
tè dìnɡ huò wù
  • specific goods
  1. 在不附条件的特定货物买卖合同中,如果货物处于可交付状态,则合同一经订立,财产权即转移给买方。

    Where there is an unconditional contract for the sale of specific goods in a deliverable state , the property in the goods passes to the buyer when the contract is made .

  2. 一种贸易机制,规定发展中国家在特定货物上可付较低的关税而不需向OECD返还优待。这是GATT惯例所允许的。

    A trading system in which developing countries pay lower tariffs on certain products without having to return the favor to OECD countries , which is permitted under GATT rules .

  3. 任何对特定货物享有保险权益的人应该能出示相关的海运货物保险凭据。特定物是存在的,在货物买卖合同定立时可被确认为合同标的物的货物。

    Anyone having an insurable interest in a shipment may take out ocean cargo insurance . Specific goods are goods that are in existence , able to be identified and agreed upon at the time the contract is made as being the goods that are the subject of the contract .

  4. CPI是一个典型城市居民消费一个特定清单货物和服务的花费。

    The CPI is the cost of a given list of goods and services consumed by a typical urban dweller .

  5. 他们发放的贷款,以商人的理解,如果一个特定的装运货物在海上失踪,贷款并没有偿还。

    They granted loans to merchants with the understanding that if a particular shipment of goods was lost at sea , the loan didn 't have to be repaid .

  6. 检测策略的设计具有很强的对象性和应用性,针对于特定的危险货物,需要设计针对特定检测对象的检测量和检测策略,是完成整个监测系统的基础环节。

    Design for detecting strategy has dramatic objectivity and applicability . Thus based on specific dangerous goods , it is necessary to design specific detection objects and detection strategy . Detection strategy is the basic and important step of the monitoring system .

  7. 特定减免税进口货物的监管年限由海关总署规定。

    Period of supervision of special goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction will be specified by the Customs General Administration .

  8. 货物的特定化是国际货物买卖的一个重要环节,同时也会对买卖双方的权利和义务产生重要影响。

    Specification is very important to international sales of goods , meanwhile , it also exerts a great influence on the rights of the buyer and the seller .

  9. 因保险标的转让而变更保险合同有一种特定情况,就是货物运输保险合同的保险标的转让,保险合同自动变更。

    Because of the cession of insurance mark modificatory insurance contract has a kind of specific case , of the insurance mark that is freightage insurance contract make over , insurance contract is changed automatically .