
  • 网络Independent Counsel
  1. 独立检察官负责调查该政治丑闻事件。

    The independent counsel is in charge of the investigation of the political scandal .

  2. 研究美国独立检察官制度,可以使我们更深刻、更全面的理解美国社会的历史及其政治运作过程。

    The study of Independent Counsel System could help us to understand the history of America and its political process more fully and deeply .

  3. 独立检察官受命调查这件事还要多长时间?

    How much longer does the independent prosecutor have a mandate to pursue this investigation ?

  4. 主管检察和调查助理秘书长一位独立检察官正在调查这件案子。

    Assistant Secretary-General for Inspections and Investigations A special prosecutor is investigating the case .

  5. 布什说,哥伦比亚总统乌里韦已经在着手解决上述问题。他正在解散数千个准军事组织,并提名独立检察官处理有关工会领导人受到袭击的案子。

    Mr. Bush says Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has addressed those issues by demobilizing thousands of paramilitary units and naming an independent prosecutor to pursue cases involving attacks against labor leaders .

  6. 自2013年以来,纽约州参议员基尔斯滕·吉利布兰德每年都会提出立法,将起诉包括性犯罪在内的重大军事犯罪的决定从指挥官手中转移到独立检察官手中。

    Every year since 2013 , Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York has introduced legislation to move the decision to prosecute major military crimes , including sex crimes , out of the hands of commanders and into those of independent prosecutors .

  7. 30多年来,洛丽塔证明了她是一位严厉、公平、独立的检察官。

    For 30 years , Loretta has distinguished herself as a tough , fair , and independent attorney .

  8. 德、法等大陆法系国家的刑事诉讼法中,被害人一般具有当事人的地位,法律明确规定了被害人所享有的诉讼权利。在德国,被害人具有独立于检察官的上诉权。

    In Continental Laws , victims are considered to be a party in the litigation , which enjoys exclusive rights of appeal other than the persecutors .

  9. 检察权的独立性有外部独立与内部独立两个方面,内部独立涉及检察官与检察长之间的关系。

    The independence of procuratorial power has two aspects of exterior and interior and interior independence relates to the relation between chief procurator and the prosecutors .

  10. 检察权独立的内容是丰富的,包括检察权独立、检察机关独立、检察官独立和检察责任独立。

    Independent content of procuratorial powers is rich , including prosecutorial independence , the procuratorial organs independence , the independence of the Prosecutor and the Public Prosecutor 's responsibility independence .