
tè dà xínɡ qǐ yè
  • extra large enterprise
  1. 大庆油田是成立于计划经济时代的国家特大型企业,在几十年艰苦创业过程中,形成了具有强烈时代背景的优秀文化。

    Daqing oilfield is an extra large enterprise which founded in the planned economy times . During the several ten years of starting a hard undertaking , an excellent culture with a strong time background comes into being .

  2. 这一模型在大庆油田这样的特大型企业的多专业、多学科的集成中得到应用,实现了各种油田业务与GIS空间对象以及用户的真正集成。

    This integration frame has been applied to Daqing Oil Field , which resolves applications integration among multi-discipline and multi-business .

  3. Z市电力公司是隶属于W省电力公司的国有特大型企业。

    Z City Electricity Company is a branch of Electricity Company of W Province , which is a typical state enterprise .

  4. 面向石化领域的B2B电子商务活动中涉及多家大型和特大型企业之间的分布式异构数据交换。

    In petrol chemistry-oriented E-commerce ( B2B ), there are so many data interchanges between distributed heterogeneous databases .

  5. 进入21世纪以来,特别是中国加入WTO以来,国有特大型企业如何在全球性的竞争中求得生存并发展自己,已成为最具挑战性的问题。

    Since 21 century , especially for China entry into WTO , it is becoming the most challenging and key issue that how to strive to live and make a development in the global competition for the large scale state enterprises .

  6. 它以其整体实力跨入全国500家大型、特大型企业的第七名。

    It is the7th when with its integral actual strength crosses enterprise of500 large , oversize of countrywide .

  7. 我国的大型或特大型企业是国民经济的支柱企业。

    All large or super huge enterprises in our country are state-owned business , and they are mainstays of national economy .

  8. 该法案还将设立一个机构,专门鉴定并监管一些特大型企业,这些企业如果倒闭可能会威胁到国家经济。

    And it would create a group to identify and regulate companies that are so big , their failure could threaten the economy .

  9. 武钢作为特大型企业,应加强电力和能源的规划和发展,以期实现安全和低成本用电。

    As super-huge enterprise , WISCO should strengthen the plan and development of the electricity and energy to reduce the cost of electricity .

  10. 平顶山煤业集团是国内煤炭特大型企业,随着信息化的逐步深入,原有的企业数据中心已不能再承载企业的信息化应用。

    Pingdingshan Coal Group is an oversized domestic coal enterprise . With the informationization gradually deepening , the original data centers can no longer meet the demand for enterprise information application .

  11. 国家对这些企业债转股突出了三个重点:解决在国民经济发展中起举足轻重作用的大型和特大型企业的问题;

    Our country stand out three keystone within these enterprises in doing the job , they are : solve the problem of the big enterprises that have importance impact on our economics ;

  12. 锦西石化分公司是隶属于中国石油的国有特大型企业,在过去的几年里进行了一些改革和重组,但企业的组织机构仍很庞大,需要进一步调整和规范。

    In the past few years , a number of reforms and restructuring has been carried out , but it is still a large business organization , need to be regulated and standardized .

  13. 事实上,西方的现代企业制度是在十九世纪经理革命之后逐步建立起来的,没有经理革命,支撑今天西方经济的大型、特大型企业也就不可能出现。

    In fact , western modern enterprise system is founded gradually after " manager revolution " in 19 century , without " manager revolution ", the large enterprises , supporting current western economic , can 't emergence .

  14. 吸收利用外资改组、改造国有企业特别是国有特大型企业,对于解决国有企业发展资金,盘活存量资产,实现产权多元化,建立现代企业制度具有十分重要的作用。

    To reform the state-owned enterprises , especially the massive state-owned enterprises , and to gain the funds for development , to thaw the frozen capitals , and to build the modern enterprise institution , using foreign capital is an important approach .

  15. 概述了重型机械制造企业的现状和在国民经济中的地位与作用,重点提出了大型、特大型企业存在的问题以及2010年前的发展思路与建议。

    This thesis describes the present situation of the heavy machinery manufacturers in China and their positions and functions in the national economy , specially shows the existing problems of the large and super-large manufacturers , puts the thinking and proposal for the development before the year of 2010 .

