
  • 网络Saorge
  1. Michigan的失业率居全国最高位。

    Michigan has the nation 's highest unemployment rate .

  2. 本组资料恶性肿瘤合并PE发病率居前三位的分别是肺癌(32.1%)、膀胱癌(10.7%)和多发性骨髓瘤(10.7%),占第一位的肺癌其病理类型以腺癌最多见。

    Malignant tumors complicated with PE incidence is ranked in the top three were lung cancer ( 32.1 % ), bladder cancer ( 10.7 % ) and multiple myeloma ( 10.7 % ), the first of the histologic types of lung carcinoma is adenocarcinoma .

  3. 结果:涉及ADR的药物共有175个品种,其中抗感染药的发生率居首位,其次为抗肿瘤药、心脑血管用药,中药制剂也较多。

    Result : Among 175 kinds of drugs inducing adverse drug reactions , the occurrence of anti infective agents was the first , antineoplastic agents the second , and cardiovascular and traditional chinese drugs induced ADRs very often , too .

  4. 5个单项功能中损害率居前3位的是躯体健康、经济维持能力和日常活动能力(ADL),损害率分别为41.0%、35.4%、15.4%。

    Among the five dimensions of functioning , the prevalence of the aged impaired with physical health , economic resources and ability of daily living ( ADL ) were the leading three . Their prevalence was 41.0 % , 35.4 % and 15.4 % respectively .

  5. 印度某些癌症发病率居世界之首

    India has some of the highest cancer rates in the world

  6. 我国宫颈癌发病率居世界第二位。

    Our incidence of cervical cancer ranks second in the world .

  7. 其主导产品液力耦合器市场占有率居全行业第一。

    Its leading products hydraulic coupler industry-wide market share of home first .

  8. 注射剂发生率居首位,占86.90%。

    Injections topped in incidence rate with 86.90 % .

  9. 我国农村妇女平均每年自杀死亡人数是1732万,农村妇女这一社会群体自杀率居我国首位。

    The average annual suicidal death toll of rural women in our country is 173 ?

  10. 结果主动脉缩窄的尸检检出率居婴幼儿致死性先天性心血管畸形(先心病)的首位。

    Results The incidence of aortic coarctation was the first fetal cardiovascular malformation in infantile autopsy .

  11. 背景与目的:胃癌在我国的发病率居全国首位,是一种常见的恶性肿瘤之一。

    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE : Gastric cancer is a common malignancy , the incidence of which ranks first in China .

  12. 目的:宫颈癌患病率居妇科恶性肿瘤的第一位,早期手术是宫颈癌主要的治疗方法。

    Objective : Cervical cancer was first in gynecological Malignant tumors and early surgery was the main method of treatment for cervical cancer .

  13. 粘液表皮样癌约占涎腺恶性肿瘤的30%左右,发病率居涎腺恶性肿瘤首位,是涎腺最常见的恶性肿瘤。

    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma ( MEC ), constituting approximately 30 % of salivary gland carcinomas , is the most frequently encountered malignant salivary neoplasm .

  14. 先天性巨结肠在先天性畸形中发病率居第二位,平均每5000个成活新生儿中发生1例。

    The incidence of Hirschsprung 's disease is 1 / 5000 births which is second morbidity in total congenital malformation disease in the world .

  15. 英国儿童肥胖率居欧洲首位,25%的年轻人肥胖或者超重。

    The UK has the highest rate of childhood obesity in Europe with 25 % of young people being classified as obese or overweight .

  16. 宫颈癌是常见的妇科恶性肿瘤之一,发病率居全球女性恶性肿瘤第二位,仅次于乳腺癌。

    Cervical carcinoma is one of the most common malignant tumors with the second highest morbidity ranked only lower to breast cancer in women .

  17. 美国高校辍学率居工业国家之冠,仅有不足1/10的低收入学生能从大学毕业。

    We have one of the highest dropout rates of any industrialized nation , and barely one-tenth of our low-income students will graduate from college .

  18. 英国的肥胖率居20个欧盟国之首,有四分的人口会过于肥胖而早早坟墓。

    The UK comes top out of20 European Union nations , with almost one in four people so fat they could face an early grave .

  19. 然而,自19世纪中期以来,美国的谋杀率居所有西方民主国家的最高位。

    Still , murder rates in the United States have generally been among the highest among Western democracies since the middle of the nineteenth century .

  20. 不仅在国内市场占有率居优势地位,而且走出国门,在国际市场上占有了一席之地。

    These enterprises have occupied not only the advantage position in the share of the home market , but also a space in international market .

  21. 台湾的人口出生率居全世界最低行列,正面临人口的快速老龄化,缺乏年轻的劳动力来支撑社会发展。

    With one of the world 's lowest birth rates , Taiwan faces the prospect of a rapidly aging population without a young workforce to support it .

  22. 背景概述:在当前,从全球上看,大肠癌的发病率居第三位,仅次于月市癌和胃癌。

    Objective : At present , from a global point of view , the incidence of colorectal cancer ranks third , behind only lung cancer and gastric cancer .

  23. 这个北非国家的平均每住宅单元居住率居世界前列。许多阿尔及利亚人抱怨,他们买不起房、租不起房。

    The north African country has one of the world 's highest occupancy rates per housing unit and many Algerians complain that they cannot afford to rent or buy .

  24. 结果在各种肾脏疾病中,医院感染率居前3位者分别为肾病综合征39.16%,狼疮性肾炎33.93%,慢性肾炎27.91%;

    Results The top three NI rates were in patients with nephrotic syndrome ( 39.16 % ), lupus nephritis ( 33.93 % ) and chronic glomerulonephritis ( 27.91 % ) .

  25. 颅脑火器伤作为严重的开放性颅脑损伤,死残率居全身各部位伤中的首位。

    Craniocerebral missile wound ( CMW ) is a kind of serious open brain injury , of which mortality rate is higher than that due to injuries of other parts .

  26. 宫颈癌是常见的妇科肿瘤之一,发病率居妇科肿瘤之首。世界范围内每年大约有50万左右的宫颈癌新发病例,其中80%以上的病例发生在发展中国家。

    Cervical cancer is the first commonest gynecologic malignance in the world with 50,000 cases diagnosed annually , among which more than 80 % cases occurred in the developing country .

  27. 除底特律外,犯罪率居前列的大城市还包括马里兰的巴尔的摩、田纳西州的孟菲斯、华盛顿和费城。

    Detroit , Michigan had the worst crime rate among big cities , according to the report , followed by Baltimore , Maryland ; Memphis , Tennessee ; Washington D.C.and Philadelphia .

  28. 研究背景、目的卵巢癌发病率居女性生殖系统恶性肿瘤的第三位,近年呈上升趋势,死亡率居首位。

    Objective : The incidence of ovarian cancer is the third in the female reproductive system malignancies , and this trend is rising recently . The mortality is in the first place .

  29. 3疾病负担2006年甘肃省乙脑死亡率在27种法定甲、乙类传染病中居第3位,病死率居第1位。

    In 2006 , among the 27 identified A and B infectious disease in Gansu Province , JE mortality rate was at the top 3 , fatality rate was at first place .

  30. 不吃早餐是胃癌发病的危险因素,胃癌是我国常见的恶性肿瘤之一,在我国其发病率居各类肿瘤的首位。

    Skipping breakfast is a risk factor for gastric cancer , which is one of the most common malignant tumors in China with an incidence rate higher than various other types of tumors .