
  • King of King;Ace of Aces
  1. 在真空度为0.08MPa下,在调味液中加入0.13g/L的杀泡王中王能够很好地消除发泡现象;

    The foam could be well removed by adding 0.13g " the best remover of foam " to 1L sauce solution in the vacuum of 0.08MPa ;

  2. 牙尖帮,脆软尝,休闲美食王中王。

    Dental cusp gang Tastes softly crisply Leisure good food Wang Zhongwang .

  3. 他们赋予他成吉思汗的称号,意即“王中王”。

    They gave him the title Genghis Khan , which means " emperor of all emperors . "

  4. 给出满足3-王中王集合非空的一类图。

    Give out some semicomplete multipartite digraphs with no transmitters such that the set of 3 & kings-of-kings is non empty .

  5. 上世纪60年代,他开始转向商业片,主演的影片包括《狂人皮埃罗》、《筋疲力尽》、《王中王》和《新悲惨世界》等。

    He then turned to commercial films in1960s , starring in Pierrot Le Fou , A Bout de Souffle , Ace of Aces , and Les Miserables .