  16. 华锡集团有限责任公司是国家有色金属行业特大型企业,华锡集团以产锡为主,综合回收铟、铅、锑、锌、银、镉、铋等多种金属。

    Huaxi Group Ltd. is a large-scaled enterprise in the national nonferrous metal industry . The main product of Huaxi is tin . Meanwhile , the company also reclaim quantity of kinds of metal such as indium , plumbum , stibonium , zincum , argentum , cadmium , bismuth .

  17. W钢铁公司是华中地区国有特大型钢铁企业。

    W Iron and Steel Company is a state-owned large-scale iron and steel enterprise in Central China .

  18. 包钢年消耗能源高达500万tce,是一特大型耗能企业,节能降耗工作显得尤为重要。

    The energy consumption is over 5 million tons of standard coal in BISCO , it is an especially big enterprise of energy consumption , so the work on energy saving and reducing consumption is absolutely important .

  19. 特大型油田企业可持续发展的对策及建议

    The Countermeasures and Proposals for Sustainable Development of Supergiant Oilfield Enterprises

  20. 特大型供电企业配电网生产运行管理制度群研究

    Study of Production Operation Management System Group for Ultra Big Power Supply Enterprises

  21. 作为特大型国有企业,原来的激励机制在一定程度上阻碍了企业的发展,构建适应现代企业新体制的激励机制是企业激活人力之本。

    As a large state-owned enterprises , the original incentive mechanism in a certain extent , hampered the development of enterprise .

  22. 基本责任是所有国有企业都必须自觉履行的社会责任,延伸责任的承担则只限于大型和特大型国有企业,以及那些有能力而且愿意承担延伸责任的其他国有企业。

    State-owned enterprise must fulfill the the basic responsibility . However , only the large state-owned enterprises should undertake the extension responsibility .

  23. 在传统国有企业公司化改制过程中,很多大型、特大型国有企业选择了国有独资公司形式。

    In the course of state-owned enterprises ( SOEs ) reform , many large and super SOEs have chosen the form of solely state-owned company .

  24. 分析了企业创新的重要性,结合特大型国有企业&武钢的实际提出了企业体制创新、技术创新和管理创新的具体措施。

    This paper gives an account of institutional innovation , technological innovation and administrative innovation ever conducted in Wuhan Iron & Steel ( Group ) Corp.

  25. 电力企业作为我国特大型国有企业,无论是传统劳动人事管理还是这种管理向现代人力资源管理的转变,都具有十分重要的典型意义。

    As a giant state-owened enterprise in China , electric power enterprise is an important and meaningful example in the transform from traditional personnel management to modern HRM .

  26. 国有企业特别是特大型国有企业的改革与发展,对于我国经济体制改革和国民经济的发展,一直具有举足轻重的地位。

    State-owned enterprises , especially the large state-owned enterprises reform and development , have been a pivotal position in China 's economic reform and development of the national economy .

  27. 方法采用随机分层抽样,对辽宁省4个大、中、小城市和农村居民及2个特大型国有企业职工进行问卷调查。

    Methods The questionnaire survey was carried out in four cities , the rural residents and two especially big type state-own enterprise staff in Liaoning Province with the stochastic stratified sampling .

  28. 中国联合网络通信集团有限公司(简称中国联通)是2009年1月6日经国务院批准在原中国网通和原中国联通的基础上合并成立的国有控股的特大型电信企业。

    China United Network Communications Group Co. , Ltd (" China Unicom ") was officially established on January 6,2009 based on the merger of former China Netcom and former China Unicom .

  29. 随着业务规模的快速增长和企业精细化管理的加强,央企作为特大型集团企业,对信息化建设提出了更深层次的要求。

    With the rapid growth in business scale the strengthened meticulous management , central enterprises as a large enterprise group , requires a deeper level of the construction of the information .

  30. 集团是国家特大型航空企业,自1952年组建以来,为国防建设和民用航空工业做出了重要贡献。

    Harbin Aircraft Industry Group is an especially big national aviation enterprise and has made an important contribution to the building-up of national defence and civil aircraft industry since its establishment in 1952 .