
  • 网络Special Operations Team;MSOT;Special Action Force
  1. 而且以为特别行动队是为抓她来的。

    And thought all the SWAT teams were out there for her .

  2. 特别行动队没有军事目标。他们的任务是对付犹太人。

    The Special Action Units had no military purpose . Their mission concerned the Jews .

  3. 要了解和认识这种特别行动队,必须对这次入侵的全貌有一个简单清楚的了解。

    To place and understand these Special Action Units , one needs a brief clear picture of the invasion .

  4. 7月16日,“特别行动队”指挥官雅科夫尤罗夫斯基收到了莫斯科发来的处决令。

    On16 july , Yakov yurovsky , the commander of the " house of special purpose ", received from Moscow the order of execution .

  5. 在这次空前的峰会上,我们建立了新中心来战胜极端主义观念,发起了特别行动队来阻止对恐怖主义分子的资金支持,

    At this unprecedented summit , we opened a new center to combat extremist ideology , launched a task force to block funding for terrorists ,