
  • 网络FPV;Panleukopenia;cat flu;Feline Panleukopenia
  1. 一名志愿者表示,有四只猫狗死亡,另有十几只被诊断患有瘟热和猫瘟等疾病。中通回应

    A volunteer said four dogs and cats were found dead , and more than a dozen were diagnosed with diseases including distemper and cat plague .

  2. 猫细小病毒分离鉴定及马抗猫瘟特异性IgG制备、检测和治疗效果研究

    Isolation and Identification of Feline Panleukopenia Virus Strain and Study on Preparation , Detection , and Effectiveness Examination of Specific Horse Anti-FPV IgG

  3. 猫细小核糖核酸病毒全面杀灭空气中和物品表面包括犬瘟热病毒、犬细小病毒、猫瘟热病毒在内的各种病原。

    Killing various pathogen in the air and object surface including canine distemper virus , canine parvovirus , cat distemper virus , etc.