
  • 网络Wang Jinsong;Jing-Song Wang;Chin-sung Wang
  1. 1999年,王劲松对所谓的城市化发生了浓厚的兴趣。

    In1999 , Wang Jinsong began to take great interest in so-called urbanization .

  2. 王劲松是黑龙江人,带着一种东北人愉快而有点儿温情的语调。

    Wang Jinsong is from Heilongjian and he has a northerner 's enthusiasm and warmth .

  3. 可以说,王劲松的水墨画是他自由心性的写照。

    One could say that Wang Jinsong 's ink painting is a reflection of his love of freedom .

  4. 我将提及两个人物,这在我看来是对王劲松的艺术发展有潜在的影响。

    I would like to mention two people who I believe have subconsciously affected Wang Jinsong 's artistic development .

  5. 相反25岁时,亨利在中国当代艺术区指导画廊,当代艺术区展示像著名摄影师王劲松这类艺术家的作品。

    Instead , at 25 years old , Henri Benaim is directing a gallery in China 's contemporary art district , showcasing the likes of the famous photographer Wang Jinsong .