
  1. 王琛7岁时便就开始学习围棋。

    Wang began studying weiqi when he was 7 years old .

  2. 但是王琛也承认自己和同学没什么共同语言。

    But Wang admits he has little in common with his classmates .

  3. 这让王琛倍感压力。

    It was a great source of pressure for Wang .

  4. 王琛比大多数同龄人都要忙。

    Wang is busier than most of his peers .

  5. 现在,王琛将下围棋看作是自己的一门爱好。

    Wang now sees playing weiqi as a hobby .

  6. 王琛说,他的下一个计划就是在校内向同学推广围棋。

    Wang says his next project is to promote weiqi among his peers on campus .

  7. 王琛用所得的奖金,支付了在校期间的所有学费和个人开销。

    With awards from contests , Wang covers his expenses and tuition fees all by himself .

  8. 围棋这门爱好不仅为王琛带来成就感,同时也让他学会独立。

    What this hobby brings Wang is not only a sense of achievement , but also independence .

  9. 在校园里下围棋的节奏很慢,这让王琛有更多的时间探索技巧。

    The tempo of playing weiqi on campus was slow , which gave Wang more time to explore his skills .

  10. 王琛说:我很了解自己的对手,我们水平相当。但比赛结果仍让我感到意外。

    I was familiar with my opponent and we were equally matched , but I was still surprised about the result .

  11. 王琛说:在连续九年冲段失败后,最终我选择了放弃。后来我上了大学,成了一名业余围棋选手。

    I failed for nine years , and then I gave up . I entered university and became an amateur player , says Wang .

  12. 尽管与喧嚣的操场相比,这种场景看上去有些乏味,但是王琛和伙伴们却很喜欢进行这种高强度的脑力劳动。

    Compared with the busy sports ground , it seems a bit dull , but Wang and his peers enjoy an intense brain workout .

  13. 许多学生都热衷于电脑游戏和户外运动,而20岁的王琛却喜欢和同伴们坐在空荡荡的教室下围棋。

    While many students are hot on playing computer games or exercising outside , Wang Chen , 20 , prefers sitting quietly in an empty classroom with his peers .

  14. 王琛是一名来自上海财经大学经济新闻系的大三学生。作为一名围棋业余爱好者,他已经达到了业余7段——这已是业余围棋选手的最高段位。

    Wang , a junior majoring in economic news at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics , is an amateur seventh-degree master player - the highest degree amateur players can attain .

  15. 在今年7月在上海举办的2013世界大学生围棋邀请赛中,王琛一举夺冠。该赛事云集了来自全球54所高校的选手,其中包括哈佛大学和麻省理工学院。

    This July , he won the International University WEICHI Tournament 2013 in Shanghai , which saw competitors from 54 universities around the world , including Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology .