- pasture;herbage;forage grass;grazing;fodder;grass

[fodder;herbage;forage grass] 供食草动物食用的青草和其他草本植物
All stock should have access to pasture during the grazing season .
Analysis and design of GIS based expert system for pasture growing management
He raises 2,000 acres of wheat and hay .
Now the nutritive value of the forage is reduced .
GIS-Based Forage Adaptability in Decision Support System of Returning Cropland Back to Grassland
Potassium can accelerate shoots ' horizontal development , make seed bigger , and elevates seed yield .
The Effect of Dairy Effluent and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soil Nitrite Leaching and N_2O Emission in the Pasture System
This report describes the principles and methods for grass production classification and yearly variation using LANDSAT TM data .
The contents of CP in Legume changed markedly at bud stage . It happened in grasses at early blooming stage .
The accumulated grass yield of the stimulated grazing conditions was significantly higher than that of no grazing conditions ( P0.01 ) . 2 .
Study of Na_2CO_3 stress on physiological straits in seeding stage of pasture plant
Compared aboveground with underground portion , the P , K , Ca , Mg , Zn and Na contents of the former are notably larger than those the latter in leguminous grasses ;
The content of WSC of grasses was higher at heading and blooming stages .
Abstract : Alfalfa ( Medicago sativa ) is the biggest for the growth area and the highest quality forage grass .
Results showed that content of 13 mineral elements in herbage grown in natural Pasture changed apparently seasonally . P content reduced from 0.12 μ g / g in summer pasture grasses to 0.04 μ g / g in early spring pasture grasses ;
Lucerne-maize intercropping improved the land utilization and output per area . For-age per hectare raised 180 pig and its benefit was 120 000 yuan RMB .
Effect of Salt Stress on Hybrid Wheatgrass & NewHy Crested Seed Germination
The similar results were obtained by seed dressing with rare earth nitrate ( 1g / 1kg ) .
By using photosynthesis meter , CO_2 source / sink relation at subalpine grassland was studied preliminarily under the condition of fencing enclosure for cultivation in July and August when pasture has the greatest amount of growth .
The experimental results showed that , the period for rotational grazing of artificially planting forages was 40 ~ 45 d.
Regrowth biomass and regrowth speed reached the climax under proper grazing intensity ( P_4 plot ), which indicated that proper grazing intensity could promote the regrowth of herbage .
The forage grass should be started to store in July and August , the storage was 2 460 kg DM / hm 2 , the amount of forage grass in stock was an important index to graze and manage .
The identification of QTLs for two closely-related aphid species will lead to a better understanding of the genetic basis of moderate resistance to aphid in plants and allow the improvement of aphid resistance in pasture crops through marker-assisted breeding .
Based on PE-mLLD , PIB and white opaque masterbatches , co-extruded CPP multilayer film with high performance for the wrap package of herbage was produced on co-extruded CPP multilayer film line .
N-alkane concentrations in the cuticular wax of seven temperate grass species were assayed by gas chromatography . One-way ANOVA was used to examine the effect of sampling time on the concentrations of individual N-alkanes in the same species .
During the growing period , fresh herbage was added or partial feed was replaced by appropriate herbage . 6 of 10 grams of feed were replaced by 100 or 150 grams of herbage respectively in reproduction period of meat type breeding duck .
Galega orientalis is an important forage introduced species , in many ways to show superior performance , but in the promotion of regional impact due to soil salinization , to a large area planted under a lot of restrictions .
For the site-herbage interface , the CVOR index was created based on formation of herbage productivity and its species distribution pattern , and was used to measure the health of Alashan grassland .
From the view of fodder production and analysis of fuzzy , the optimum model in Jingtai Desert Oasis area was oat mixed sowing with vetch and intercropping with maize , and 150 cm between rows .
The phenophase , viability of pasturage and soil water contents were measured in the trial grassland . As a result it was found that ① there was not significant effect of grazing intensity on the phenophase of pasturage ;