
tè wu jī ɡuān
  • espionage agency
  1. 特务机关的代理人把演讲者驱逐出竞技场。

    The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater .

  2. (三镜摄影机)锁角不能胜任工作的特务机关;摄影一无是处、不合格。

    Interlocking angle an incompetent secret service ; the filming was hopeless incompetent .

  3. 我父亲曾在特务机关工作过,曼弗雷迪-圣约翰先生。

    My father was in the secret service , Mr manfredjen St john .

  4. 为什么特务机关没能保护他呢?

    How is it the secret service wasn 't able to protect him ?

  5. 不管人们怎么想的确有特务机关

    Despite what people think , we do still have a secret service .

  6. 非要我们把她送到特务机关去吗?

    Should we send her to secret service ?

  7. 日本驻大连特务机关十分关注犹太人的社团活动。

    The secret service of Japan in Dalian paid close attention to activities of Jewish mass organization .

  8. 1936年10月绥远抗战时,他任关东军百灵庙特务机关长。

    In October , 1936 during Suiyuan Anti-Japanese War , he acted as head of spy office of the Northeast Army in Bailing Temple .

  9. 在沈阳,我发现所有的报纸都是军方或其特务机关办的,只有一家报纸除外,但就是这家报纸也是拿军方和党部津贴的。

    In Mukden , I found all but one newspaper were run by the army or its secret service organs , and that one was subsidized by army and party .