
kōnɡ qì zhì dònɡ jī
  • air brake
  1. DF(4B)型机车空气制动机故障防治措施

    Precaution of the trouble for DF_ ( 4B ) locomotive air brake

  2. 本文论述了Windows操作系统下JZ-7空气制动机教学软件的实现过程。

    This thesis specifies the procession of realizing the CAI system of JZ-7 air brake under Windows Operation System .

  3. JZ-7型空气制动机自动制动作用初探

    A preliminary study of automatic brake action for JZ-7 air brakes

  4. 大型养路机械YZ-1型空气制动机的研制

    Development of YZ-1 air brake for large-size track maintenance machinery

  5. JZ-7型空气制动机自动制动阀常见故障的原因与处理

    JZ-7 Model Air Brake of Automatic Brake Valve Common Breakdown and Processing Means

  6. JZ-7型空气制动机作用阀故障的原因分析与防止办法

    Reason analysis of the trouble with JZ-7 air brake application valve and its precautions

  7. SPZ-200型配碴整形车的空气制动机改进

    An improvement on the air brake for SPZ-200 type ballast regulator

  8. 为了保证地铁建设速度和安全可靠运营,应选择牵引力适当、消音性能和净化性能俱佳、专业厂家生产、装用JZ-7型空气制动机的液力传动内燃机车。

    The hydraulic diesel locomotive with JZ 7 air brake produced by specialized factories should be chosen , because it has suitable traction force and good performances of purification and noise elimination .

  9. 分析了SPZ-200型配碴整形车的空气制动机失控原因,对空气制动机进行了改进,详述了紧急作用旁路系统的管路及自动控制电路。

    This article analyses the causes of the out of control of air brakes used in SPZ-200 type ballast regulator and outlines the measures to make improvements on the brakes .

  10. 空气制动机在高原环境下的运用特性分析

    Utilization Characteristic Analysis on Pneumatic Brake Equipment under Plateau Environment

  11. 浅谈直通空气制动机在动车组上的应用

    Application of straight air brake to MU

  12. 电力机车空气制动机分配阀国产化改造可行性分析

    Feasibility Study on Domestic Production of Distributing Valve of Air Brake of 8G Electric Locomotive

  13. 自动直通空气制动机自动与直通联合制动机

    Combined automatic and straight air brake

  14. 电力机车过电分相电气过程的机理分析电动机牵引车辆的空气制动机

    The Analyse on the Course of Electric Motive Passing Though Phase Separation ; traction air brake

  15. 高炉用冷风放风阀本文推导了空气制动机中的一种紧急放风阀的数学模型。

    A mathematical model for a type of emergency vent valves used in airbrakes is derived in this paper .

  16. 基于微机技术开发研究新型的电控空气制动机是解决传统长大货物列车制动系统问题的有效途径。

    Using ECP braking system is the way to resolve problems of our traditional braking system of long heavy haul freight trains .

  17. 针对120-1空气制动机的故障特点,本文利用故障树分析法结合逻辑编码的方式建立知识规则集。

    In view of120-1 air brake fault characteristics , it used fault tree analytic method union logic code way to establish knowledge rule-set .

  18. 本实用新型主要用于铁道机车车辆空气制动机输送压缩空气和传递制动操作信号。

    The utility model is mainly used in the railway locomotives air brakes to transport compressed air and transfer the brake operation signal .

  19. 为了提高内燃机车空气制动机不确定性故障诊断的效率,提出基于贝叶斯网络的故障诊断模型。

    In order to enhance fault diagnosis efficiency for diesel locomotive air brake system with uncertain fault , a fault diagnosis model based on Bayesian network is proposed in this paper .

  20. 空气制动机是一种复杂的气动控制系统,运行时存在大量的不确定性故障,而传统的故障诊断方法不能对大量不确定因素建立相应的数学模型,导致很难得出精确的诊断结果。

    Brake equipment is a complex pneumatic control system , there are many uncertainty in appearance of fault , traditional modeling theory and method of fault diagnosis have difficulties in describing uncertainty accurately , which leads precise diagnosis conclusion is obtained difficultly .

  21. 通过空气制动机在青藏线的地理、气候环境下的运用特性分析,研究空气制动机在高原和平原条件下的性能差异,为空气制动机在高原环境下安全运用提供参考。

    Through characteristic analysis of pneumatic brake equipment used under geography and climatic conditions of qinghai to xizang line , the performance difference of pneumatic brake equipment on plateau and plain is studied , and it provides the reference for safe utilization of the pneumatic brake equipment under plateau environment .

  22. 提出了现有自动空气电空制动机不能满足列车对冲动限制的要求。

    It is proposed that the existing automatic air electro-pneumatic brake cannot meet the requirement in terms of impulsion limit .

  23. 空气-真空两用制动机空气压缩机自动控制

    Combined compressed-air and vacuum brakes air compressor auto-control

  24. 空气-真空两用制动机

    Combined compressed-air and vacuum brakes

  25. 通过一维纵向动力学分析,指出电控空气制动货物列车在制动距离、车钩力等参数上较120型空气制动机货物列车优良。

    The performance of intelligent electrically controlled pneumatic brake system is superior to traditional 120 type brake device in brake distance and coupler force .