
  1. 这种游戏就叫“躲猫猫”。

    This game is called " peekaboo " .

  2. 躲猫猫并不仅仅是玩笑,还帮助孩子反复试验存在规律这一根本原理:即使你没看到物体,它仍旧在你周围。

    The game isn 't just a joke , but helps babies test and re-test a fundamental principle of existence : that things stick around even when you can 't see them .

  3. 拜托Charlie闭着眼睛都能玩躲猫猫

    Come on , Charlie can play peek-a-boo with her eyes closed .

  4. 你知道吗TaylorSwift用你所演的人物命名了她的小猫猫我听说了

    Did you know that by the way that Taylor Swift named her Kitty cat after your character . I heard that .

  5. 这只被救猫的主人是马特·泰奥弗(MattTaghioff),来自肯特贝肯汉姆。猫猫目前已经虏获了上万粉丝,大家都喜欢她的震惊脸。

    The rescue kitten - who lives with owner Matt Taghioff in Beckenham , Kent - has amassed thousands of followers who enjoy her startled look .

  6. 这只14岁名叫查理的猫猫被Southampton动物拯救中心的工作人员戏称为伏地猫,他的耳朵尖尖和鼻子被摘除了,防止流浪在外日晒多年引发的皮肤癌转移。

    The cat , Charlie , 14 , was dubbed Voldermog by staff at a Southampton rescue centre because his ear tips and nose were removed after sunburn caused skin cancer to develop .

  7. 想想Penelope的情况吧(或是Zeus或Lilly,或是其它的许多猫猫狗狗,喜爱它们的主人正在起诉宠物食品公司,这些公司涉嫌向他们出售被来自中国的有毒物质污染了的食物)。

    Consider the case of Penelope ( or Zeus or Lilly or the host of other tabbies and mutts whose loving owners are suing pet food companies that allegedly sold them food tainted with poisons imported from China ) .

  8. 通过模仿猫猫的喵喵叫来与他建立亲密的关系。

    Create greater intimacy with your cat by mimicking his meows .

  9. 这些日子猫猫总是和灰熊一起进食。

    These days , cat eats with Griz all the time .

  10. 太可爱了,让我想起以前养过的猫猫。

    How cute ! It reminded me of my previous cats .

  11. 当然这两年就是玩躲猫猫的最佳时间。

    And of course those two years are prime peekaboo time .

  12. 学会看猫猫的尾巴。

    Step 5 : Learn how to read your cat 's tail .

  13. 布偶猫猫有不同的颜色和花色类型。

    Ragdoll cats come in a variety of different colors and patterns .

  14. 原来是救我家猫猫的小姑娘

    Why , it 's the IittIe girI who saved my cat .

  15. 有一天我的猫猫对我说我爱�

    The other day , my cat Charlie said I love you .

  16. 随便举个例子他是个玩躲猫猫的绝顶高手

    Well , for one thing he 's a stud at peek-a-boo .

  17. 亲爱的,想和你一起,收养一只流浪的小猫猫。

    My Sweetheart , let 's keep a poor little cat together .

  18. 泰加能和猫猫狗西城绿锦狗和睦相处吗?

    Can tegus get along with other pets like dogs or cats ?

  19. 再见,躲猫猫。

    I 'll see ya , Bo-peep . Will : Fuck you .

  20. 待家的猫猫等待您的探访。

    Our cats waiting for homes will be there for your visit .

  21. 我就跟他躲猫猫。

    I just did a little Peekaboo With him .

  22. 勇敢的猫猫冒险进入了未知的领地!

    The brave cat ventures forth into uncharted territory !

  23. 一群伟大的科学家去世后在天堂里玩藏猫猫。

    A bunch of great , DEAD scientists were playing hide-and-seek in heaven .

  24. 米老鼠和加菲猫猫让孩子们思考和想象,起了积极作用。

    Micky Mouse and Garfield the Cat make children think and imagine actively .

  25. 因此,为了你的身心健康,请您领养一只猫猫?

    Therefore , in order for your health , please adopt a cat ?

  26. 我喜欢和他玩躲猫猫。

    I like to play peek-a-boo with him .

  27. 这些猫猫狗狗打得不可开交!

    These cats and dogs are fighting like ...

  28. 我觉得它是我最爱的一只猫猫。

    I think it is my favourite cat .

  29. 你想知道猫猫平时都去哪里玩嘛?

    Ever wonder what the cat gets up to when you let it out ?

  30. 不过猫猫似乎并不介意这些。

    But cat doesn 't seem to mind .