
wù chǎn
  • produce;product
物产 [wù chǎn]
  • [product;produce] 出产的物品

  • 物产丰富

物产[wù chǎn]
  1. 东北地区资源丰富,物产富饶。

    The Northeast region has the abundant resource and rich products .

  2. 水果和黄金是南非的重要物产。

    Fruit and gold are important products of South Africa .

  3. 这片土地物产丰富,没有人挨饿。

    The land is bountiful and no one starves .

  4. 南乔治亚的水域生产像磷虾等鲸鱼爱吃的虾类,所以蓝鲸确实应该回到这片物产丰富的觅食地。经过50年的保护,这似乎终于成为现实。

    South Georgia 's waters teem4 with the shrimp-like krill that whales love to eat , so Blues really ought to be returning to this productive feeding ground , and after 50 years of protection this seems finally to be the case .

  5. 豪斯勒正在与ColeTaylor协商,以确保这些被收回物产的草坪得到修剪。

    Mr Hausler has been working with Cole Taylor to make sure the lawns are mown on the foreclosed properties .

  6. 以酵母自溶物为主要选择分离培养基,利用厌氧培养分离法从自然发酵的酸菜汁中分离出发酵酵母自溶物产乳酸能力强,并且产酸迅速的菌株A4;

    With yeast extract as a elective medium , using anaerobic cultivation , a strain , A4 was separated from juice of nature sour pickle which could produce lactic acid more and quickly and was identified as Lactobacillus Plantarum .

  7. 有机物产甲烷量的计算和测定

    Calculation and measurement of the amount of methane produced from organic matters

  8. 在澳门,那类型物产在徵税方面较为吸引?

    What types of Taxation will property attract in macau ?

  9. 有用在腹泻的治疗由于它的收敛性物产。

    Helpful in the treatment of diarrhea due to its astringent properties .

  10. 山西多层次的地理地貌造就了丰富的物产。

    Shanxi multi-level and the geographic landform created a rich natural resources .

  11. 它一直物产丰富,而且富有黄金。

    It had always been productive and rich in gold .

  12. 杭州的物产丰富,物流业发达,农产品、艺品、工业品丰富,名、、、产品众多。

    Products are abundant and the logistics industry is prosperous in Hangzhou .

  13. 三井物产:日本最大的综合商社

    Mitsui & co ,, ltd , the largest SOGO shosha in Japan

  14. 受过训练对物产价值作出估计的专家。

    A professional who has been trained to assess the value of property .

  15. 随机变量和概率分布一般物产;

    Random Variables and General Properties of Probability Distributions ;

  16. 每年澳门的物产有两种基本应付的税收。

    There are essentially two taxes payable annually for a property in Macau .

  17. 米是台湾的物产之一。

    Rice is one of the staples of Taiwan .

  18. 他们配合当地原有的物产去发展工业。

    They combine these advantages with their native products to develop their industry .

  19. 浙江物产集团现代物流发展战略研究

    Study on Strategy of Developing Modern Logistics of Zhejiang Materials Industry Group Corporation

  20. 我们必须承认中国是一个物产丰富的国家。

    We must admit that China has always been a nation of abundance .

  21. 属人财产被划为占有上的物产和诉讼上的物产。

    Personal property is divided into choses in possession and choses in action .

  22. 一座废弃的办公楼,是他爸爸名下的物产

    To some abandoned office building his dad owned .

  23. 物产地区分布差异大。

    These products had great difference in distribution .

  24. 玉环最著名的物产&文旦的话。

    Yuhuan 's most famous product , grapefruits .

  25. 在事件您的物产受到您接受通知将由传呼器的攻击。

    In the event your property comes under attack youll receive notification by pager .

  26. 生活垃圾焚烧副产物产生源特征

    Characteristics of by-products from municipal solid waste incinerator

  27. 应用孕妇血清标记物产前筛查胎儿唐氏综合征的初步报告

    Preliminary report of prenatal screening for down syndrome by using of maternal serum markers

  28. 总之,这里的物产十分丰富。

    In short , there 's an abundance .

  29. 变卖将物产或货物换成现金。

    To exchange holdings or goods for money .

  30. 湖南物产丰富,经济贸易源远流长。

    In Hunan , products abound and economic trade has had a long history .