里程碑式的转变,无论对于中国陶瓷史、中国绘画史以及中外交流史,其意义是深远的,其贡献是巨大的。

    It was a milestone-like transformation in the history of Chinese ceramics , Chinese painting as well as Sino-international exchange . Its significance is profound and its contribution is enormous .

  15. 在中国陶瓷史上,唐代长沙窑与宋代磁州窑的釉下彩绘,均为其发展开创过新纪元时代。

    The technology of underglaze enamel from Changsha kiln in the Tang Dynasty and Cizhou Kiln in the Song Dynasty initiated new eras for their development in Chinese ceramic history .

  16. 这批实物资料填补了宋金之际陶瓷史的一项空白,在中国陶瓷史的研究中具有重要意义。

    The material data fill the gap of the ceramic history between Song and Jin Dynasty , moreover , they shed light on the research about the ceramic history of China .

  17. 宋代建盏文化已成为中国陶瓷史中耀眼夺目的一章,她以悠久的历史、独特的体系和辉煌的成就为中国陶瓷艺术做出了重要的贡献。

    Jian Teacup Culture has become a splendid chapter in Chinese ceramics history , with its long history , unique system and brilliant achievement Jian Teacup culture has made great contribution to Chinese ceramic art .

  18. 清代是中国陶瓷史上百花齐放的一个重要时期,这一时期融合了前面各朝各代瓷器的艺术风格为己所用,是一个瓷器生产集大成的时代。

    Chinese ceramics in the history of the Qing Dynasty is the flourishing of an important period , this period toward a combination of the preceding generations of porcelain art style for their own use , is a culmination of the era of porcelain production .

  19. 从工艺制作角度总结中国近万年陶瓷史,分别以唐三彩陶瓷、元代青花瓷古彩、粉彩陶瓷装饰以及斗彩等作为代表进行分析鉴赏。

    A summary is made to the developing history of ancient chinese ceramics from technological point of view , such as " tang san cai " ware ," blue and white " ware ," gu cai " and " fen cai ", and " dou cai " .

  20. 低温釉陶是我国陶瓷发展史上一项重要成果。

    Low-temperature glazed pottery is an important outcome in the development of pottery history .

  21. 在中国陶瓷发展史上,龙泉青瓷后来居上,超越群伦,创造了青瓷的高峰。

    In the history of Chinese ceramics , Longquan celadon have created the most glorious period of celadon .

  22. 我国具有辉煌的陶瓷生产史,陶瓷文化是中华历史文化的一个重要组成部分。

    Our country had a glorious ceramic production history , and the ceramic culture is also an important part of Chinese history and culture .

  23. 堆塑罐是一种专为亡灵制作的明器,是我国陶瓷发展史和宗教信仰的重要物证。

    Duisu vase , a special sacrifice vessel for the dead , was the important object evidence of Chinese ceramic development history and religion .

  24. 唐朝是中国陶瓷发展史上一个空前兴盛的时期,出现各种著名瓷窑.生产出各具特色的高质量陶瓷制品。

    The Tang dynasty marked a period in Chinese porcelain , when many famous kilns were set up and high-quality ceramics with distinctive features began to be produced .

  25. 从我国陶瓷发展史来看,一般是把陶瓷这个名词分为陶和瓷两大种类。

    From the development history of ceramics in China , generally speaking , we can divide the word " ceramic " into two major types : pottery and porcelain .

  26. 虽然,中国青瓷与高丽青瓷在世界陶瓷发展史上具有重要的历史地位,而且两国唇齿相依,但是对于两国青瓷文化的比较研究很少。

    Chinese and Korean celadon have got the important position in the history of ceramics and they are very closely related . But there are few studies focusing on comparison of celadon between these two countries .

  27. 纵观景德镇的历史,就是一部以陶瓷发展史为主题的历史,其瓷都地位和社会影响足以表明陶瓷在历史上对景德镇的巨大贡献。

    Throughout the history of Jingdezhen is a theme in the history of the development of historical ceramics , porcelain and social status are sufficient to demonstrate the impact on the history of ceramics in Jingdezhen tremendous contribution .

  28. 回顾整个陶瓷发展史,我们可以看到,推动陶瓷发展的首要因素是生活水平的提高,然后是科学技术和工艺技巧的进步。

    Seen from the history of ceramic , we can easily find that a gradual increase of living standard is the primary factor of promoting the development of ceramic , secondly is the progress in science and technology .

  29. 简论中国古代陶瓷科技发展史

    Brief Discussion on the History of Science and Technology of Ancient Chinese Ceramics

  30. 本文将中国陶瓷饰纹史分为三大阶段,基本依据是饰纹体系与其他体系间的关系,以及文化的发展使之体现出来的整体共性。

    The quality of patterns and the rule of ornament 's history on the chinaware will be discussed through dividing the history into three phases according its culture trait .